public override void Render(IVertexSource vertexSource, int pathIndexToRender, IColorType colorIn) { PushOrthoProjection(); GL.BlendFunc(BlendingFactorSrc.SrcAlpha, BlendingFactorDest.OneMinusSrcAlpha); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); vertexSource.rewind(pathIndexToRender); RGBA_Bytes colorBytes = colorIn.GetAsRGBA_Bytes(); GL.Color4(,,, colorBytes.alpha); Affine transform = GetTransform(); if (!transform.is_identity()) { vertexSource = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(vertexSource, transform); } if (DoEdgeAntiAliasing) { DrawAAShape(vertexSource); } else { renderNowTesselator.Clear(); Graphics2DOpenGL.SendShapeToTesselator(renderNowTesselator, vertexSource); } PopOrthoProjection(); }
private void DrawAAShape(IVertexSource vertexSource) { CheckLineImageCache(); GL.Enable(EnableCap.Texture2D); GL.BindTexture(TextureTarget.Texture2D, RenderOpenGl.ImageGlPlugin.GetImageGlPlugin(AATextureImage, false).GLTextureHandle); triangleEddgeInfo.Clear(); Graphics2DOpenGL.SendShapeToTesselator(triangleEddgeInfo, vertexSource); // now render it triangleEddgeInfo.RenderLastToGL(); }
private void GlRenderGrid(Graphics2DOpenGL graphics2DGl, Affine transform, double width) { graphics2DGl.PreRender(); Vector2 gridOffset = gridCenterMm - gridSizeMm / 2; if (gridSizeMm.x > 0 && gridSizeMm.y > 0) { grid.remove_all(); for (int y = 0; y <= gridSizeMm.y; y += 10) { Vector2 start = new Vector2(0, y) + gridOffset; Vector2 end = new Vector2(gridSizeMm.x, y) + gridOffset; transform.transform(ref start); transform.transform(ref end); graphics2DGl.DrawAALine(start, end, width, gridColor); } for (int x = 0; x <= gridSizeMm.x; x += 10) { Vector2 start = new Vector2(x, 0) + gridOffset; Vector2 end = new Vector2(x, gridSizeMm.y) + gridOffset; transform.transform(ref start); transform.transform(ref end); graphics2DGl.DrawAALine(start, end, width, gridColor); } } graphics2DGl.PopOrthoProjection(); }
public override Graphics2D NewGraphics2D() { if (!viewPortHasBeenSet) { SetAndClearViewPort(); } Graphics2D graphics2D; graphics2D = new Graphics2DOpenGL(WindowsFormsWindow.ClientSize.Width, WindowsFormsWindow.ClientSize.Height); graphics2D.PushTransform(); return graphics2D; }
public static Mesh Extrude(IVertexSource vertexSource, double zHeight) { vertexSource.rewind(); CachedTesselator teselatedSource = new CachedTesselator(); Graphics2DOpenGL.SendShapeToTesselator(teselatedSource, vertexSource); Mesh extrudedVertexSource = new Mesh(); int numIndicies = teselatedSource.IndicesCache.Count; // build the top first so it will render first when we are translucent for (int i = 0; i < numIndicies; i += 3) { Vector2 v0 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 0].Index].Position; Vector2 v1 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 1].Index].Position; Vector2 v2 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 2].Index].Position; if (v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0) { continue; } Vertex topVertex0 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v0, zHeight)); Vertex topVertex1 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v1, zHeight)); Vertex topVertex2 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v2, zHeight)); extrudedVertexSource.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { topVertex0, topVertex1, topVertex2 }); } // then the outside edge for (int i = 0; i < numIndicies; i += 3) { Vector2 v0 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 0].Index].Position; Vector2 v1 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 1].Index].Position; Vector2 v2 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 2].Index].Position; if (v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0) { continue; } Vertex bottomVertex0 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v0, 0)); Vertex bottomVertex1 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v1, 0)); Vertex bottomVertex2 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v2, 0)); Vertex topVertex0 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v0, zHeight)); Vertex topVertex1 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v1, zHeight)); Vertex topVertex2 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v2, zHeight)); if (teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 0].IsEdge) { extrudedVertexSource.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { bottomVertex0, bottomVertex1, topVertex1, topVertex0 }); } if (teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 1].IsEdge) { extrudedVertexSource.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { bottomVertex1, bottomVertex2, topVertex2, topVertex1 }); } if (teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 2].IsEdge) { extrudedVertexSource.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { bottomVertex2, bottomVertex0, topVertex0, topVertex2 }); } } // then the bottom for (int i = 0; i < numIndicies; i += 3) { Vector2 v0 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 0].Index].Position; Vector2 v1 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 1].Index].Position; Vector2 v2 = teselatedSource.VerticesCache[teselatedSource.IndicesCache[i + 2].Index].Position; if (v0 == v1 || v1 == v2 || v2 == v0) { continue; } Vertex bottomVertex0 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v0, 0)); Vertex bottomVertex1 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v1, 0)); Vertex bottomVertex2 = extrudedVertexSource.CreateVertex(new Vector3(v2, 0)); extrudedVertexSource.CreateFace(new Vertex[] { bottomVertex2, bottomVertex1, bottomVertex0 }); } return(extrudedVertexSource); }