private const int CHECKKEYSRANDOMMAX = 50; //To randomly check keys on The higher, the less often it is checked /// <summary> /// Gets the license from wherever it is stored /// </summary> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <param name="type"></param> /// <param name="instance"></param> /// <param name="allowExceptions"></param> /// <returns></returns> public override License GetLicense(LicenseContext context, Type type, object instance, bool allowExceptions) { const string CACHEDLIC = "VelodocLicense"; //Try to get the VelodocLicense from the http cache VelodocLicense objLicenseRet = HttpRuntime.Cache[CACHEDLIC] as VelodocLicense; //No need to check for context.UsageMode because users get at least a GPL License if (objLicenseRet == null) { string sLicenseKey; string sActivationKey; RegistryKey objRegistryKey = null; try { //All instances on the same machine share the same license key: should not be an issue. //Should match keys and names in WebInstaller. objRegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(APPROOTKEY); sLicenseKey = (string)objRegistryKey.GetValue(LICENSEKEY); sActivationKey = (string)objRegistryKey.GetValue(ACTIVATIONKEY); //Validate the license key (the following lines will raise an exception //if the license key is not a Guid) Guid gLicenseKey = new Guid(sLicenseKey); Guid gActivationKey = new Guid(sActivationKey); } catch { //Should anything occur, user at least gets a GPL license sLicenseKey = null; sActivationKey = null; } finally { if (objRegistryKey != null) { objRegistryKey.Close(); } } //Randomly check the activation key if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sLicenseKey)) { Random objRandom = new Random(); if (objRandom.Next(0, CHECKKEYSRANDOMMAX).Equals(0)) { LicensingServiceClient objLicensingServiceClient = null; try { //Then configure the service BasicHttpBinding objHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None); objHttpBinding.ProxyAddress = null; objHttpBinding.UseDefaultWebProxy = true; EndpointAddress objRemoteAddress = new EndpointAddress(LICENSINGSVC); //Finally call the service objLicensingServiceClient = new LicensingServiceClient(objHttpBinding, objRemoteAddress); int iResult = objLicensingServiceClient.Check(sLicenseKey, sActivationKey); if (iResult == 1) //Activation not found { this.Clear(); sLicenseKey = null; sActivationKey = null; } } catch { //If there is an exception (for example if there is no Internet connection), //do nothing. Note that our servers may also not be available for any reason. } finally { if (objLicensingServiceClient != null) { objLicensingServiceClient.Dispose(); //We can call Dispose thanks to LicensingServiceFix objLicensingServiceClient = null; } } } } //Create Velodoc License and add to cache objLicenseRet = new VelodocLicense(sLicenseKey, sActivationKey); HttpRuntime.Cache.Add( CACHEDLIC, objLicenseRet, null, Cache.NoAbsoluteExpiration, new TimeSpan(0, Constants.SlidingExpiration, 0), CacheItemPriority.Default, null); } return(objLicenseRet); }
/// <summary> /// Set the license key, check it and persist it /// </summary> /// <param name="licenseKey"></param> /// <remarks>This function is our stuff and is not really part of the LicenseProvider design but there is no better place for it.</remarks> public void SetLicense(string licenseKey) { string sIPAddress = null; string sMacAddress = null; NetworkInterface[] arrNetworkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces(); foreach (NetworkInterface objNetworkInterface in arrNetworkInterfaces) { if ((objNetworkInterface.OperationalStatus == OperationalStatus.Up) && (objNetworkInterface.Speed > 0) && (objNetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback) && (objNetworkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType != NetworkInterfaceType.Tunnel)) { foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation objIPAddressInfomation in objNetworkInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses) { if (!objIPAddressInfomation.IPv4Mask.Equals(System.Net.IPAddress.Any)) { sIPAddress = objIPAddressInfomation.Address.ToString(); sMacAddress = objNetworkInterface.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString(); break; } } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sIPAddress)) { break; } } } //Activate the license key using a web service, first building the contract data ActivationData objActivationData = new ActivationData(); objActivationData.ActivationKey = Guid.NewGuid(); try { objActivationData.LicenseKey = new Guid(licenseKey); //Raises a FormatException if not a Guid } catch (FormatException Ex) { throw new FormatException(String.Format( Properties.Resources.Culture, Properties.Resources.ExceptionLicenseProviderInvalidKey, licenseKey), Ex); } objActivationData.MachineName = Environment.MachineName; objActivationData.DomainName = Environment.UserDomainName; objActivationData.UserName = Environment.UserName; objActivationData.OSVersion = Environment.OSVersion.VersionString; objActivationData.ProcessorCount = Environment.ProcessorCount; objActivationData.FmkVersion = Environment.Version.ToString(); objActivationData.IPAddress = sIPAddress; //<-- See above objActivationData.MACAddress = sMacAddress; objActivationData.ProductCode = PRODUCTCODE; objActivationData.CultureName = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.Name; //Then configure the service BasicHttpBinding objHttpBinding = new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.None); objHttpBinding.ProxyAddress = null; objHttpBinding.UseDefaultWebProxy = true; EndpointAddress objRemoteAddress = new EndpointAddress(LICENSINGSVC); //Finally call the service LicensingServiceClient objLicensingServiceClient = null; int iResult = -1; try { objLicensingServiceClient = new LicensingServiceClient(objHttpBinding, objRemoteAddress); iResult = objLicensingServiceClient.Activate(objActivationData); } finally { if (objLicensingServiceClient != null) { objLicensingServiceClient.Dispose(); //We can call Dispose thanks to LicensingServiceFix objLicensingServiceClient = null; } } if (iResult == 0) { //All instances on the same machine share the same license key: should not be an issue. RegistryKey objRegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey(APPROOTKEY); objRegistryKey.SetValue(LICENSEKEY, objActivationData.LicenseKey.ToString()); objRegistryKey.SetValue(ACTIVATIONKEY, objActivationData.ActivationKey.ToString()); objRegistryKey.Close(); } else if (iResult == 1) { throw new LicenseException(this.GetType(), this, String.Format(Properties.Resources.Culture, Properties.Resources.ExceptionLicenseProviderInvalidKey, licenseKey)); } else { throw new LicenseException(this.GetType(), this, Properties.Resources.ExceptionLicenseProviderServiceError); } }