コード例 #1
        protected bool CheckBeginDownloadFanArt(TId itemId)
            bool fanArtDownloaded = false;

            lock (_syncObj)
                // Load cache or create new list
                List <TMatch> matches = _storage.GetMatches();
                foreach (TMatch match in matches.FindAll(m => m.Id.Equals(itemId)))
                    // We can have multiple matches for one TvDbId in list, if one has FanArt downloaded already, update the flag for all matches.
                    if (match.FanArtDownloadFinished.HasValue)
                        fanArtDownloaded = true;

                    if (!match.FanArtDownloadStarted.HasValue)
                        match.FanArtDownloadStarted = DateTime.Now;
コード例 #2
        protected bool CheckBeginDownloadFanArt(FanartDownload <TId> fanartDownload)
            bool fanArtDownloaded = false;

            lock (_syncObj)
                // Load cache or create new list
                List <TMatch> matches = _storage.GetMatches();
                foreach (TMatch match in matches.FindAll(m => m.Id != null && m.Id.Equals(fanartDownload.Id)))
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.FanArtDownloadId))
                        match.FanArtDownloadId = fanartDownload.DownloadId;

                    // We can have multiple matches for one TvDbId in list, if one has FanArt downloaded already, update the flag for all matches.
                    if (match.FanArtDownloadFinished.HasValue)
                        fanArtDownloaded = true;

                    if (!match.FanArtDownloadStarted.HasValue)
                        match.FanArtDownloadStarted = DateTime.Now;

                //It's possible that we have multiple matches with the same id, ensure that they are all marked as finished
                if (fanArtDownloaded)
                    foreach (TMatch match in matches.FindAll(m => m.Id != null && m.Id.Equals(fanartDownload.Id) && !m.FanArtDownloadFinished.HasValue))
                        match.FanArtDownloadFinished = DateTime.Now;

コード例 #3
        protected void FinishDownloadFanArt(TId itemId)
            lock (_syncObj)
                // Load cache or create new list
                List <TMatch> matches = _storage.LoadMatches();
                foreach (TMatch match in matches.FindAll(m => m.Id.Equals(itemId)))
                    if (!match.FanArtDownloadFinished.HasValue)
                        match.FanArtDownloadFinished = DateTime.Now;
