private void listViewEx1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { RezultateleCautarii rc = new RezultateleCautarii(); string cnp = listViewEx1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; string index = listViewEx1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text; rc.index = Convert.ToInt32(index); string[] s1 = { "Leucocite 22", "Rh 10", "Fibrinogen 17", "Timp trombina 15", "Grup sanguin 10", "Proteina S 55", "Proteina C 45" }; //bioch string[] s2 = { "Ca ionic 7", "Ca seric 9", "Mg seric 7", "Glucoza serica 7", "Trigliceride 9", "CK 9", "Profil lipidic 28", "ADNhepatitaC 390", "ArnhepatitaB 390" }; // markeri enodocrini string[] s4 = { "AFP 29", "Calcitonina 51", "CA125 35", "CA15-3 35", "Ca72-4 43", "SCC 44", "ACTH 36", "Cortisol 29", "Prolactina 30", "Insulina 29" }; //imun_ser string[] s3 = { "IgA 18", "IgB 18", "ASLO 13", "ANA 55", "AMA 45", "Anticorpi_antiADN 55" }; OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=MedLab_DataBase.mdb"); aConnection.Open(); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Pacienti WHERE Cnp=@cnp", aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.Add("@cnp", OleDbType.VarChar, 100, "Cnp").Value = cnp; OleDbDataReader myreader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); while (myreader.Read()) { rc.textBox1.Text = myreader.GetString(1); rc.textBox2.Text = myreader.GetString(0); rc.textBox3.Text = myreader.GetString(4); rc.textBox4.Text = myreader.GetString(2); rc.textBox5.Text = myreader.GetString(3); rc.textBox6.Text = myreader.GetString(5); } myreader.Close(); OleDbConnection aConnection2 = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=MedLab_DataBase.mdb"); aConnection2.Open(); OleDbCommand aCommand2 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM INREGISTRARi WHERE IDCerere=@index", aConnection2); aCommand2.Parameters.Add("@index", OleDbType.VarChar, 100, "Cnp").Value = index; OleDbDataReader myreader2 = aCommand2.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); string Hemat; string ImSer; string Bioch; string Mend; myreader2.Read(); Hemat = myreader2.GetString(9); ImSer = myreader2.GetString(10); Bioch = myreader2.GetString(11); Mend = myreader2.GetString(12); rc.textBox7.Text = myreader2.GetString(7); rc.textBox8.Text = myreader2.GetString(4); rc.textBox9.Text = myreader2.GetString(5); rc.textBox10.Text = myreader2.GetString(6); Object[] obj; int nr_crt = 0, nr = 0; #pragma warning disable CS0219 // The variable 'nrME' is assigned but its value is never used int nrH, nrB, nrIS, nrME; #pragma warning restore CS0219 // The variable 'nrME' is assigned but its value is never used nrH = nrB = nrIS = nrME = 0; obj = new object[18]; //Console.WriteLine("nume" + myc.Nume + "\nadr" + myc.Adr + "\nhemat" + myc.Hemat + "\nbio" + myc.Bioch + "\ncnp" + myc.Cnp + "\ndanl" + myc.Danl + "\ndn" + myc.Dn + "\nemail" + myc.Email + "\nimser" + myc.ImSer + "\nmedic" + myc.Medic + "\nmend" + myc.Mend + "\nnrtel" + myc.Nrtel + "\nnrsp" + myc.Nrtel_spital + "\nsp" + myc.Spital); int i; for (i = 4; i < Hemat.Length; i++) { if (Hemat[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Hemat[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s1[nr].Substring(0, s1[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrH = nr_crt; nr = 0; //nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < Bioch.Length; i++) { if (Bioch[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Bioch[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s2[nr].Substring(0, s2[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrB = nr_crt - nrH; nr = 0; // nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < ImSer.Length; i++) { if (ImSer[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(ImSer[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s3[nr].Substring(0, s3[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrIS = nr_crt - (nrB + nrH); nr = 0; //nr_crt = 0; //nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < Mend.Length; i++) { if (Mend[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Mend[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s4[nr].Substring(0, s4[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } // nrME = nr_crt - (nrIS + nrH + nrB); myreader2.Close(); rc.ShowDialog(); rc.Dispose(); rc.Focus(); }
private void listViewEx1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { RezultateleCautarii rc = new RezultateleCautarii(); string cnp = listViewEx1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; string index = listViewEx1.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text; rc.index =Convert.ToInt32(index); string[] s1 = { "Leucocite 22", "Rh 10", "Fibrinogen 17", "Timp trombina 15", "Grup sanguin 10", "Proteina S 55", "Proteina C 45" }; //bioch string[] s2 = { "Ca ionic 7", "Ca seric 9", "Mg seric 7", "Glucoza serica 7", "Trigliceride 9", "CK 9", "Profil lipidic 28", "ADNhepatitaC 390", "ArnhepatitaB 390" }; // markeri enodocrini string[] s4 = { "AFP 29", "Calcitonina 51", "CA125 35", "CA15-3 35", "Ca72-4 43", "SCC 44", "ACTH 36", "Cortisol 29", "Prolactina 30", "Insulina 29" }; //imun_ser string[] s3 = { "IgA 18", "IgB 18", "ASLO 13", "ANA 55", "AMA 45", "Anticorpi_antiADN 55" }; OleDbConnection aConnection = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=MedLab_DataBase.mdb"); aConnection.Open(); OleDbCommand aCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Pacienti WHERE Cnp=@cnp", aConnection); aCommand.Parameters.Add("@cnp", OleDbType.VarChar, 100, "Cnp").Value = cnp; OleDbDataReader myreader = aCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); while (myreader.Read()) { rc.textBox1.Text = myreader.GetString(1); rc.textBox2.Text = myreader.GetString(0); rc.textBox3.Text = myreader.GetString(4); rc.textBox4.Text = myreader.GetString(2); rc.textBox5.Text = myreader.GetString(3); rc.textBox6.Text = myreader.GetString(5); } myreader.Close(); OleDbConnection aConnection2 = new OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=MedLab_DataBase.mdb"); aConnection2.Open(); OleDbCommand aCommand2 = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM INREGISTRARi WHERE IDCerere=@index", aConnection2); aCommand2.Parameters.Add("@index", OleDbType.VarChar, 100, "Cnp").Value = index; OleDbDataReader myreader2 = aCommand2.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection); string Hemat; string ImSer; string Bioch; string Mend; myreader2.Read(); Hemat = myreader2.GetString(9); ImSer = myreader2.GetString(10); Bioch = myreader2.GetString(11); Mend = myreader2.GetString(12); rc.textBox7.Text = myreader2.GetString(7); rc.textBox8.Text = myreader2.GetString(4); rc.textBox9.Text = myreader2.GetString(5); rc.textBox10.Text = myreader2.GetString(6); Object[] obj; int nr_crt = 0, nr = 0; int nrH, nrB, nrIS, nrME; nrH = nrB = nrIS = nrME = 0; obj = new object[18]; //Console.WriteLine("nume" + myc.Nume + "\nadr" + myc.Adr + "\nhemat" + myc.Hemat + "\nbio" + myc.Bioch + "\ncnp" + myc.Cnp + "\ndanl" + myc.Danl + "\ndn" + myc.Dn + "\nemail" + myc.Email + "\nimser" + myc.ImSer + "\nmedic" + myc.Medic + "\nmend" + myc.Mend + "\nnrtel" + myc.Nrtel + "\nnrsp" + myc.Nrtel_spital + "\nsp" + myc.Spital); int i; for (i = 4; i < Hemat.Length; i++) { if (Hemat[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Hemat[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s1[nr].Substring(0, s1[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrH = nr_crt; nr = 0; //nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < Bioch.Length; i++) { if (Bioch[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Bioch[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s2[nr].Substring(0, s2[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrB = nr_crt - nrH; nr = 0; // nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < ImSer.Length; i++) { if (ImSer[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(ImSer[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s3[nr].Substring(0, s3[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } nrIS = nr_crt - (nrB + nrH); nr = 0; //nr_crt = 0; //nr_crt = 0; for (i = 4; i < Mend.Length; i++) { if (Mend[i] != ';') { nr = nr * 10 + int.Parse(Mend[i].ToString()); } else { nr_crt++; obj = new Object[3]; obj[0] = nr_crt; obj[1] = s4[nr].Substring(0, s4[nr].IndexOf(' ')); obj[2] = " "; rc.dataGridViewX1.Rows.Add(obj); nr = 0; } } // nrME = nr_crt - (nrIS + nrH + nrB); myreader2.Close(); rc.ShowDialog(); rc.Dispose(); rc.Focus(); }