public void ComputeResults(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath, string outputPathTxt) { var hdLog = Program.Path(Subfolder.none, $"result_hausdorff_{}_{step.qualityStr}", Ext.txt); if (File.Exists(hdLog)) { File.Delete(hdLog); } var hd = MeshlabWorkspace.Instance.RunFilter_HausdorffDistance(inputPath, outputPath, hdLog); if (File.Exists(outputPathTxt)) { hd.time = long.Parse(File.ReadAllText(outputPathTxt)); } Results.Result res = new Results.Result() { path = outputPath, step = step, hd = hd }; results.bboxDiag = res.hd.bboxDiag; results.AddResult(res); if (File.Exists(hdLog)) { File.Delete(hdLog); } }
protected override void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { var fileName = Regex.Match(inputPath, @"\w+(?:\.\w+)*$").Value; var ofs = GenerateOFS(step.faceCount, fileName, outputPath, openFlipperOptions.type, openFlipperOptions.order); var ofsPath = Program.Path(Subfolder.none,"decimator", Ext.ofs); File.WriteAllText(ofsPath, ofs); Cli.Run($@"–no-splash {inputPath} {ofsPath}", ao.workspace.exePath); }
public void Run(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { Run_Impl(step, inputPath, outputPath); if (!File.Exists(outputPath)) { throw new Exception("Failed to produce output"); } }
protected override void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { //path to for (*.m) var mFile = Regex.Replace(inputPath, @"\w+$", "m"); if (!File.Exists(mFile)) { //convert input to (*.m) var args = $"{Program.scripts[""]} {inputPath}"; var output = PerlWorkspace.Instance.RunWithOutput(args); File.WriteAllText(mFile, output); } //TODO : Assert file exits? var tmproot = Regex.Replace(inputPath, @"\.\w+$", ""); var pm_File = $"{tmproot}.pm"; if (!File.Exists(pm_File)) { var base_m_File = $"{tmproot}.base.m"; var prog_File = $"{tmproot}.prog"; //reads the original mesh and randomly samples points over its surface, //progressively simplifies it by examining point residual distances, while recording changes to a *.prog file, and //writes the resulting base mesh. Execute("MeshSimplify", base_m_File, $"{mFile} -prog {prog_File} -simplify"); var rprog_File = $"{tmproot}.rprog"; //The next step is to reverse the sequence of stored edge collapses, i.e. forming a progressive sequence of vertex splits: Execute("reverselines", rprog_File, $"{tmproot}.prog"); //We construct a concise progressive mesh by encoding the base mesh together with //the sequence of vertex splits that exactly recover the original mesh: Execute("Filterprog", pm_File, $"-fbase {base_m_File} -fprog {rprog_File} -pm"); ///view progressive mesh //Execute("G3dOGL", $"{tmproot}.txt", $"-pm_mode {pm_File}"); } var output_m = $"{tmproot}_{step.qualityStr}.m"; Execute("FilterPM", output_m, $"{pm_File} -nf {step.faceCount} -outmesh"); var argsC = $"{Program.scripts[""]} {output_m}"; var outputObj = PerlWorkspace.Instance.RunWithOutput(argsC); File.WriteAllText(outputPath, outputObj); }
protected abstract void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath);
protected override void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { var args = $@"-P {Program.scripts[""]} -- --nfaces {step.faceCount} --inm {inputPath} --outm {outputPath}"; Cli.Run(args, ao.workspace.exePath); }
protected override void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { Cli.Run($"-f {step.quality.Sanitize()} {inputPath} {outputPath}", ao.workspace.exePath); }
protected override void Run_Impl(AlgoStep step, string inputPath, string outputPath) { Cli.Run($"{inputPath} {outputPath} -t {step.faceCount}", ao.workspace.exePath); }