static void Main() { CameraClient camera = new CameraClient(); //The camera IP should be modified to the actual IP Address. //Always set IP before you do anything else. if (Status.Error == camera.connect("")) { return; } //Get some camera information like intrincis, IP, ID and version. double[] intri = camera.getCameraIntri(); //[fx,fy,u,v] Console.WriteLine("Camera ID: " + camera.getCameraId()); Console.WriteLine("Version: " + camera.getCameraVersion()); int[] colorImgSize = camera.getColorImgSize(); int[] depthImgSize = camera.getDepthImgSize(); Console.WriteLine("Color Image Size: {0} * {1}", colorImgSize[0], colorImgSize[1]); Console.WriteLine("Depth Image Size: {0} * {1}", depthImgSize[0], depthImgSize[1]); string save_path = "D:\\"; //Capture the color image and depth image and save them. Mat color = camera.captureColorImg(); Mat depth = camera.captureDepthImg(); if (color == null || depth == null) { Console.WriteLine("Empty images"); return; } else { Cv2.ImWrite(save_path + "color.jpg", color); Cv2.ImWrite(save_path + "depth.tif", depth); } double[,] rel = camera.captureRGBCloud();//point cloud data in xyzrgb3 Console.WriteLine("Cloud has " + rel.Length.ToString() + " points"); //Set some parameters of camera which you can refer to parameters' names in Mech_Eye Viewer. Console.WriteLine(camera.setParameter("scan2dExposureMode", 0)); //Set exposure mode to timed. Console.WriteLine(camera.getParameter("scan2dExposureMode")); Console.WriteLine(camera.setParameter("scan2dExposureTime", 20)); //Set expsosure time to 20ms. Console.WriteLine(camera.getParameter("scan2dExposureTime")); int[] roi = { 500, 500, 100, 100 }; // roi: height, width, X, Y Console.WriteLine(camera.setParameter("roi", roi)); Console.WriteLine(camera.getParameter("roi")); }
static void Main() { CameraClient camera = new CameraClient(); //camera ip should be modified to actual ip address //always set ip before do anything else camera.setIp(""); //get some camera info like intrincis, ip, id and version double[] intri = camera.getCameraIntri(); //[fx,fy,u,v] Console.WriteLine("Camera IP: " + camera.getCameraIp()); Console.WriteLine("Camera ID: " + camera.getCameraId()); Console.WriteLine("Version: " + camera.getCameraVersion()); string save_path = "D:\\"; //capture color image and depth image and save them Mat color = camera.captureColorImg(); Mat depth = camera.captureDepthImg(); if (color.Empty() || depth.Empty()) { Console.WriteLine("Empty images"); } else { Cv2.ImWrite(save_path + "color.jpg", color); Cv2.ImWrite(save_path + "depth.png", depth); } //set some parameters of camera, you can refer to parameters' names in Mech_eye Console.WriteLine(camera.setParameter("camera2DExpTime", 15)); Console.WriteLine(camera.getParameter("camera2DExpTime")); Console.WriteLine(camera.setParameter("camera2DExpTime", 20)); Console.WriteLine(camera.getParameter("camera2DExpTime")); //get point cloud in a 2-dim array,each element is [x,y,z,b,g,r] double[,] rel = camera.captureRGBCloud();//point cloud data in xyzrgb3 Console.WriteLine("Cloud has " + rel.Length.ToString() + " points"); }