A class which implements a group A group can hold 1 or more controls and apply an animation to the entire group
Inheritance: GUIControl, ISupportInitialize, IAddChild
コード例 #1
ファイル: RingLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    //private void ApplyAlignment(FrameworkElement element, Thickness t, double x, double y, double w, double h)
    //  Rect rect = new Rect(x, y, element.Width, element.Height);

    //  switch (element.HorizontalAlignment)
    //  {
    //    case HorizontalAlignment.Center:
    //      rect.X = x + w / 2 - element.Width / 2;
    //      break;
    //    case HorizontalAlignment.Right:
    //      rect.X = x + w - element.Width;
    //      break;
    //    case HorizontalAlignment.Stretch:
    //      rect.Width = w - t.Right;
    //      break;
    //  }

    //  switch (element.VerticalAlignment)
    //  {
    //    case VerticalAlignment.Center:
    //      rect.Y = y + h / 2 - element.Height / 2;
    //      break;
    //    case VerticalAlignment.Bottom:
    //      rect.Y = h - element.Height;
    //      break;
    //    case VerticalAlignment.Stretch:
    //      rect.Height = h - t.Bottom;
    //      break;
    //  }

    //  element.Arrange(rect);

    public void Arrange(GUIGroup element)
      Point l = element.Location;
      Rect r = new Rect();
      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      int index = 0;

      foreach (var child in element.Children)
        if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)

        double angle = (++index * 2 * Math.PI) / element.Children.Count;

        r.Width = child.Width;
        r.Height = child.Height;
        r.X = t.Left + _spacing.Width + ((_size.Width - t.Width - (_spacing.Width * 2)) / 2) +
              (int)(Math.Sin(angle) * _radius) - (r.Width / 2);
        r.Y = t.Top + _spacing.Height + ((_size.Height - t.Height - (_spacing.Height * 2)) / 2) -
              (int)(Math.Cos(angle) * _radius) - (r.Height / 2);

コード例 #2
ファイル: TableLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public Size Measure(GUIGroup element, Size availableSize)
      Thickness t = element.Margin;
      double tableContentHeight = 0; // Calculated overall table height less vertical spacing.

      int cols = _cols; // User specified number of table columns.

      int i = 0; // Index for retrieving child controls.
      int c = 1; // Current column number.
      double rowHeight = 0d; // Current row height.
      GUIControl child;
      Cell TableCell;

      while (i < element.Children.Count)
        c = 1;
        while (c <= cols)
          if (i >= element.Children.Count)
            break; // Bailout if we run out of controls while looking at the last row.

          child = element.Children[i];

          if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
            i++; // Advance to the next control.

          // Get the table cell details for this child.
          TableCell = GetCell((GUIControl)child);

          if (TableCell.TargetCol > 0 && TableCell.TargetCol < c)
            // We have passed the target column in this row.
            // Advance to the next row.
            c = cols + 1;

          if (TableCell.TargetCol > c)
            // Advance to the specified column.
            c = TableCell.TargetCol;

          rowHeight = Math.Max(rowHeight, (double)child.Height * TableCell.RowSpan);

          // Advance column index according to specified column span.
          c += TableCell.ColSpan - 1;

          // Columns with no span specify the exact desired width of the column.
          if (TableCell.ColSpan == 1)
            ((Column)_columns[c - 1]).width = (double)child.Width;
            ((Column)_columns[c - 1]).isCalculated = false;

          i++; // Advance to the next control.
          c++; // Advance to the next column.

        // Recalculate column width for each column with unspecified width.
        double span = 0;
        int count = 0;
        foreach (Column col in _columns)
          if (!col.isCalculated)
            span += col.width;
        if (count > 0)
          span = (_width - span) / (cols - count);

          foreach (Column col in _columns)
            if (col.isCalculated)
              col.width = span;

        tableContentHeight += rowHeight;
        _rowHeight.Add(rowHeight); // Store the row height.
        rowHeight = 0; // Reset for next row.

      // for (int x = 0; x <= _columns.Count - 1; x++)
      // {
      //   Log.Info("TableLayout.Measure: columns[{0}]={1}, calc={2}", x, ((Column)_columns[x]).width, ((Column)_columns[x]).isCalculated);
      // }

      _size.Width = _width; // Table is fixed width.
      _size.Height = (tableContentHeight + _spacing.Height * (_rowHeight.Count - 1)) + t.Height;

      return _size;
コード例 #3
ファイル: TableLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public void Arrange(GUIGroup element)
      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      int rows = _rowHeight.Count; // Calculated number of table rows.
      int cols = _cols; // User specified number of table columns.
      int i = 0; // Index for retrieving child controls.
      GUIControl child;
      Cell TableCell;

      double x = element.Location.X + t.Left;
      double y = element.Location.Y + t.Top;
      double w = 0;
      double h = 0;
      double ch = 0;

      for (int r = 0; r < rows; r++)
        for (int c = 0; c < cols; c++)
          if (i >= element.Children.Count)
            break; // Bailout if we run out of controls while looking at the last row.

          child = element.Children[i];

          if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)
            i++; // Advance to the next control.

          // Get the table cell details for this child.
          TableCell = GetCell((GUIControl)child);

          // If the target column is not the current column then move the x position to the target column position.
          // A target column value of 0 indicates no target column preference is set.
          if (TableCell.TargetCol > 0 && c != TableCell.TargetCol - 1)
            // Check whether the target column in the current row.
            if (c < TableCell.TargetCol - 1) // Target column value is 1-based.
              for (int a = c; a < TableCell.TargetCol - 1; a++)
                x += ((Column)_columns[a]).width + _spacing.Width;
              c = TableCell.TargetCol - 1;
            else if (TableCell.TargetCol - 1 >= 0)
              // Advance to the next row to set the target column.
              c = cols;

          if (TableCell.ColSpan > 1)
            // When spanning columns we must add the spacing.
            w = 0;
            for (int a = c; a <= c + TableCell.ColSpan - 1; a++)
              w += ((Column)_columns[a]).width + _spacing.Width;
              // Log.Info("TableLayout.Arrange: spanning spanWidth={0:0.000}, colWidth={1:0.000}, w={2:0.000}", _spacing.Width, ((Column)_columns[a]).width, w);
            w -= _spacing.Width;
            w = ((Column)_columns[c]).width;
            // Log.Info("TableLayout.Arrange: w={0:0.000}", w);

          h = (double)_rowHeight[r];
          ch = child.Height * TableCell.RowSpan;

          //Log.Info("TableLayout.Arrange: (c={0}, r={1}) x={2:0.000},y={3:0.000},w={4:0.000}", c + 1, r + 1, x, y, w);
          ApplyAlignment(child, t, x, y, w, ch);

          // Move to the last column in the span.
          c += TableCell.ColSpan - 1;

          // Move to the start of the next column.
          x += w + _spacing.Width;

          i++; // Advance to the next control.
        x = element.Location.X + t.Left;
        y += h + _spacing.Height;
コード例 #4
ファイル: RingLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public Size Measure(GUIGroup element, Size availableSize)
      double w = 0;
      double h = 0;

      foreach (var child in element.Children)
        if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)


        w = Math.Max(w, child.Width);
        h = Math.Max(h, child.Height);

      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      _radius = (Math.Min(w + _spacing.Width * element.Children.Count, h + _spacing.Height * element.Children.Count) / 2);
      _radius -= Math.Max(w, h) / 2;
      _size.Width = (int)(2 * _radius) - w + t.Width;
      _size.Height = (int)(2 * _radius) - h + t.Height;

      return _size;
コード例 #5
ファイル: GridLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public Size Measure(GUIGroup element, Size availableSize)
      double w = 0;
      double h = 0;

      int rows = _rows;
      int cols = _cols;

      if (rows > 0)
        cols = (element.Children.Count + rows - 1) / rows;
        rows = (element.Children.Count + cols - 1) / cols;

      foreach (var child in element.Children)
        if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)


        w = Math.Max(w, child.Width);
        h = Math.Max(h, child.Height);

      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      _size.Width = (w * cols + _spacing.Width * (cols - 1)) + t.Width;
      _size.Height = (h * rows + _spacing.Height * (rows - 1)) + t.Height;

      return _size;
コード例 #6
ファイル: GridLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public void Arrange(GUIGroup element)
      Point location = element.Location;
      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      int rows = _rows;
      int cols = _cols;

      if (rows > 0)
        cols = (element.Children.Count + rows - 1) / rows;
        rows = (element.Children.Count + cols - 1) / cols;

      double w = (element.Width - t.Width - (cols - 1) * _spacing.Width) / cols;
      double h = (element.Height - t.Height - (rows - 1) * _spacing.Height) / rows;
      double y = element.Location.Y + t.Top;

      for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
        double x = element.Location.X + t.Left;

        for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++)
          int index = _orientation == Orientation.Vertical ? col * rows + row : row * cols + col;

          if (index < element.Children.Count)
            var component = element.Children[index];

            if (component.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)

            ApplyAlignment(component, t, x, y, w, h);

          x += w + _spacing.Width;

        y += h + _spacing.Height;
コード例 #7
ファイル: StackLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public void Arrange(GUIGroup element)
      Thickness t = element.Margin;
      Point l = element.Location;

      double x = element.Location.X + t.Left;
      double y = element.Location.Y + t.Top;
      double w = _orientation != Orientation.Horizontal ? Math.Max(0, element.Width - t.Width) : 0;
      double h = _orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? Math.Max(0, element.Height - t.Height) : 0;

      foreach (var child in element.Children)
        if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)

        if (_orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
          ApplyAlignment(child, t, x, y, w = child.Width, h);

          x += w + _spacing.Width;


        ApplyAlignment(child, t, x, y, w, h = child.Height);

        y += h + _spacing.Height;
コード例 #8
ファイル: StackLayout.cs プロジェクト: arangas/MediaPortal-1
    public Size Measure(GUIGroup element, Size availableSize)
      double w = 0;
      double h = 0;

      foreach (var child in element.Children)
        if (child.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed)


        w = _orientation != Orientation.Horizontal ? Math.Max(w, child.Width) : w + child.Width + _spacing.Width;
        h = _orientation == Orientation.Horizontal ? Math.Max(h, child.Height) : h + child.Height + _spacing.Height;

      Thickness t = element.Margin;

      _size.Width = w + t.Width;
      _size.Height = h + t.Height;

      return _size;