public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); ConfigureWindow configureWindow = new ConfigureWindow(); configureWindow.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void FinalResults() { double totalTime = 0; CurrentProblemSet.ForEach(x => totalTime += x.TimeAnsweredIn); currentSelection = null; calculationLabel.Content = ""; buttonOption1.Content = ""; buttonOption2.Content = ""; buttonOption3.Content = ""; buttonOption4.Content = ""; currentProblem = null; string previousStreak; string previousAverageTime = null; if (UserData.TryGetValue(Configuration["name"] + "_streak)_" + Configuration["factNumber"], out previousStreak)) { previousAverageTime = UserData[Configuration["name"] + "_averageTime_" + Configuration["factNumber"]]; } else { UserData[Configuration["name"] + "_streak_" + Configuration["factNumber"]] = longestStreak.ToString(); UserData[Configuration["name"] + "_averageTime_" + Configuration["factNumber"]] = (totalTime / CurrentProblemSet.Count).ToString(); } string previousInfo = ""; if (previousAverageTime != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(previousAverageTime.ToString())) { previousInfo = "Your previous streak was " + longestStreak + Environment.NewLine + "Your average time to answer was " + totalTime / CurrentProblemSet.Count + Environment.NewLine; if (int.Parse(previousStreak.ToString()) < longestStreak) { UserData[Configuration["name"] + "_streak_" + Configuration["factNumber"]] = longestStreak.ToString(); } if (double.Parse(previousAverageTime.ToString()) < (totalTime / CurrentProblemSet.Count)) { UserData[Configuration["name"] + "_averageTime_" + Configuration["factNumber"]] = (totalTime / CurrentProblemSet.Count).ToString(); } } Properties.Settings.Default["UserData"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(UserData); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); MessageBox.Show(previousInfo + "Your longest streak was " + longestStreak + Environment.NewLine + "Your average time to answer was " + totalTime / CurrentProblemSet.Count, "FinalResult"); CurrentProblemSet = null; ConfigureWindow configWindow = new ConfigureWindow(); configWindow.nameText.Text = Configuration["name"]; configWindow.Show(); this.Close(); }