コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Take(int? Id)
            // Load the question set
            if (Id == null || Id == 0) return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            var qs = this.QuestionSets.GetById((int)Id);
            if (qs == null) return RedirectToAction("Error", "Home");

            // Load the response set
            var rs = this.ResponseSets.GetByQuestionnaireAndUser((int)Id, (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey);
            if (rs != null)
                // Response in progress, continue
                return View("Steps/Continue", qs);
                // Start a new response
                rs = new ResponseSet();
                rs.QuestionSetId = qs.Id;
                rs.UserId = (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey;
                rs.QuestionCount = qs.Questions.Count;
                rs.Responded = DateTime.Now;

                rs = this.ResponseSets.AddOrUpdate(rs);

                return View("Steps/Welcome", qs);
コード例 #2
        private ResponseSet UpdateEntity(ResponseSet entity)
            // Ensure we get a valid QuestionSet to update
            if (entity.Id == 0) throw new Exception("No ResponseSet specificied to update, should this be a new ResponseSet?");
            var rs = this.uow.Context.ResponseSets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.Id && x.ValidTo == null);
            if (rs == null) throw new Exception("No ResponseSet found to update, should this be a new QuestionSet?");

            // Update the new entity
            rs.Responded = entity.Responded;
            rs.Completed = entity.Completed;
            rs.Abandoned = entity.Abandoned;
            rs.UserId = entity.UserId;
            rs.QuestionSet = uow.Context.QuestionSets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == entity.QuestionSetId);
            rs.ValidFrom = DateTime.Now;

            foreach (var response in entity.Responses)
                if (rs.Responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == response.Id) != null)

                Dal.Response r = null;

                if (response.Id > 0)
                    r = this.uow.Context.Responses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == response.Id);
                    if (r != null) r.ValidTo = DateTime.Now;

                r = this.uow.Context.Responses.Create();
                r.Question = uow.Context.Questions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == response.QuestionId);
                r.Answer = uow.Context.Answers.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == response.AnswerId);
                r.Correct = response.Correct;
                r.PointsGained = response.PointsGained;
                r.ValidFrom = DateTime.Now;


            // Submit the changes to the database

            // We now have a database Id for this entity
            entity.Id = rs.Id;

            return entity;