コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            List<PlayerViewModel> players = new List<PlayerViewModel>();
            StockEngine engine = new YahooStockEngine();

            // Chris
            Player player = new Chris();
            Investment investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            Quote quote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);
            PlayerViewModel model = new PlayerViewModel(investment, quote, player);

            // Fiona
            player = new Fiona();
            investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            quote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);
            model = new PlayerViewModel(investment, quote, player);

            // Wilson
            player = new Wilson();
            investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            quote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);
            model = new PlayerViewModel(investment, quote, player);

            // Katherine
            player = new Katherine();
            investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            quote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);
            model = new PlayerViewModel(investment, quote, player);

            // Jon
            player = new Jon();
            investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            quote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);
            model = new PlayerViewModel(investment, quote, player);

            return View(players);
コード例 #2
        public void GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine engine = new YahooStockEngine();
            IEnumerable<string> symbols = engine.LoadSymbolsFromTextFile("aim.txt");
            string randomSymbol = engine.PickRandomSymbol(symbols);
            Quote quote = engine.LookupPrice(randomSymbol);
            decimal walletSize = 400; // £400

            Player player = new Chris();

            // Act
            engine.InitializePlayer(player, quote, walletSize);
            Quote currentQuote = engine.GetCurrentQuoteForPlayer(player.Name);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(currentQuote.Id, Is.EqualTo(quote.Id));
            Assert.That(currentQuote.Symbol, Is.EqualTo(quote.Symbol));
            Assert.That(currentQuote.LastTradePrice, Is.EqualTo(quote.LastTradePrice));
コード例 #3
        public void GetPlayerHistory()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine engine = new YahooStockEngine();
            IEnumerable<string> symbols = engine.LoadSymbolsFromTextFile("aim.txt");
            string randomSymbol = engine.PickRandomSymbol(symbols);
            decimal walletSize = 400;

            Player player = new Chris();
            Quote quote1 = engine.LookupPrice(randomSymbol);
            engine.InitializePlayer(player, quote1, walletSize);

            Quote quote2 = engine.LookupPrice(randomSymbol);
            engine.InitializePlayer(player, quote2, walletSize);

            // Act
            IEnumerable<Investment> investments = engine.GetInvestmentHistoryForPlayer(player.Name);

            // Assert
            Assert.That(investments.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));
コード例 #4
        public void InitializePlayer()
            // Arrange
            StockEngine engine = new YahooStockEngine();
            IEnumerable<string> symbols = engine.LoadSymbolsFromTextFile("aim.txt");
            string randomSymbol = engine.PickRandomSymbol(symbols);
            Quote quote = engine.LookupPrice(randomSymbol);
            decimal walletSize = 400; // £400

            Player player = new Chris();

            // Act
            engine.InitializePlayer(player, quote, walletSize);

            // Assert
            Investment investment = engine.GetCurrentInvestmentForPlayer(player.Name);
            Assert.That(investment.Symbol, Is.EqualTo(randomSymbol));
            Assert.That(investment.PlayerName, Is.EqualTo(player.GetType().Name));
            Assert.That(investment.PurchaseDate, Is.GreaterThan(DateTime.Today));
            Assert.That(investment.PurchasePrice, Is.EqualTo(quote.LastTradePrice.Value));
コード例 #5
        public void ShouldSellInvestment_Boundaries()
            // Arrange
            Investment investment1 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment2 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment3 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };

            Investment investment4 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment5 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment6 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };

            Investment investment7 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment8 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };
            Investment investment9 = new Investment() { Symbol = "", PurchasePrice = 1.0m, PurchaseDate = DateTime.Today };

            Quote highQuote1 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 1.05m };
            Quote highQuote2 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 1.06m };
            Quote highQuote3 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 3.99m };

            Quote lowQuote1 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 0.95m };
            Quote lowQuote2 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 0.49m };
            Quote lowQuote3 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 0 };

            Quote noChangeQuote1 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 0.96m };
            Quote noChangeQuote2 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = 1.04m };
            Quote noChangeQuote3 = new Quote() { Symbol = "BLAH", LastTradePrice = null };

            // Act
            Chris chris = new Chris(); // 5% change
            bool shouldSellHigh1 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(highQuote1, investment1);
            bool shouldSellHigh2 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(highQuote2, investment2);
            bool shouldSellHigh3 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(highQuote3, investment3);

            bool shouldSellLow1 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(lowQuote1, investment4);
            bool shouldSellLow2 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(lowQuote2, investment5);
            bool shouldSellLow3 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(lowQuote3, investment6);

            bool shouldSellNoChange1 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(noChangeQuote1, investment7);
            bool shouldSellNoChange2 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(noChangeQuote2, investment8);
            bool shouldSellNoChange3 = chris.ShouldSellInvestment(noChangeQuote3, investment9);

            // Assert
            Assert.True(shouldSellHigh1, "High price 1 to 1.05"); Assert.That(investment1.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.HighPrice));
            Assert.True(shouldSellHigh2, "High price 1 to 1.06"); Assert.That(investment2.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.HighPrice));
            Assert.True(shouldSellHigh3, "High price 1 to 3.99"); Assert.That(investment3.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.HighPrice));

            Assert.True(shouldSellLow1, "Low price 1 to 0.95"); Assert.That(investment4.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.LowPrice));
            Assert.True(shouldSellLow2, "Low price 1 to 0.49"); Assert.That(investment5.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.LowPrice));
            Assert.True(shouldSellLow3, "Low price 1 to 0"); Assert.That(investment6.SellReason, Is.EqualTo(SellReason.LowPrice));

            Assert.False(shouldSellNoChange1, "No change 1 to 0.96");
            Assert.False(shouldSellNoChange2, "No change 1 to 1.04");
            Assert.False(shouldSellNoChange3, "No change 1 to (null)");