public RabbitMqHost(RabbitMqHostSettings hostSettings) { _hostSettings = hostSettings; _connectionCache = new RabbitMqConnectionCache(hostSettings); MessageNameFormatter = new RabbitMqMessageNameFormatter(); }
public RabbitMqOptionSet() { Add<string>("h|host:", "The host name of the broker", x => Host = x); Add<string>("vhost:", "The virtual host to use", value => VirtualHost = value); Add<string>("u|username:"******"Username (if using basic credentials)", value => Username = value); Add<string>("p|password:"******"Password (if using basic credentials)", value => Password = value); Add<ushort>("heartbeat:", "Heartbeat (for RabbitMQ)", value => Heartbeat = value); Host = "localhost"; Username = "******"; Password = "******"; Heartbeat = 0; VirtualHost = "/"; Port = 5672; Ssl = false; SslProtocol = SslProtocols.Tls12; SslServerName = Host; AcceptablePolicyErrors = SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateNameMismatch; ClientCertificatePath = ""; ClientCertificatePassphrase = ""; MessageNameFormatter = new RabbitMqMessageNameFormatter(); PublisherConfirmation = true; }
public RabbitMqHost(RabbitMqHostSettings hostSettings) { _hostSettings = hostSettings; MessageNameFormatter = new RabbitMqMessageNameFormatter(); var exceptionFilter = Retry.Selected <RabbitMqConnectionException>(); _connectionRetryPolicy = exceptionFilter.Exponential(1000, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); _supervisor = new TaskSupervisor($"{TypeMetadataCache<RabbitMqHost>.ShortName} - {_hostSettings.ToDebugString()}"); _connectionCache = new RabbitMqConnectionCache(hostSettings, _supervisor); }