コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the node to string expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual string ConvertNodeToStringExpression(FilterExpressionNode node)
            string retVal = String.Empty;

            ElementDefs elementDef = FindElementDef(node.Key);

            if (elementDef == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("element  " + node.Key + " not registered");

            if (node.Condition != null)
                ElementDefs condition = elementDef.GetConditionDefByName(node.Condition.Key);
                //Apply type conversion pattern
                string nodeCode      = string.Format(condition.ConverstionPattern, elementDef.Name);
                string conditionCode = condition.Name;
                bool   isNegative    = false;
                // Detect "NOT" statement
                if (conditionCode.StartsWith("Not."))
                    conditionCode = conditionCode.Substring(conditionCode.IndexOf(".") + 1);
                    isNegative    = true;
                string nodeValue = GetEscapedAndCleanedExpressionNodeRightValue(node);
                //for text conditions nees specific format
                if (ConditionTextDefs.Contains(condition))
                    retVal = String.Format("{0}{1}.{2}(\"{3}\")", isNegative ? "!" : String.Empty, nodeCode, conditionCode, nodeValue);
                    retVal = String.Format("{0} {1} {2}", nodeCode, conditionCode, nodeValue);
                throw new ApplicationException("Invalid NodeType");

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the node to string expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The node.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override string ConvertNodeToStringExpression(FilterExpressionNode node)
            string retVal = string.Empty;

            if (node.NodeType == FilterExpressionNodeType.OrBlock)
                return(ConvertNodesToStringExpression(node.ChildNodes, "||"));
            if (node.NodeType == FilterExpressionNodeType.AndBlock)
                return(ConvertNodesToStringExpression(node.ChildNodes, "&&"));
            if (node != null && node.Key == FilterExpressionItem.chooseBlock)

            ElementDefs elementDef = FindElementDef(node.Key);

            if (elementDef == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("element  " + node.Key + " not registered");

            //is Method Block
            if (elementDef.Methods != null)
                //Get selected methods
                ElementDefs methodDef = elementDef.GetMethodDef(node.Method.Key);
                if (methodDef == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("method " + node.Method.Key + " not registered");
                //Get methods conditions
                ElementDefs conditionDef = methodDef.GetConditionDefByName(node.Condition.Key);
                if (conditionDef == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("condition  " + node.Condition.Key + " not registered");
                string collectionName            = elementDef.Name;
                string conditionOp               = conditionDef.Name;
                MethodElementParams methodParams = node.Method.Params;

                string rightStatement = GetEscapedAndCleanedExpressionNodeRightValue(node);

                string predicateExpression = "1 == 1";
                string leftStatement       = null;

                if (node.ChildNodes != null && node.ChildNodes.Count != 0)
                    predicateExpression = ConvertNodesToStringExpression(node.ChildNodes);
                    //Parser bug. Nested double quotes
                    predicateExpression = predicateExpression.Replace('\"', '\'');

                if (methodDef == MethodSumDef)
                    FilterExpressionNode filterNode       = methodParams[0] as FilterExpressionNode;
                    ElementDefs          methodElementDef = FindElementDef(filterNode.Key);
                    if (methodElementDef == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException("element method" + filterNode.Key + " not registered");
                    leftStatement = methodElementDef.Name.Replace("this", string.Empty).Trim(new char[] { '[', ']', '\'', '.' });
                    retVal        = String.Format(@"({0}.{1}({2},""{3}"",""{4}"")) {5} {6}", ContextClass, methodDef.Name,
                                                  collectionName, leftStatement, predicateExpression, conditionOp, rightStatement);
                else if (methodDef == MethodCountDef)
                    retVal = String.Format(@"{0}.{1}({2},""{3}"")  {4} {5}", ContextClass, methodDef.Name,
                                           collectionName, predicateExpression, conditionOp, rightStatement);
                    retVal = String.Format(@"{0}.{1}({2},""{3}"")", ContextClass, methodDef.Name,
                                           collectionName, predicateExpression);
                //call base impl
                retVal = base.ConvertNodeToStringExpression(node);
