コード例 #1
        public static SensorBase Create(string name, params string[] fields)
            // Uniquie ID
            Guid id = Guid.NewGuid();

            // Model
            string model = fields[SensorBase._ModelFieldOffset];

            // DUT Channel Index
            int dutChannelIndex = Convert.ToInt32(fields[SensorBase._DutChannelNumberFieldOfset]) - 1;

            // Distance
            double distance = Convert.ToInt32(fields[SensorBase._DistanceFieldOffset]);

            // Extract the remaining fields to pass to the specific sensor for parsing
            string[] sensorSpecificFields = fields

            switch (model.ToLower())
            case SensorModel.os7510:
            case SensorModel.os7520:
                return(FabryPerotAccelerometer.Create(id, name, model, dutChannelIndex, distance, sensorSpecificFields));

                throw new Exception("Sensor Model/Type " + model + " is unknown");
コード例 #2
        public static SensorBase Create(byte[] configurationBytes, ref int offset)
            // First two bytes are the configuration version
            int baseConfigurationVersion = BitConverter.ToUInt16(configurationBytes, offset);

            offset += sizeof(UInt16);

            // Config ID = 1 did not have name. Name was added for #ExportSensors. Prior Name was used
            // as the key into the configuration and was not needed. Yes. I know. It was a dumb decision.
            if (baseConfigurationVersion == 2)
                // ID (GUID)
                Guid id = new Guid(configurationBytes.Skip(offset).Take(_IdSizeInBytes).ToArray());
                offset += _IdSizeInBytes;

                // Name
                int length = BitConverter.ToUInt16(configurationBytes, offset);
                offset += 2;

                string name = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(configurationBytes, offset, length);
                offset += length;

                // Next two bytes are the length of the Model string (stored at UInt16 to save space)
                length  = BitConverter.ToUInt16(configurationBytes, offset);
                offset += sizeof(UInt16);

                // Next bytes are the Model string
                string model = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(configurationBytes, offset, length);
                offset += length;

                // DUT Channel Index (stored at UInt16 to save space)
                int dutChannelIndex = BitConverter.ToUInt16(configurationBytes, offset);
                offset += sizeof(UInt16);

                // Distance
                double distance = BitConverter.ToDouble(configurationBytes, offset);
                offset += sizeof(double);

                switch (model.ToLower())
                case SensorModel.os7510:
                case SensorModel.os7520:
                    return(FabryPerotAccelerometer.Create(id, name, model, dutChannelIndex, distance,
                                                          configurationBytes, ref offset));

                    Debug.WriteLine("Sensor Model/Type " + model + " is unknown");
                    throw new ArgumentException("Sensor Model/Type " + model + " is unknown");
