public void PaintDomino(CubeWrapper wrapper, int operandVal) { DominoPainter painter = new DominoPainter (mCube, operandVal, wrapper.mColor); painter = null; }
public void DrawOperator(Cube cube) { mCube.FillScreen (bgColor); Log.Debug ("Draw Operator"); Cube[] connected = CubeHelper.FindConnected (cube); if (connected.Length > 2) { //Loop through each cube foreach (Cube neighbor in connected) { CubeWrapper neighborWrapper = (CubeWrapper)neighbor.userData; //Skip any other cube other than an Operand cube if (neighborWrapper.mCubeStateMachine.Current == Constants.OperandState) { //Determine the side it is on //DrawDiagnals (); DrawVerticleSeparator (); //Log.Debug ("side of Operator: " + cube.Neighbors.SideOf (neighbor).ToString () + " num: " + neighborWrapper.mValue.ToString ()); CubeWrapper wrapper = (CubeWrapper)neighbor.userData; //Paint that side of the cube //TODO: get the relative side to the hint cube. DominoPainter painter = new DominoPainter (mCube, wrapper.mValue, cube.Neighbors.SideOf (neighbor), neighborWrapper.mColor); painter = null; //Release Resource //TODO: I don't think this works like it does in Objective-C -- Need to follow up on that } else { //Do nothing } } //Draw Left Side //Draw Right side } }
public void PaintDomino(CubeWrapper wrapper) { DominoPainter painter = new DominoPainter (mCube, wrapper.mValue, wrapper.mColor); painter = null; }