public CGateMQPublisher(CGateConnection connection, string name, string service, string category, SchemeSource schemeSource, uint timeout) { // TODO: check arguments validity if( connection == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection"); string settings = FormatNewPublisherSettings(name, service, category, schemeSource, timeout); Publisher = new Publisher(connection.Handle, settings); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { string streamName = "FORTS_FUTINFO_REPL"; string[] tables = { "heartbeat" }; // use null to access all possible tables // How to connect to the router var target = new CGateConnectionTarget { Type = CGateConnectionType.Tcp, Host = "", Port = 4010, AppName = "CGateConsole" }; // Exit the main loop when Ctrl+C is pressed bool exitRequested = false; Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) => { exitRequested = true; eventArgs.Cancel = true; Console.WriteLine("Ctrl+C pressed."); }; // // Environment initialization // CGateEnvironment.IniPath = @"ini\cgate.ini"; CGateEnvironment.ClientKey = CGateEnvironment.TestClientKey; CGateEnvironment.InitializeMq = true; CGateEnvironment.InitializeReplClient = true; // TODO: what is the difference between p2 and p2:p2syslog? // Plain p2 mode doesn't log everything. CGateEnvironment.LogMode = CGateLogMode.P2; CGateEnvironment.LogSettingsSection = "p2syslog"; CGateEnvironment.Open(); Console.WriteLine("CGate environment initialized."); // // Connection // CGateConnection connection = new CGateConnection(target); Console.WriteLine("Connection object created."); // // Listener // var listener = new CGateReplicationListener(connection, streamName, tables: tables); listener.ListenerOpened += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine("{0}: opened.", lsn.StreamName); }; listener.ListenerClosed += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; string replState = lsn.ReplState; Console.WriteLine("{0}: closed; reason {1}; replstate {2}.", lsn.StreamName, eventArgs.CloseReason, replState == null ? "(null)" : replState.Length.ToString() + " characters"); }; listener.LifeNumChanged += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine("{0}: life num {1}.", lsn.StreamName, eventArgs.LifeNum); }; listener.SwitchedOnline += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine("{0}: online.", lsn.StreamName); }; listener.DataCleared += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine( "{0}: {1}: delete revisions <= {2}.", lsn.StreamName, eventArgs.TableName, eventArgs.Revision); }; listener.TransactionBegin += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine("{0}: tx begin.", lsn.StreamName); }; listener.TransactionCommitted += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; Console.WriteLine("{0}: tx commit.", lsn.StreamName); }; listener.DataArrived += (sender, eventArgs) => { CGateReplicationListener lsn = (CGateReplicationListener)sender; if( !lsn.IsOnline ) return; Console.WriteLine("{0}/{1}: {2} data; rev {3}.\n{4}", lsn.StreamName, eventArgs.TableName, eventArgs.Inserted ? "+" : "-", eventArgs.Revision, eventArgs.Message ); }; // // State manager and main loop // CGateStateController connectionStateController = new CGateStateController(connection); connectionStateController.StateChanged += (sender, eventArgs) => { Console.WriteLine("Connection changed state to {0}", eventArgs.Target.State); }; CGateStateController listenerStateController = new CGateStateController(listener); listenerStateController.StateChanged += (sender, eventArgs) => { Console.WriteLine("Listener changed state to {0}", eventArgs.Target.State); }; while( !exitRequested ) { try { connectionStateController.CheckState(); TimeSpan inactivityPeriod = connectionStateController.GetInactivityPeriod(); if( inactivityPeriod != TimeSpan.Zero ) Thread.Sleep(inactivityPeriod); if( connection.State == State.Active ) listenerStateController.CheckState(); if( connection.State == State.Opening || connection.State == State.Active ) connection.Process(1000); } catch( CGateException e ) { Console.WriteLine("CGate exception: {0}", e.ErrCode); Console.WriteLine("{0}", e); } } // // Closing resources // Console.WriteLine("Closing resources."); connection.Close(); CGateEnvironment.Close(); }
public CGateFortsPublisher(CGateConnection connection, string name, SchemeSource schemeSource, uint timeout) : base(connection, name, "FORTS_SRV", "FORTS_MSG", schemeSource, timeout) { }
public CGateReplicationListener(CGateConnection connection, string streamName, SchemeSource schemeSource = null, ICollection<string> tables = null) { if( string.IsNullOrEmpty(streamName) ) throw new ArgumentException("Stream name cannot be null or empty", "streamName"); string settings = FormatListenerNewSettings(streamName, schemeSource, tables); Listener = new Listener(connection.Handle, settings) { Handler = HandleMessage }; _tables = tables; StreamName = streamName; IsOnline = false; EnableSnapshotMode = true; EnableOnlineMode = true; LifeNum = 0; }