private void button_login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (isAvailable()) { String phone = phone_text.Text; String pass = password_text.Text; Match m = reg.Match(phone); if (m.Success && pass.Length > 4) { if (progress == null) { var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); progress = new Progress(); progress.Owner = this; progress.Show(); req = new HttpReqest(); Task newtask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { res = req.sendAuthenticatioReqest(phone, pass, "cse"); } ).ContinueWith(_ => { progress.Close(); progress = null; if (!res.Equals("0")) { Main main = new Main(phone, pass, res); main.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(mainClose); main.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { errorDilog.setMsg("Error", "Phone or Password does't match"); errorDilog.ShowDialog(); } }, context); } else { progress.Activate(); } } else { error_label.Text = "Invalid phone or password"; } } else { errorDilog.setMsg("Error", "Internet connections are not available"); errorDilog.ShowDialog(); } }
private void spinner_dept_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (counter != 0) { if (Login.isAvailable()) { if (progress == null) { var context = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext(); progress = new Progress(); progress.Owner = this; progress.Show(); String de = spinner_dept.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower(); Console.WriteLine("Conbobox selection " + de); Task newtask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { res = req.sendAuthenticatioReqest(, this.password, de); }).ContinueWith(_ => { progress.Close(); progress = null; if (res != null && res != null) { updateTable(res); } else { errorDialog.setMsg("Error", "Failed to featched information"); errorDialog.ShowDialog(); } }, context); } else { progress.Activate(); } } else { errorDialog.setMsg("Error", "Internet connections are not available"); errorDialog.ShowDialog(); } } counter++; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Match m = reg.Match(beg_id.Text); Match m2 = reg.Match(end_id.Text); if (dept != null) { if (type != null) { if (type == "result") { name = "Final Result"; send(); } else { if (m.Success && m2.Success) { try { String[] s = (beg_id.Text).Split("-".ToCharArray()); String[] s1 = (end_id.Text).Split("-".ToCharArray()); id1 = Convert.ToInt32(s[2]); id2 = Convert.ToInt32(s1[2]);; } catch (StackOverflowException ee) {} if (id1 <= id2) { if (type == "text") { path = msg.Text; } send(); } else { errorMsg.setMsg("Error", "Ending id must be equal or greater then begnning id"); errorMsg.ShowDialog(); } } else { errorMsg.setMsg("Error", "Invalid id"); errorMsg.ShowDialog(); } } } else { errorMsg.setMsg("Error", "Select notice type"); errorMsg.ShowDialog(); } } else { errorMsg.setMsg("Error", "Select department"); errorMsg.ShowDialog(); } }