public static void RenderAxis(this WorldView world, Vector3 position, Matrix4X4 matrix, double size, double lineWidth) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(true); Frustum frustum = world.GetClippingFrustum(); Vector3 length = Vector3.One * size; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var min = position; min[i] -= length[i]; Vector3 start = Vector3Ex.Transform(min, matrix); var max = position; max[i] += length[i]; Vector3 end = Vector3Ex.Transform(max, matrix); var color = Agg.Color.Red; switch (i) { case 1: color = Agg.Color.Green; break; case 2: color = Agg.Color.Blue; break; } // draw each of the edge lines (4) and their touching top and bottom lines (2 each) world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, start, end, color, lineWidth); } GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); }
public static void RenderPathOutline(this WorldView world, Matrix4X4 worldMatrix, IVertexSource path, Color color, double lineWidth = 1) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(true); Frustum frustum = world.GetClippingFrustum(); Vector3 firstPosition = default(Vector3); Vector3 prevPosition = default(Vector3); foreach (var vertex in path.Vertices()) { if (vertex.command == ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.MoveTo) { firstPosition = prevPosition = new Vector3(vertex.position).Transform(worldMatrix); } else if (vertex.command == ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.LineTo) { var position = new Vector3(vertex.position).Transform(worldMatrix); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, prevPosition, position, color, lineWidth); prevPosition = position; } else if (vertex.command.HasFlag(ShapePath.FlagsAndCommand.FlagClose)) { world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, prevPosition, firstPosition, color, lineWidth); } } // turn the lighting back on GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); }
public static void RenderAabb(this WorldView world, AxisAlignedBoundingBox bounds, Matrix4X4 matrix, Color color, double lineWidth = 1, double extendLineLength = 0) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(true); Frustum frustum = world.GetClippingFrustum(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { Vector3 sideStartPosition = Vector3Ex.Transform(bounds.GetBottomCorner(i), matrix); Vector3 sideEndPosition = Vector3Ex.Transform(bounds.GetTopCorner(i), matrix); Vector3 bottomStartPosition = sideStartPosition; Vector3 bottomEndPosition = Vector3Ex.Transform(bounds.GetBottomCorner((i + 1) % 4), matrix); Vector3 topStartPosition = sideEndPosition; Vector3 topEndPosition = Vector3Ex.Transform(bounds.GetTopCorner((i + 1) % 4), matrix); if (extendLineLength > 0) { GLHelper.ExtendLineEnds(ref sideStartPosition, ref sideEndPosition, extendLineLength); GLHelper.ExtendLineEnds(ref topStartPosition, ref topEndPosition, extendLineLength); GLHelper.ExtendLineEnds(ref bottomStartPosition, ref bottomEndPosition, extendLineLength); } // draw each of the edge lines (4) and their touching top and bottom lines (2 each) world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, sideStartPosition, sideEndPosition, color, lineWidth); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, topStartPosition, topEndPosition, color, lineWidth); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, bottomStartPosition, bottomEndPosition, color, lineWidth); } GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); }
public static void RenderCylinderOutline(this WorldView world, Matrix4X4 worldMatrix, Vector3 center, double diameter, double height, int sides, Color topBottomRingColor, Color sideLinesColor, double lineWidth = 1, double extendLineLength = 0, double phase = 0) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(true); Frustum frustum = world.GetClippingFrustum(); for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++) { var startAngle = MathHelper.Tau * i / sides + phase; var rotatedPoint = new Vector3(Math.Cos(startAngle), Math.Sin(startAngle), 0) * diameter / 2; var sideTop = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotatedPoint + new Vector3(0, 0, height / 2), worldMatrix); var sideBottom = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotatedPoint + new Vector3(0, 0, -height / 2), worldMatrix); var endAngle = MathHelper.Tau * (i + 1) / sides + phase; var rotated2Point = new Vector3(Math.Cos(endAngle), Math.Sin(endAngle), 0) * diameter / 2; var topStart = sideTop; var topEnd = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotated2Point + new Vector3(0, 0, height / 2), worldMatrix); var bottomStart = sideBottom; var bottomEnd = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotated2Point + new Vector3(0, 0, -height / 2), worldMatrix); if (extendLineLength > 0) { GLHelper.ExtendLineEnds(ref sideTop, ref sideBottom, extendLineLength); } if (sideLinesColor != Color.Transparent) { world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, sideTop, sideBottom, sideLinesColor, lineWidth); } if (topBottomRingColor != Color.Transparent) { world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, topStart, topEnd, topBottomRingColor, lineWidth); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, bottomStart, bottomEnd, topBottomRingColor, lineWidth); } } }
public static void RenderRing(this WorldView world, Matrix4X4 worldMatrix, Vector3 center, double diameter, int sides, Color ringColor, double lineWidth = 1, double phase = 0, bool zBuffered = true) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(zBuffered); Frustum frustum = world.GetClippingFrustum(); for (int i = 0; i < sides; i++) { var startAngle = MathHelper.Tau * i / sides + phase; var rotatedPoint = new Vector3(Math.Cos(startAngle), Math.Sin(startAngle), 0) * diameter / 2; var sideTop = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotatedPoint, worldMatrix); var sideBottom = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotatedPoint, worldMatrix); var endAngle = MathHelper.Tau * (i + 1) / sides + phase; var rotated2Point = new Vector3(Math.Cos(endAngle), Math.Sin(endAngle), 0) * diameter / 2; var topStart = sideTop; var topEnd = Vector3Ex.Transform(center + rotated2Point, worldMatrix); if (ringColor != Color.Transparent) { world.Render3DLineNoPrep(frustum, topStart, topEnd, ringColor, lineWidth); } } // turn the lighting back on GL.Enable(EnableCap.Lighting); }
/// <summary> /// Draw a line in the scene in 3D but scale it such that it appears as a 2D line in the view. /// </summary> /// <param name="world"></param> /// <param name="clippingFrustum">This is a cache of the frustum from world. /// Much faster to pass this way if drawing lots of lines.</param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <param name="doDepthTest"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> public static void Render3DLine(this WorldView world, Frustum clippingFrustum, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, bool doDepthTest = true, double width = 1, bool startArrow = false, bool endArrow = false) { GL.PushAttrib(AttribMask.EnableBit); GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(doDepthTest); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(clippingFrustum, start, end, color, width, startArrow, endArrow); GL.PopAttrib(); }
public void RenderToGlRecursive(BoxPrimitive objectToProcess) { if (objectToProcess.CreateCentered) { //objectToProcess.Size; } else { } var partColor = new ColorF(.8, .8, 1).ToColor(); GLHelper.Render(CreateBox(objectToProcess.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox()), partColor); }
public static void Render3DLineNoPrep(this WorldView world, Frustum clippingFrustum, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, double width = 1) { if (clippingFrustum.ClipLine(ref start, ref end)) { double unitsPerPixelStart = world.GetWorldUnitsPerScreenPixelAtPosition(start); double unitsPerPixelEnd = world.GetWorldUnitsPerScreenPixelAtPosition(end); Vector3 delta = start - end; var deltaLength = delta.Length; Matrix4X4 rotateTransform = Matrix4X4.CreateRotation(new Quaternion(Vector3.UnitX + new Vector3(.0001, -.00001, .00002), -delta / deltaLength)); Matrix4X4 scaleTransform = Matrix4X4.CreateScale(deltaLength, 1, 1); Vector3 lineCenter = (start + end) / 2; Matrix4X4 lineTransform = scaleTransform * rotateTransform * Matrix4X4.CreateTranslation(lineCenter); var startScale = unitsPerPixelStart * width; var endScale = unitsPerPixelEnd * width; for (int i = 0; i < unscaledLineMesh.Vertices.Count; i++) { var vertexPosition = unscaledLineMesh.Vertices[i]; if (vertexPosition.X < 0) { scaledLineMesh.Vertices[i] = new Vector3Float(vertexPosition.X, vertexPosition.Y * startScale, vertexPosition.Z * startScale); } else { scaledLineMesh.Vertices[i] = new Vector3Float(vertexPosition.X, vertexPosition.Y * endScale, vertexPosition.Z * endScale); } } if (true) { GL.Color4(color.Red0To255, color.Green0To255, color.Blue0To255, color.Alpha0To255); if (color.Alpha0To1 < 1) { GL.Enable(EnableCap.Blend); } else { //GL.Disable(EnableCap.Blend); } GL.MatrixMode(MatrixMode.Modelview); GL.PushMatrix(); GL.MultMatrix(lineTransform.GetAsFloatArray()); GL.Begin(BeginMode.Triangles); for (int faceIndex = 0; faceIndex < scaledLineMesh.Faces.Count; faceIndex++) { var face = scaledLineMesh.Faces[faceIndex]; var vertices = scaledLineMesh.Vertices; var position = vertices[face.v0]; GL.Vertex3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); position = vertices[face.v1]; GL.Vertex3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); position = vertices[face.v2]; GL.Vertex3(position.X, position.Y, position.Z); } GL.End(); GL.PopMatrix(); } else { scaledLineMesh.MarkAsChanged(); GLHelper.Render(scaledLineMesh, color, lineTransform, RenderTypes.Shaded); } } }
public void RenderToGlRecursive(Csg.Solids.MeshContainer objectToProcess) { var partColor = new ColorF(.8, .8, 1).ToColor(); GLHelper.Render(objectToProcess.GetMesh(), partColor); }
public void RenderToGlRecursive(Cylinder.CylinderPrimitive objectToProcess) { var partColor = new ColorF(.8, .8, 1).ToColor(); GLHelper.Render(CreateCylinder(objectToProcess), partColor); }
/// <summary> /// Draw a line in the scene in 3D but scale it such that it appears as a 2D line in the view. /// </summary> /// <param name="world"></param> /// <param name="clippingFrustum">This is a cache of the frustum from world. /// Much faster to pass this way if drawing lots of lines.</param> /// <param name="start"></param> /// <param name="end"></param> /// <param name="color"></param> /// <param name="doDepthTest"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> public static void Render3DLine(this WorldView world, Frustum clippingFrustum, Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Color color, bool doDepthTest = true, double width = 1) { GLHelper.PrepareFor3DLineRender(doDepthTest); world.Render3DLineNoPrep(clippingFrustum, start, end, color, width); }