public Triggers(string triggerPrefix, ThrottleManager tManager, Logger log) { Prefix = triggerPrefix; primeIds = new List <string>(); PrimeIdentifiers = new ReadOnlyCollection <string>(primeIds); throttle = tManager; this.log = log; triggers = new Dictionary <string, Trigger>(StringComparer.Ordinal); }
public Meido(MeidoConfig config) { if (config == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(config)); } // We need these parameters for events, store them. conf = config; currentChannels = new List <string>(config.Channels); // Initialize log factory for this server/instance. var logFac = new LogFactory(config.ServerAddress); // Set aside some logging for ourself. log = logFac.CreateLogger("Meido"); // Throttling for triggers and outgoing messages. var tManager = new ThrottleManager(log); // Setup chatlogger and underlying LogWriter. logWriter = new LogWriter(); var chatLog = SetupChatlog(); ircComm = new IrcComm(irc, tManager, chatLog); meidoComm = new MeidoComm(config, logFac, log); var triggers = new Triggers( config.TriggerPrefix, tManager, logFac.CreateLogger("Triggers") ); // This must be instantiated before loading plugins and their triggers. dispatch = new Dispatcher( ircComm, triggers, new IrcEventHandlers(log) ); // Setup autoloading of ignores. meidoComm.LoadAndWatchConfig("Ignore", LoadIgnores); // Setup non-plugin triggers and register them. help = new Help(triggers); admin = new Admin(this, irc, meidoComm); RegisterSpecialTriggers(triggers); // Load plugins and setup their triggers/help. LoadPlugins(triggers); // Setting some SmartIrc4Net properties and event handlers. SetProperties(); SetHandlers(); reconnect = new AutoReconnect(irc); }
public IrcComm(IrcClient ircClient, ThrottleManager tManager, IChatlogger chatLog) { irc = ircClient; throttle = tManager; this.chatLog = chatLog; }