コード例 #1
        static void SaveAll(List <Doctor> doctors, List <Patient> patients, List <Cabinet> cabinets, Shedule newShedule)
            //занесение в файлы конечной информации перед выходом или СОХРАНЕНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИИ
            using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Patients.txt", false))
                foreach (Patient patient in patients)
                    file.Write($"{patient.GiveTakeID} {patient.GiveTakeName} {patient.GiveTakeSurName} {patient.GiveTakePatronymic} " +
                               $"{patient.GiveTakePasport} {patient.GiveTakePhoneNumber} {patient.GiveTakeBirthday}");
            using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Doctors.txt", false))
                foreach (Doctor doctor in doctors)
                    file.Write($"{doctor.GiveTakeID} {doctor.GiveTakeName} {doctor.GiveTakeSurName} {doctor.GiveTakePatronymic} " +
                               $"{doctor.GiveTakePasport} {doctor.GiveTakePhoneNumber} {doctor.GiveTakeBirthday} {doctor.GiveTakeSpeciality} ");
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                        file.Write($"{doctor.GiveWorkDays[i]} ");
            using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Cabinets.txt", false))
                foreach (Cabinet cabinet in cabinets)
                    file.Write($"{cabinet.GiveTakeID} {cabinet.GiveTakeNumber} {cabinet.GiveTakeSpeciality}");

            //занесение расписания
            using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Shedule.txt", false))
                foreach (Appointment appointment in newShedule.GetAppointments)
                    if (appointment.GiveTakeCabinet != null)
                        file.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID} {appointment.GiveTakeCabinet.GiveTakeNumber}" +
                                   $" {appointment.GiveTakeDay} {appointment.GiveTakeHour} {appointment.GiveTakeMinute}");
                    else if (appointment.GiveTakeCabinet == null)
                        file.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID} 0 " +
                                   $"{appointment.GiveTakeDay} {appointment.GiveTakeHour} {appointment.GiveTakeMinute}");
                    if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null)
                        file.Write($" { appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID}");
コード例 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Doctor>      doctors      = new List <Doctor>();
            List <Patient>     patients     = new List <Patient>();
            List <Cabinet>     cabinets     = new List <Cabinet>();
            List <Appointment> appointments = new List <Appointment>();
            Shedule            newShedule   = new Shedule(appointments);

            //инициализация данных абстрактного класса
            int    id          = -1;
            string name        = "";
            string surname     = "";
            string patronymic  = "";
            string pasport     = "";
            string phoneNumber = "";

            //доп. данные для доктора и кабинета
            string speciality = "";

            int[]    workDays  = new int[7];
            int      workHours = 0;
            DateTime birthday  = new DateTime(1, 1, 1);

            int number = -1;

            //сбор пациентов, кабинетов, докторов. для дальнейшей работы
            using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Patients.txt"))
                string read = file.ReadLine();

                while (read != null)
                    string[] patientData = read.Split(' ', ':', '.');
                    id          = int.Parse(patientData[0]);
                    name        = patientData[1];
                    surname     = patientData[2];
                    patronymic  = patientData[3];
                    pasport     = patientData[4];
                    phoneNumber = patientData[5];
                    birthday    = new DateTime(int.Parse(patientData[8]), int.Parse(patientData[7]), int.Parse(patientData[6]));
                    Patient newPatient = new Patient(id, name, surname, patronymic, pasport, phoneNumber, birthday);
                    read = file.ReadLine();
            using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Doctors.txt"))
                string read = file.ReadLine();

                while (read != null)
                    string[] doctorData = read.Split(' ', ':', '.');
                    id          = int.Parse(doctorData[0]);
                    name        = doctorData[1];
                    surname     = doctorData[2];
                    patronymic  = doctorData[3];
                    pasport     = doctorData[4];
                    phoneNumber = doctorData[5];
                    birthday    = new DateTime(int.Parse(doctorData[8]), int.Parse(doctorData[7]), int.Parse(doctorData[6]));
                    speciality  = doctorData[12];
                    int[] workDays1 = new int[7];
                    for (int index = 13; index < doctorData.Length - 1; ++index)
                        workDays1[index - 13] = int.Parse(doctorData[index]);
                    workHours = int.Parse(doctorData[doctorData.Length - 1]);

                    Doctor newDoctor = new Doctor(id, name, surname, patronymic, pasport, phoneNumber, birthday, speciality, workDays1, workHours);
                    read = file.ReadLine();
            using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Cabinets.txt"))
                string read = file.ReadLine();

                while (read != null)
                    string[] cabinetData = read.Split(' ');
                    id         = int.Parse(cabinetData[0]);
                    number     = int.Parse(cabinetData[1]);
                    speciality = cabinetData[2];

                    Cabinet newCabinet = new Cabinet(id, number, speciality);
                    read = file.ReadLine();

            //1.сбор текущего расписания, НО
            using (StreamReader file = new StreamReader("C:/Users/Кристина/Documents/University/Medicine_center/Medicine_center/Shedule.txt"))
                string read          = file.ReadLine();
                int    doctorID      = 0;
                int    cabinetNumber = 0;
                int    day           = 0;
                int    hour          = 0;
                int    minute        = 0;

                int patientID = 0;

                while (read != null)
                    string[] sheduleData = read.Split(' ');

                    doctorID = int.Parse(sheduleData[0]);
                    Doctor sheduleDoctor = null;
                    foreach (Doctor doctor in doctors)
                        if (doctor.GiveTakeID == doctorID)
                            sheduleDoctor = doctor;

                    cabinetNumber = int.Parse(sheduleData[1]);
                    Cabinet sheduleCabinet = null;
                    foreach (Cabinet cabinet in cabinets)
                        if (cabinet.GiveTakeNumber == cabinetNumber)
                            sheduleCabinet = cabinet;

                    day    = int.Parse(sheduleData[2]);
                    hour   = int.Parse(sheduleData[3]);
                    minute = int.Parse(sheduleData[4]);

                    Patient shedulePatient = null;
                    if (sheduleData.Length > 5)
                        patientID = int.Parse(sheduleData[5]);
                        foreach (Patient patient in patients)
                            if (patient.GiveTakeID == patientID)
                                shedulePatient = patient;
                    //создание записи, добавление записи в расписание, добавление пациента, если он не null
                    Appointment sheduleAppointment = new Appointment(sheduleDoctor, sheduleCabinet, day, hour, minute);
                    if (shedulePatient != null)
                        newShedule.AddPatientInAppointment(shedulePatient, sheduleAppointment);
                    read = file.ReadLine();

                if (newShedule.GetAppointments != null)
                    appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;

            //2.если расписание пустое - заполнить его записями врачей без пациентов и кабинетов
            if (newShedule.Count() == 0)
                if (doctors.Count != 0)
                    int docId  = 0;
                    int day    = 0;
                    int hour   = 0;
                    int minute = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < doctors.Count; ++i)
                        docId     = doctors[i].GiveTakeID;
                        workDays  = doctors[i].GiveWorkDays;
                        workHours = doctors[i].GiveWorkHours;
                        for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
                            if (workDays[j] != 0)
                                day = j;
                                if (workHours == 1)
                                    hour   = 8;
                                    minute = 0;
                                    while (hour < 13)
                                        Appointment appointment = new Appointment(doctors[i], null, day, hour, minute);
                                        if (minute != 30)
                                            minute = 30;
                                            minute = 0;
                                        if (minute == 0)
                                if (workHours == 2)
                                    hour   = 14;
                                    minute = 0;
                                    while (hour < 18)
                                        Appointment appointment = new Appointment(doctors[i], null, day, hour, minute);
                                        if (minute != 30)
                                            minute = 30;
                                            minute = 0;
                                        if (minute == 0)
                if (newShedule.GetAppointments != null)
                    appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;

            int decide = 0;

            while (decide != 10)
                Console.WriteLine("\nВведите, что вы хотите сделать: 1 - добавить доктора в базу, 2 - добавить кабинет в базу, \n" +
                                  "3 - добавить пациента в запись, 4 - удалить пациента из записи, \n" +
                                  "5 - удалить пациента из базы, 6 - удалить доктора из базы, \n" +
                                  "7 - вывести расписание определенного врача, 8 - заполнить кабинеты, 9 - сохранить, 10 - выйти");

                decide = Input();

                if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.AddNewDoctor)
                    InputNewPerson(out name, out surname, out patronymic, out pasport, out phoneNumber, out birthday);

                    Console.WriteLine("Введите специальность врача");
                    speciality = Console.ReadLine();
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите рабочие дни врача врача начиная с понедельника, рабочие отмечая 1, а выходные - нулями");
                    for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                        workDays[i] = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите смену, в которую работает врач (1 или 2)");
                    workHours = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    if (doctors.Count != 0)
                        id = doctors[doctors.Count - 1].GiveTakeID + 1;
                        id = 1;

                    Doctor newDoctor = new Doctor(id, name, surname, patronymic, pasport, phoneNumber, birthday, speciality, workDays, workHours);

                    bool have = false;
                    foreach (Doctor doctor in doctors)
                        if (doctor.GiveTakePasport == newDoctor.GiveTakePasport)
                            have = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Такой врач уже существует!\n");

                    if (!have)

                    int docId  = 0;
                    int day    = 0;
                    int hour   = 0;
                    int minute = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j)
                        if (workDays[j] != 0)
                            day = j;
                            if (workHours == 1)
                                hour   = 8;
                                minute = 0;
                                while (hour < 13)
                                    Appointment appointment = new Appointment(newDoctor, null, day, hour, minute);
                                    if (minute != 30)
                                        minute = 30;
                                        minute = 0;
                                    if (minute == 0)

                                    if (appointment != null)
                                        // appointments.Add(appointment);
                    appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.AddNewCabinet)
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите номер кабинета");
                    number = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите специальность кабинета");
                    speciality = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (cabinets.Count != 0)
                        id = cabinets[cabinets.Count - 1].GiveTakeID + 1;
                        id = 1;

                    Cabinet newCabinet = new Cabinet(id, number, speciality);

                    bool have = false;
                    foreach (Cabinet cabinet in cabinets)
                        if (cabinet.GiveTakeNumber == newCabinet.GiveTakeNumber)
                            have = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Такой кабинет уже существует!\n");

                    if (!have)

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.AddPatientInAppointment)
                    Patient newPatient = null;
                    FindPatient(patients, out newPatient);

                    Doctor doctorForApp = null;
                    bool   findDoc      = FindDoctor(doctors, out doctorForApp);

                    if (findDoc)
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите день записи (понедельник - 0)");
                        int day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        bool successday = false;
                        while (!successday && day != -1)
                            int[] docdays = doctorForApp.GiveWorkDays;

                            if (docdays[day] != 0)
                                successday = true;
                            if (!successday)
                                Console.WriteLine("Доктор не работает в этот день");
                                Console.WriteLine("Введите другой день или нажмите -1, чтобы выйти");
                                day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите час записи");
                        int hour = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        bool successhour = false;
                        while (!successhour && hour != 0)
                            int dochours = doctorForApp.GiveWorkHours;

                            if (dochours == 1 && hour >= 8 && hour <= 13)
                                successhour = true;
                            if (dochours == 2 && hour >= 14 && hour <= 18)
                                successhour = true;
                            if (!successhour)
                                Console.WriteLine("Доктор не работает в этот час");
                                Console.WriteLine("Введите другой час или нажмите 0, чтобы выйти");
                                hour = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        Console.WriteLine("Введите минуты записи");
                        int minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        bool successminutes = false;
                        while (!successminutes && minutes != 1)
                            if (minutes == 0 || minutes == 30)
                                foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                    if (appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID == doctorForApp.GiveTakeID &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeDay == day &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeHour == hour &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeMinute == minutes &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakePatient == null)
                                        successminutes = true;
                                foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                    if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeDay == day &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeHour == hour &&
                                        appointment.GiveTakeMinute == minutes)
                                        if (appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID == newPatient.GiveTakeID)
                                            successminutes = false;
                                            Console.WriteLine($"Пациент записан на это время к другому врачу! Его id для проверки - {newPatient.GiveTakeID}");
                            if (!successminutes)
                                Console.WriteLine("Доктор занят в это время или оно введено не корректно или пациент уже записан");
                                Console.WriteLine("Введите другое время или нажмите 1, чтобы выйти");
                                minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                        if (successday && successhour && successminutes)
                            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                if (appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID == doctorForApp.GiveTakeID &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeDay == day &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeHour == hour &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeMinute == minutes)
                                    if (appointment.GiveTakeCabinet != null)
                                        newShedule.AddPatientInAppointment(newPatient, appointment);
                                        appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Запись проведена успешно!");
                                        Console.WriteLine("Произошла ошибка, у варча не назначен кабинет! Сохраните изменения и повторите запись пациента");

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.DeletePatientInAppointment)
                    Patient deletePatient = null;
                    FindPatient(patients, out deletePatient);

                    Console.WriteLine("Введите день записи");
                    int day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    bool successday = false;
                    while (!successday && day != -1)
                        foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                            if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null && appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID == deletePatient.GiveTakeID &&
                                appointment.GiveTakeDay == day)
                                successday = true;
                        if (!successday)
                            Console.WriteLine("Пациент не записан в этот день");
                            Console.WriteLine("Введите другой день или нажмите -1, чтобы выйти");
                            day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.WriteLine("Введите час записи");
                    int hour = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    bool successhour = false;
                    while (!successhour && hour != 0)
                        foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                            if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null && appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID == deletePatient.GiveTakeID &&
                                appointment.GiveTakeDay == day &&
                                appointment.GiveTakeHour == hour)
                                successhour = true;
                        if (!successhour)
                            Console.WriteLine("Пациент не записан в этот час");
                            Console.WriteLine("Введите другой час или нажмите 0, чтобы выйти");
                            hour = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Console.WriteLine("Введите минуты записи");
                    int minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    Appointment appointment1   = null;
                    bool        successminutes = false;
                    while (!successminutes && minutes != 1)
                        if (minutes == 0 || minutes == 30)
                            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null && appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID == deletePatient.GiveTakeID &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeDay == day &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeHour == hour &&
                                    appointment.GiveTakeMinute == minutes)
                                    appointment1   = appointment;
                                    successminutes = true;
                        if (!successminutes)
                            Console.WriteLine("Пациент не записан в это время");
                            Console.WriteLine("Введите другое время или нажмите 1, чтобы выйти");
                            minutes = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (successday && successhour && successminutes)
                        newShedule.DeletePatientInAppointment(deletePatient, appointment1);
                        appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;
                        Console.WriteLine("Удаление прошло успешно!");
                        Console.WriteLine("Пациент не удален из записи! Повторите попытку!");

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.DeletePatient)
                    Patient deletePatient = null;
                    FindPatient(patients, out deletePatient);
                    //Console.WriteLine("Введите id пациента");
                    //int findId = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    //for (int i = 0; i < patients.Count; ++i)
                    //    if (patients[i].GiveTakeID == findId)
                    //    {
                    //        patients.RemoveAt(i);
                    //        deletePatient = patients[i];
                    //        break;
                    //    }
                    if (deletePatient != null)
                        appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;
                        Console.WriteLine("Пациент удален");
                        Console.WriteLine("Пациент не удален");

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.DeleteDoctor)//удаление доктора и всех записей с ним
                    Doctor deleteDoctor = null;
                    bool   find         = FindDoctor(doctors, out deleteDoctor);
                    for (int i = 0; i < doctors.Count; ++i)
                        if (doctors[i].GiveTakeID == deleteDoctor.GiveTakeID)
                            deleteDoctor = doctors[i];
                    if (find)
                        appointments = newShedule.GetAppointments;
                        Console.WriteLine("Доктор удален");
                        Console.WriteLine("Доктор не найден");

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.ShowShedule)
                    Doctor appForDoctor = null;
                    bool   find         = FindDoctor(doctors, out appForDoctor);

                    if (find)
                        Console.WriteLine("Doctor ID, Cabinet Number, Patient ID, day, hour, minute");
                        foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                            if (appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID == appForDoctor.GiveTakeID)
                                Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID}, ");

                                if (appointment.GiveTakeCabinet != null)
                                    Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeCabinet.GiveTakeNumber}, ");
                                    Console.Write("NO, ");

                                if (appointment.GiveTakePatient != null)
                                    Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakePatient.GiveTakeID}, ");
                                    Console.Write("NO, ");
                                Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeDay}, ");
                                Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeHour}, ");
                                Console.Write($"{appointment.GiveTakeMinute} ");

                        Console.WriteLine("Врач не найден");

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.AddCabinetsInShedule)
                    Doctor doctorForCabinet = null;
                    bool   successdoc       = FindDoctor(doctors, out doctorForCabinet);
                    Console.WriteLine("Введите номер дня его работы (понедельник - 0)");
                    int day = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    if (successdoc)
                        bool successcab = false;
                        Console.WriteLine("Введите номер кабинета");
                        int     num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        Cabinet cabinetForDoctor = null;
                        foreach (Cabinet cabinet in cabinets)
                            if (cabinet.GiveTakeNumber == num)
                                cabinetForDoctor = cabinet;
                                successcab       = true;

                        bool Cab = false;//если кабинет не используется в этот день, то добавить
                        if (successcab)
                            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                if (appointment.GiveTakeDay == day && appointment.GiveTakeCabinet != null)
                                    if (appointment.GiveTakeCabinet.GiveTakeNumber == num)
                                        Cab = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Неверный номер кабинета");

                        bool success = false;
                        if (!Cab && successcab && successdoc)
                            foreach (Appointment appointment in appointments)
                                if (appointment.GiveTakeDoctor.GiveTakeID == doctorForCabinet.GiveTakeID && appointment.GiveTakeDay == day && appointment.GiveTakeCabinet == null)
                                    appointment.GiveTakeCabinet = cabinetForDoctor;
                                    success = true;
                            Console.WriteLine("Кабинет добавлен");

                        if (!success)
                            Console.WriteLine("Кабинет не добавлен");
                        newShedule = new Shedule(appointments);

                else if (decide == (int)AdminDecide.Save)
                    SaveAll(doctors, patients, cabinets, newShedule);