public MessageData GetData() { MessageData data = new MessageData(); AccountDetailsViewModel vm = _bank.AccountDetailsByAccountId(accountId); if (vm != null) { AccountDetailsModel model = new AccountDetailsModel(); model.accountBalance = vm.Balance; model.accountId = vm.AccountId; model.accountName = vm.AccountName; model.accountType = vm.Type; model.addBtn = vm.AddBtn; = MsgType; = "AccountDetails"; data.message = model; } return(data); }
public override int Display(Bank bank) { if (bank == null) { return(1); } string entry = String.Empty; string name = String.Empty; string acctId = Bank.InitialID; float amt = 0F; float balance = 0F; AccountType acctType = AccountType.UNINIT; Console.Write("Enter a name: "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); name = entry; while ((String.Compare(entry, "quit", true) != 0) && (String.Compare(entry, "q", true) != 0)) { Console.WriteLine("Account for {0}. Balance: [{1}]" + Environment.NewLine, name, balance); Console.WriteLine("What would you like to do? Type:"); Console.WriteLine("[o]pen - Open/Create a new account."); Console.WriteLine("[d]eposit - Deposit entered amount into an Account."); Console.WriteLine("[w]ithdraw - Withdraw entered amount from an Account."); Console.WriteLine("[b]alance - Print out the balance of an Account."); Console.WriteLine("[a]ccrue -- Accrue interest on the Account."); Console.WriteLine("[s]witch - Switch to a named Account."); Console.WriteLine("[p]rint - Print out details of an Account."); Console.WriteLine("[du]mp -- Dump details of all Accounts"); Console.WriteLine("[q]uit - Quit the program."); Console.Write("====> "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); try { switch (entry) { case "open": case "o": Console.WriteLine("Opening an Account. What Type? [s]imple, [i]nterest or [sa]vings"); string type = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Initial Deposit? "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); amt = (float)Convert.ToDouble(entry); acctId = bank.GetNewAcctId(); string cmd = "uninit"; if (type == "s") { acctType = AccountType.SIMPLE_CHECKING; cmd = "deposit"; } else if (type == "i") { acctType = AccountType.INTEREST_CHECKING; cmd = "accrue"; } else if (type == "sa") { acctType = AccountType.SAVINGS; cmd = "accrue"; } else { Console.WriteLine("Undefined action: " + type + ". Type one of [s] or [i]."); } try { balance = bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, cmd, amt, acctType, true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "deposit": case "d": Console.Write("How much do you want to deposit? "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); amt = (float)Convert.ToDouble(entry); try { balance = bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "deposit", amt); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "withdraw": case "w": Console.Write("How much do you want to withdraw? Balance: [" + balance + "] "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); amt = (float)Convert.ToDouble(entry); try { balance = bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "withdraw", amt); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "balance": case "b": try { Console.WriteLine("Balance is: " + bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "balance", amt)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "accrue": case "a": AccountDetailsViewModel details = bank.AccountDetailsByAccountId(acctId); float defaultInterest = ((details.Type == AccountType.INTEREST_CHECKING) ? bank.CheckingInterest : bank.SavingsInterest); Console.WriteLine("Accruing interest on Account: Default is {0}%", (defaultInterest * 100.0F)); Console.WriteLine("Do you want to change it? [y] or [n]"); float interest = defaultInterest; entry = Console.ReadLine(); if (entry == "y") { Console.Write("Enter a percent value: "); entry = Console.ReadLine(); interest = (float)(Convert.ToDouble(entry) / 100.0D); Console.WriteLine("Interest changed to: [{0}]", (interest * 100.0F)); } try { balance = bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "accrue", interest); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "switch": case "s": Console.Write("Enter the Account Name to Switch to: "); name = Console.ReadLine(); amt = 0; try { AccountDetailsViewModel[] vm = bank.GetDetailsByName(name); string choice = String.Empty; if (vm.Count() > 1) { Console.Write("Which Acct? "); foreach (var v in vm.Select((x, i) => new { x, i })) { Console.Write("[{0}]: {1} - {2} ; ", v.i, v.x.AccountId, v.x.Type.ToString()); } Console.Write(Environment.NewLine + "Choose One: ==> "); choice = Console.ReadLine(); } int chosenIdx = 0; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choice)) { chosenIdx = Convert.ToInt32(choice); } string id = "0"; if (vm != null) { id = vm[chosenIdx].AccountId; } acctId = id; balance = bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "balance", 0); } catch (Exception e) { balance = 0; Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } break; case "print": case "p": Console.WriteLine(bank.PerformAction(acctId, name, "print", amt)); break; case "dump": case "du": bank.DumpAccounts(); break; case "quit": case "q": Console.WriteLine("Exiting..."); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Undefined action: " + entry + ". Type one of [balance], [withdraw] or [deposit]."); break; } } catch (MethodSelector.AccountNotFoundException ae) { Console.WriteLine(ae.Message); balance = 0; } catch (MethodSelector.BankingException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); Console.WriteLine("Open an Account by Typing \'open\'"); } } Console.Write("...Goodbye. Hit ENTER to Exit."); Console.ReadLine(); return(0); }