コード例 #1
        public void EmailBorrows(Borrow b)
            notification    = new Notification();
            notificationBLL = new NotificationBLL();

            es = new EmailService();

            es.SendMails(b._subscriber.Email, $"Your have borrowed {b._material.Title}", $"Your {b._material._MaterialType._MaterialType} will expire at {b.DeadLine.ToShortDateString()}," +
                         $"we hope you will enjoy reading {b._material.Title} from author {b._material._Author.AuthorName}");

            notification.Message  = $"Automated Email was sent to {b._subscriber.Email} to inform for the borrowing!";
            notification.Date     = DateTime.Now;
            notification.Category = "Material Notification";

コード例 #2
        public void EmailBorrowsToReturn()
            notification    = new Notification();
            notificationBLL = new NotificationBLL();

            es = new EmailService();
            List <Borrow> emails = bd.EmailsToExpire();

            if (emails.Count > 0)
                foreach (var item in bd.EmailsToExpire())
                    es.SendMails(item._subscriber.Email, "Your Borrow is about to expire", $"Your {item._material._MaterialType._MaterialType} will expire in 5 days," +
                                 $"we hope you enjoyed reading {item._material.Title} from author {item._material._Author.AuthorName}");

                    notification.Message  = $"Automated Email was sent to {item._subscriber.Name} {item._subscriber.LastName} to inform for the Expiration of the borrowed book!";
                    notification.Date     = DateTime.Now;
                    notification.Category = "Material Notification";
