コード例 #1
        public void DrawParticipantList()
            using (var handle = participantSemaphore.Acquire())
                this.UpdateParticipantInfoLabel(this._thisMeeting.GuestSpeaker == null ? "" : "The guest speaker is " + this._thisMeeting.GuestSpeaker);

                Logging.AddMessage("There are " + this._thisMeeting.Participants.Count + " participants in the created meeting.");
                foreach (Participant p in this._thisMeeting.Participants)
                    Logging.AddMessage($"Added participant {p} to panel");
コード例 #2
 public LayoutSuspensionSemaphore.Handle Suspend()
コード例 #3
        public void UpdatePanels(Meeting m, User impersonating)
            dontUpdateChecks = true;

            using (var handle = semaphore.Acquire())
                this._meeting      = m;
                this._impersonator = impersonating;
                this._participant  = this._meeting?.GetParticipant(impersonating);
                Logging.AddMessage($"Meeting set to {_meeting} and impersonating {impersonating}");

                // Update visibility based on user access and stance
                editBtn.Enabled         = this._meeting != null && this._meeting.Initiator == impersonating;
                viewRequestsBtn.Enabled = editBtn.Enabled;
                attendNoBtn.Visible     = attendYesBtn.Visible = attendLabel.Visible = (_participant != null);

                if (_participant != null)
                    // If we've registered our attendance
                    attendYesBtn.BackColor = (_participant.hasGivenAttendance && !_participant.attending) ? Color.LightGray : Color.PaleGreen;
                    attendNoBtn.BackColor  = (_participant.hasGivenAttendance && _participant.attending) ? Color.LightGray : Color.FromArgb(255, 192, 192);

                // Update text attributes
                meetingTitleLbl.Text  = this._meeting?.Name ?? "No Meeting Selected";
                meetingDescTB.Text    = this._meeting?.Details ?? "No description provided...";
                dateTimeInfoLbl.Text  = this._meeting == null ? "" : FormatDate(this._meeting.StartTime) + " to " + FormatHour(this._meeting.EndTime);
                dateTimeInfoLbl.Text += this?._meeting?.CurrentLocation == null ? "" : " @ " + this._meeting.CurrentLocation;
                dateTimeInfoLbl.Text += this._meeting != null && this._meeting.GuestSpeaker != null ? " - Guest speaker: " + this._meeting.GuestSpeaker : "";

                //if this user is not important or a guest speaker, hide/disable their location choices
                this.locationGB.Enabled = this._participant != null && this._participant.Attendance && this._participant.status != 0;
                this.locationGB.Visible = this._participant != null && this._participant.status != 0;
                //if the participant is not attending, hide their equipment requests
                this.equipmentGB.Enabled = this._participant != null && this._participant.Attendance;

                //update the info text panel above the participant list
                meetingInfoBox.Text = "";
                if (this._meeting != null)
                    meetingInfoBox.Text = this._meeting.CapacityNeeded + " confirmed attendees. ";
                    if (this._meeting.PotentialLocations.Count == 1)
                        meetingInfoBox.Text += "Scheduled Location: " + this._meeting.CurrentLocation;
                        meetingInfoBox.Text += "Potential Locations: ";
                        for (int i = 0; i < this._meeting.PotentialLocations.Count; ++i)
                            meetingInfoBox.Text += (i > 0 ? "," : "");
                            meetingInfoBox.Text += this._meeting.PotentialLocations.ElementAt(i);

                // Show the participants for this meeting in the flow panel
                if (this._meeting != null && this._meeting.Participants.Count > 0)
                    foreach (Participant p in this._meeting.Participants)
                        ParticipantPanel pPanel = new ParticipantPanel(this._meeting, p, 0, null, this._impersonator);

                //load options into the equipment list and location list
                if (this._participant != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.equipmentCheckList.Items.Count; ++i)
                    for (int i = 0; i < this.locationCheckList.Items.Count; ++i)

                 * Message box alerts for user stories
                //if there is no location for this meeting, let the initiator know
                if (this._meeting != null && this._meeting.CurrentLocation == null)
                    if (this._meeting.Initiator == this._impersonator)
                        MessageBox.Show("There is no available location for " + this._meeting + ". Please consider editing the meeting to move it to a different slot.");
                        //heads up, meeting will move or be cancelled.
                        MessageBox.Show(this._meeting + " currently has no location. This means in may be moved or even cancelled." + (this._meeting.GetParticipant(this._impersonator)?.equipmentRequests.Count < 1 ? "" : " Please considering reducing your equipment requests."));
                //user story 1 - acceptance criteria 1 - no message box
                //user story 1 - acceptance criteria 3 - no message box
                //user story 1 - acceptance criteria 2 & 4
                if (this._meeting != null && this._meeting.UnavailableEquipment.Count > 1)
                    if (this._meeting.Initiator == this._impersonator)
                        string unavailEquip = "";
                        foreach (Equipment equip in this._meeting.UnavailableEquipment)
                            unavailEquip += "\n" + equip;
                        MessageBox.Show("The equipment below has been requested but is unavailable. Please consider rearranging the meeting to accomodate these requests.\n" + unavailEquip);

                //user story 2
                if (this._meeting != null && this._meeting.HasBeenMoved)
                    MessageBox.Show("This meeting has been moved from its original time. You may need to recheck your attendance.", "Meeting update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

                //user story 4
                if (this._meeting != null && !this._meeting.canGoAhead)
                    MessageBox.Show("A guest speaker cannot attend " + this._meeting + ". " + (this._meeting.Initiator == this._impersonator ? " Please edit the meeting." : "Be prepared for it to be re-arranged or cancelled."), "Meeting update", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            dontUpdateChecks = false;