コード例 #1
        * Samples for Marketplace Web Service functionality
        public static void GetReport(string reportType, string fileName)
            * Instantiate  Implementation of Marketplace Web Service

            MarketplaceWebServiceConfig config = new MarketplaceWebServiceConfig();

             * The application name and version are included in each MWS call's
             * HTTP User-Agent field. These are required fields.

             * All MWS requests must contain the seller's merchant ID and
             * marketplace ID.

            config.ServiceURL = GlobalConfig.Instance.ServiceURL;

            config.SetUserAgentHeader(GlobalConfig.Instance.AppName, GlobalConfig.Instance.AppVersion, "C#");
            MarketplaceWebService service = new MarketplaceWebServiceClient(GlobalConfig.Instance.AccessKey, GlobalConfig.Instance.SecretKey, config);

            //*** 1. Submit a report request using the RequestReport operation. This is a request to Amazon MWS to generate a specific report.
            RequestReportRequest reportRequest = new RequestReportRequest();
            reportRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
            // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
            reportRequest.MarketplaceIdList = new IdList();
            reportRequest.MarketplaceIdList.Id = new List<string>( new string [] { GlobalConfig.Instance.MarketplaceId } );

            reportRequest.ReportType = reportType;
            reportRequest.StartDate = new DateTime(2015, 8, 1);
            reportRequest.EndDate = new DateTime(2015, 9, 21);
            // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
            // request.ReportOptions = "ShowSalesChannel=true";
            string reportRequestId = RequestReportSample.InvokeRequestReport(service, reportRequest);

            Dictionary<string, string> requestInfo = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] = "";
            requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] = "";

             * Uncomment to invoke Get Report Request List Action
                GetReportRequestListRequest request = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                request.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
                //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                // @TODO: set additional request parameters here
                request.ReportRequestIdList = new IdList();
                request.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { reportRequestId });
                while(requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] != "_DONE_" && requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] == "")
                    if(!GetReportRequestListSample.InvokeGetReportRequestList(service, request, requestInfo))
                        // todo �쳣����
                    //*** Request every 60s
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000);

            //*** 2. Using the GetReportList operation and include the ReportRequestId for the report requested.
            //*** The operation returns a ReportId that you can then pass to the GetReport operation 50193016685
                if (requestInfo["ReportProcessingStatus"] == "_DONE_" && requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] == "")

                    GetReportListRequest getReportListRequest = new GetReportListRequest();
                    getReportListRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
                    //request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional
                    getReportListRequest.ReportRequestIdList = new IdList();
                    getReportListRequest.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { reportRequestId });
                    string reportId = "";
                    while (reportId == "")
                        //*** Request every 60s
                        System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1 * 60 * 1000);
                        reportId = GetReportListSample.InvokeGetReportList(service, getReportListRequest);
                    requestInfo["reportId"] = reportId;

            //*** 3. Submit a request using the GetReport operation to receive a specific report.
            //*** You include in the request the GeneratedReportId or the ReportId for the report you want to receive.
            //*** You then process the Content-MD5 header to confirm that the report was not corrupted during transmission.
            GetReportRequest getReportRequest = new GetReportRequest();
            getReportRequest.Merchant = GlobalConfig.Instance.SellerId;
            // request.MWSAuthToken = "<Your MWS Auth Token>"; // Optional

            // Note that depending on the type of report being downloaded, a report can reach
            // sizes greater than 1GB. For this reason we recommend that you _always_ program to
            // MWS in a streaming fashion. Otherwise, as your business grows you may silently reach
            // the in-memory size limit and have to re-work your solution.
            // NOTE: Due to Content-MD5 validation, the stream must be read/write.
            if (requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] != "" || requestInfo["reportId"] != "")
                getReportRequest.ReportId = requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] != "" ? requestInfo["GeneratedReportId"] : requestInfo["reportId"];
                getReportRequest.Report = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                GetReportSample.InvokeGetReport(service, getReportRequest);
コード例 #2
        private void CheckAndWaitForDoneStatusOfRequestedReport()
            ProcessingLog.LogAndPrintScreenMessage(string.Format("Get report request list based on Request Id: {0}", _requestedReportRequestId), true);

            bool reportWasDone = false;
            int timeOut = 60000 * UpdateOrdersAndInventoryConfigSection.ReportGenerationTimeOutMin.Value;

            int totalWaitTime = 0;

            while (!reportWasDone)
                GetReportRequestListRequest reportRequestListRequest = new GetReportRequestListRequest();
                reportRequestListRequest.Merchant = _merchant;
                reportRequestListRequest.ReportRequestIdList = new IdList();
                reportRequestListRequest.ReportRequestIdList.Id = new List<string>(new string[] { _requestedReportRequestId });

                GetReportRequestListResponse getReportRequestListResponse = _marketplaceWebService.GetReportRequestList(reportRequestListRequest);

                GetReportRequestListResult getReportRequestListResult = getReportRequestListResponse.GetReportRequestListResult;
                List<ReportRequestInfo> reportRequestInfoList = getReportRequestListResult.ReportRequestInfo;
                foreach (ReportRequestInfo reportRequestInfo in reportRequestInfoList)
                    if (reportRequestInfo.IsSetReportProcessingStatus())
                        ProcessingLog.LogAndPrintScreenMessage(string.Format("Report processing status: {0}", reportRequestInfo.ReportProcessingStatus),true);
                        if (reportRequestInfo.ReportProcessingStatus.Equals("_DONE_", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) &&
                            reportWasDone = true;
                            _amzDownloadedReportId = reportRequestInfo.GeneratedReportId;
                            ProcessingLog.LogAndPrintScreenMessage(string.Format("Report was done and has a Report Id = {0}", _amzDownloadedReportId), true);

                if (reportWasDone) continue;

                ProcessingLog.LogAndPrintScreenMessage("Report not _DONE_ wait 60 seconds and try until _DONE_ or timeout.", true);

                totalWaitTime += 60000;
                if (totalWaitTime >= timeOut)
                    throw new TimeoutException(string.Format("Exceeded time out of {0} minutes for report.", UpdateOrdersAndInventoryConfigSection.ReportGenerationTimeOutMin.Value));