public void CreateContactPoint(Vector3 contactPos) { var parts = servo.HostPart.FindChildParts <Part>(true); footParts = new List <Part>(); foreach (var part in parts) { footParts.Add(part); Debug.Log(name + " attatched foot parts " +; } contactPoint = new GameObject().transform; contactPoint.SetParent(transform); contactPoint.localPosition = contactPos - new Vector3(0, .4f, 0); //contactPoint.localPosition =; contactPoint.rotation = memoryBridge.vesselControl.gimbal.rotation; DebugVector.DrawVector(contactPoint); footRenderer = contactPoint.gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); Material redMat = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse")); redMat.color =; footRenderer.material = redMat; footRenderer.SetWidth(.1f, .1f); }
public void BuildCameraFeed(MemoryBridge memoryBridge, string fileName) { //Debug.Log("Build Camera Feed"); this.memoryBridge = memoryBridge; this.fileName = fileName; threadList = new List <int>(); threadList.Add(0); threadList.Add(1); // threadList.Add(2); // threadList.Add(3); GameObject camObject = new GameObject(); DebugVector.DrawVector(camObject.transform); camObject.transform.SetParent(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.vesselTransform); feedCam = camObject.AddComponent <Camera>(); rendTextHeight = feedCam.pixelHeight; rendTextWidth = feedCam.pixelWidth; //Debug.Log("height " + rendTextHeight + " width " + rendTextWidth); rendText = new RenderTexture(rendTextWidth, rendTextHeight, 16, RenderTextureFormat.ARGB32); rendText.Create(); feedCam.targetTexture = rendText; tex = new Texture2D(rendTextWidth, rendTextWidth, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); texCopy = new Texture2D(rendTextWidth, rendTextHeight, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); = rendText; //Debug.Log("Render width " + rendTextWidth); //Debug.Log("render height " + rendTextHeight); tex.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, rendTextWidth, rendTextHeight), 0, 0); tex.Apply(); camTexture = tex; // var colorBuffer = rendText.colorBuffer; var textureByte = camTexture.GetRawTextureData(); camFeedFile = MemoryMappedFile.Create(MapProtection.PageReadWrite, textureByte.Length, "CamFeedFile" + fileName + memoryBridge.cameraFeeds.Count); memoryBridge.SetFloat("rendTextHeight" + fileName + memoryBridge.cameraFeeds.Count, rendTextHeight); memoryBridge.SetFloat("rendTextWidth" + fileName + memoryBridge.cameraFeeds.Count, rendTextWidth); memoryBridge.SetFloat("feedByteCount" + fileName + memoryBridge.cameraFeeds.Count, textureByte.Length); ////Debug.Log("ByteSize " + textureByte.Length); //Debug.Log("mem map loaded"); }
public void CreateContactPoint() { // var joint = servo.HostPart.gameObject.AddComponent<SpringJoint>(); contactPoint = new GameObject().transform; contactPoint.SetParent(transform); // contactPoint.localPosition = localPos; contactPoint.localPosition =; contactPoint.rotation = memoryBridge.vesselControl.gimbal.rotation; DebugVector.DrawVector(contactPoint); footRenderer = contactPoint.gameObject.AddComponent <LineRenderer>(); Material redMat = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse")); redMat.color =; footRenderer.material = redMat; footRenderer.SetWidth(.1f, .1f); }
void CheckVesselClearance() { LayerMask mask = (1 << 0) | (1 << 10); mask = ~mask; RaycastHit hit; Vector3 rayRot = -gimbal.up;// -controller.launchVector.trans.up; float clearance = 0; if (Physics.Raycast(vessel.vesselTransform.position, rayRot, out hit, 100, mask)) { clearance = hit.distance; } if (!groundPoint) { groundPoint = new GameObject().transform; DebugVector.DrawVector(groundPoint); } groundPoint.transform.position = vessel.vesselTransform.position - new Vector3(0, clearance, 0); }
public void CustomStart(IRWrapper.IServo servo, MemoryBridge memoryBridge) { this.servo = servo; this.servo.Speed = 20; this.servo.Acceleration = 20; servoName = servo.Name + servo.HostPart.gameObject.GetInstanceID(); part = servo.HostPart; this.memoryBridge = memoryBridge; memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "unityServoPos", servo.Position); memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "minPos", servo.MinPosition); Debug.Log("servo min pos " + servo.MinPosition); memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "maxPos", servo.MaxPosition); Debug.Log("servo max pos " + servo.MaxPosition); // memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "ServoSetPos", 210f); // memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "ServoSetSpeed", 210f); //search the parent part for a transform named "Base" var partParent = part.parent; var parentChildren = partParent.GetComponentsInChildren <Transform>(); var bases = new List <Transform>(); foreach (var child in parentChildren) { if ("base")) { bases.Add(child); } } Debug.Log("Bases count " + bases.Count); if (bases.Count == 0) { Debug.Log(servo.Name + " does not have a base"); } else { //If there are multiple bases on the parent, use the closest one if (bases.Count > 1) { var minDist = Mathf.Infinity; foreach (var basePart in bases) { var dist = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, basePart.position); if (dist < minDist) { servoBase = basePart; minDist = dist; } } } else { servoBase = bases[0]; } var newObject = new GameObject(); = "Servo Anchor"; servoAnchor = newObject.transform; servoAnchor.SetParent(servoBase); servoAnchor.localPosition =; servoAnchor.localEulerAngles =; newObject = new GameObject(); = "Servo Child"; anchorChild = newObject.transform; anchorChild.SetParent(servoAnchor); anchorChild.localPosition =; anchorChild.rotation = part.transform.rotation; Debug.Log(; //Move the x axis of the rotatron part. This happens in Unity script as well in Parts if ( == "IR.Rotatron.Basic.v3") { servoAnchor.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, 90); anchorChild.localEulerAngles += new Vector3(0, 0, 90); // DebugVector.DrawVector(servoAnchor); // DebugVector.DrawVector(anchorChild); Debug.Log("Draw Vector"); } DebugVector.DrawVector(servoAnchor); } }
public void CheckFootClearance() { LayerMask mask = (1 << 0) | (1 << 10); mask = ~mask; RaycastHit hit; //Vector3 rayRot = -hipRotServo.transform.right; contactPoint.rotation = memoryBridge.vesselControl.gimbal.rotation; Vector3 rayRot = -contactPoint.up;// -controller.launchVector.trans.up; float clearance = 0; if (Physics.Raycast(contactPoint.position, rayRot, out hit, 100, mask)) { // if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag != "Runway") // Debug.Log("hitting " + + " at layer " + hit.collider.gameObject.layer.ToString() + " with tag " + hit.collider.gameObject.tag.ToString() + " at distance " + hit.distance); // if ( == "Kerbin Zn123222323") // controller.walking = false; footRenderer.SetPosition(0, contactPoint.position); footRenderer.SetPosition(1, hit.point); clearance = hit.distance; } bool groundContact = false; foreach (var part in footParts) { if (part.GroundContact) { if (!footPart) { footPart = part; footBody = footPart.Rigidbody; footPart.OnJustAboutToBeDestroyed += PartAboutToBeDestroyed; memoryBridge.SetBool(servoName + "exploded", false); } groundContact = true; var closestPoint = part.collider.ClosestPoint(memoryBridge.vesselControl.vessel.mainBody.transform.position); if (!collisionPoint) { collisionPoint = new GameObject().transform; DebugVector.DrawVector(collisionPoint); } collisionPoint.position = closestPoint; var collisionPointOffset = transform.InverseTransformPoint(collisionPoint.position); memoryBridge.SetVector3(servoName + "CollisionPoint", collisionPointOffset); } } if (footPart) { memoryBridge.SetVector3(servoName + "torque", footBody.velocity); memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "explosionPotential", footPart.explosionPotential); memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "gExplodeChance", footPart.gExplodeChance); memoryBridge.SetBool(servoName + "active", footPart.gameObject.activeInHierarchy); // var events = footPart.Events; // events. // footPart.explosionPotential; // footPart.gExplodeChance() } // if(servo.HostPart.GroundContact != groundContact) // { // groundContact = servo.HostPart.GroundContact; memoryBridge.SetBool(servoName + "GroundContact", groundContact); // } memoryBridge.SetFloat(servoName + "KSPFootClearance", clearance); }