private void CreateCommands() { // SAVE COMMAND SaveCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var doc = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename == "untitled") { SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); } else if (!doc.SaveDocument()) { SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); } Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return(false); } return(this.ActiveDocument.IsDirty); }); // SAVEAS COMMAND SaveAsCommand = new CommandBase((parameter, e) => { bool isEncrypted = parameter != null && parameter.ToString() == "Secure"; var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var doc = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var filename = doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename; var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); if (filename == "untitled") { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; var match = Regex.Match(doc.GetMarkdown(), @"^# (\ *)(?<Header>.+)", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { filename = match.Groups["Header"].Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { filename = mmFileUtils.SafeFilename(filename); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = KnownFolders.GetPath(KnownFolder.Libraries); } } SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Markdown files (*.md)|*.md|Markdown files (*.markdown)|*.markdown|All files (*.*)|*.*", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = filename, CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (!isEncrypted) { doc.MarkdownDocument.Password = null; } else { var pwdDialog = new FilePasswordDialog(doc.MarkdownDocument, false) { Owner = Window }; bool?pwdResult = pwdDialog.ShowDialog(); } if (result != null && result.Value) { doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename = sd.FileName; if (!doc.SaveDocument()) { MessageBox.Show(Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); return; } } mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder = folder; Window.SetWindowTitle(); Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return(false); } return(true); }); // SAVEASHTML COMMAND SaveAsHtmlCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; var doc = tab?.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Html files (Html only) (*.html)|*.html|Html files (Html and dependencies in a folder)|*.html", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = Path.ChangeExtension(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, "html"), CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); }catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save html file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (result != null && result.Value) { if (sd.FilterIndex != 2) { var html = doc.RenderMarkdown(doc.GetMarkdown(), mmApp.Configuration.MarkdownOptions.RenderLinksAsExternal); if (!doc.MarkdownDocument.WriteFile(sd.FileName, html)) { MessageBox.Show(Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsHtmlCommand.Execute(null); return; } } else { string msg = @"This feature is not available yet. For now, you can use 'View in Web Browser' to view the document in your favorite Web Browser and use 'Save As...' to save the Html document with all CSS and Image dependencies. Do you want to View in Browser now? "; var mbResult = MessageBox.Show(msg, mmApp.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk, MessageBoxResult.Yes); if (mbResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Window.Model.ViewInExternalBrowserCommand.Execute(null); } } } Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null || ActiveEditor == null) { return(false); } if (ActiveDocument.Filename == "untitled") { return(true); } if (ActiveEditor.EditorSyntax != "markdown") { return(false); } return(true); }); // NEW DOCUMENT COMMAND (ctrl-n) NewDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { Window.OpenTab("untitled"); }); // OPEN DOCUMENT COMMAND OpenDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var fd = new OpenFileDialog { DefaultExt = ".md", Filter = "Markdown files (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" + "Html files (*.htm,*.html)|*.htm;*.html|" + "Javascript files (*.js)|*.js|" + "Typescript files (*.ts)|*.ts|" + "Json files (*.json)|*.json|" + "Css files (*.css)|*.css|" + "Xml files (*.xml,*.config)|*.xml;*.config|" + "C# files (*.cs)|*.cs|" + "C# Razor files (*.cshtml)|*.cshtml|" + "Foxpro files (*.prg)|*.prg|" + "Powershell files (*.ps1)|*.ps1|" + "Php files (*.php)|*.php|" + "Python files (*.py)|*.py|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", CheckFileExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, Multiselect = true, Title = "Open Markdown File" }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder)) { fd.InitialDirectory = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; } bool?res = null; try { res = fd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to open file.", ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (res == null || !res.Value) { return; } foreach (var file in fd.FileNames) { // TODO: Check AddRecentFile and make sure Tab Selection works Window.OpenTab(file, rebindTabHeaders: true); //Window.AddRecentFile(file); } }); // CLOSE ACTIVE DOCUMENT COMMAND CloseActiveDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } if (Window.CloseTab(tab)) { Window.TabControl.Items.Remove(tab); } }, null) { Caption = "_Close Document", ToolTip = "Closes the active tab and asks to save the document." }; // COMMIT TO GIT Command CommitToGitCommand = new CommandBase(async(s, e) => { string file = ActiveDocument?.Filename; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file)) { return; } Window.ShowStatus("Committing and pushing to Git..."); WindowUtilities.DoEvents(); string error = null; bool pushToGit = mmApp.Configuration.GitCommitBehavior == GitCommitBehaviors.CommitAndPush; bool result = await Task.Run(() => mmFileUtils.CommitFileToGit(file, pushToGit, out error)); if (result) { Window.ShowStatus($"File {Path.GetFileName(file)} committed and pushed.", 6000); } else { Window.ShowStatus(error, 7000); Window.SetStatusIcon(FontAwesomeIcon.Warning, Colors.Red); } }, (s, e) => IsEditorActive); // PREVIEW BUTTON COMMAND PreviewBrowserCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var editor = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; Configuration.IsPreviewVisible = IsPreviewBrowserVisible; if (!IsPreviewBrowserVisible && IsPresentationMode) { PresentationModeCommand.Execute(null); } Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(!IsPreviewBrowserVisible); if (IsPreviewBrowserVisible) { Window.PreviewMarkdown(editor); } }, null); // SHOW FILE BROWSER COMMAND ShowFolderBrowserCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { mmApp.Configuration.FolderBrowser.Visible = !mmApp.Configuration.FolderBrowser.Visible; mmApp.Model.Window.ShowFolderBrowser(!mmApp.Configuration.FolderBrowser.Visible); }); // WORD WRAP COMMAND WordWrapCommand = new CommandBase((parameter, command) => { //MessageBox.Show("alt-z WPF"); mmApp.Model.Configuration.EditorWrapText = !mmApp.Model.Configuration.EditorWrapText; mmApp.Model.ActiveEditor?.SetWordWrap(mmApp.Model.Configuration.EditorWrapText); }, (p, c) => IsEditorActive); // MARKDOWN EDIT COMMANDS TOOLBAR COMMAND ToolbarInsertMarkdownCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { string action = s as string; var editor = Window.GetActiveMarkdownEditor(); editor?.ProcessEditorUpdateCommand(action); }, null); // Settings SettingsCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var file = Path.Combine(mmApp.Configuration.CommonFolder, "MarkdownMonster.json"); // save settings first so we're looking at current setting Configuration.Write(); string fileText = File.ReadAllText(file); if (!fileText.StartsWith("//")) { fileText = "// Reference:\r\n" + fileText; File.WriteAllText(file, fileText); } Window.OpenTab(file, syntax: "json"); }, null); // DISTRACTION FREE MODE DistractionFreeModeCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { GridLength glToolbar = new GridLength(0); GridLength glMenu = new GridLength(0); GridLength glStatus = new GridLength(0); GridLength glFileBrowser = new GridLength(0); if (Window.ToolbarGridRow.Height == glToolbar) { Window.SaveSettings(); glToolbar = GridLength.Auto; glMenu = GridLength.Auto; glStatus = GridLength.Auto; //mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.IsTabHeaderPanelVisible = true; Window.TabControl.IsHeaderPanelVisible = true; IsPreviewBrowserVisible = true; Window.PreviewMarkdown(); Window.WindowState = mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.WindowState; IsFullScreen = false; Window.ShowFolderBrowser(!mmApp.Configuration.FolderBrowser.Visible); } else { var tokens = mmApp.Configuration.DistractionFreeModeHideOptions.ToLower().Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (tokens.All(d => d != "menu")) { glMenu = GridLength.Auto; } if (tokens.All(d => d != "toolbar")) { glToolbar = GridLength.Auto; } if (tokens.All(d => d != "statusbar")) { glStatus = GridLength.Auto; } if (tokens.Any(d => d == "tabs")) { Window.TabControl.IsHeaderPanelVisible = false; } if (tokens.Any(d => d == "preview")) { IsPreviewBrowserVisible = false; Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(hide: true); } mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.WindowState = Window.WindowState; if (tokens.Any(d => d == "maximized")) { Window.WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; } Window.ShowFolderBrowser(true); IsFullScreen = true; } // toolbar Window.MainMenuGridRow.Height = glMenu; Window.ToolbarGridRow.Height = glToolbar; Window.StatusBarGridRow.Height = glStatus; }, null); // PRESENTATION MODE PresentationModeCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { if (IsFullScreen) { DistractionFreeModeCommand.Execute(null); } GridLength gl = new GridLength(0); if (Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height == gl) { gl = GridLength.Auto; // toolbar height Window.MainWindowEditorColumn.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); Window.MainWindowSeparatorColumn.Width = new GridLength(0); Window.MainWindowPreviewColumn.Width = new GridLength(mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.SplitterPosition); Window.PreviewMarkdown(); Window.ShowFolderBrowser(!mmApp.Configuration.FolderBrowser.Visible); IsPresentationMode = false; } else { Window.SaveSettings(); mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.SplitterPosition = Convert.ToInt32(Window.MainWindowPreviewColumn.Width.Value); // don't allow presentation mode for non-Markdown documents var editor = Window.GetActiveMarkdownEditor(); if (editor != null) { var file = editor.MarkdownDocument.Filename.ToLower(); var ext = Path.GetExtension(file); if (file != "untitled" && ext != ".md" && ext != ".htm" && ext != ".html") { // don't allow presentation mode for non markdown files IsPresentationMode = false; IsPreviewBrowserVisible = false; Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(true); return; } } Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(); Window.ShowFolderBrowser(true); Window.MainWindowEditorColumn.Width = gl; Window.MainWindowSeparatorColumn.Width = gl; Window.MainWindowPreviewColumn.Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); IsPresentationMode = true; IsPreviewBrowserVisible = true; } Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height = gl; //Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[3].Height = gl; }, null); // EXTERNAL BROWSER VIEW ViewInExternalBrowserCommand = new CommandBase((p, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return; } mmFileUtils.ShowExternalBrowser(ActiveDocument.HtmlRenderFilename); }, (p, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); ViewHtmlSourceCommand = new CommandBase((p, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return; } Window.OpenTab(ActiveDocument.HtmlRenderFilename); }, (p, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); // PRINT PREVIEW PrintPreviewCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { dynamic dom = Window.PreviewBrowser.Document; dom.execCommand("print", true, null); }, (s, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); // PDF GENERATION PREVIEW GeneratePdfCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var form = new GeneratePdfWindow() { Owner = mmApp.Model.Window }; form.Show(); }, (s, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); // F1 Help Command - Pass option CommandParameter="TopicId" HelpCommand = new CommandBase((topicId, e) => { string url = mmApp.Urls.DocumentationBaseUrl; if (topicId != null) { url = mmApp.GetDocumentionUrl(topicId as string); } ShellUtils.GoUrl(url); }, (s, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); }
void SaveAsHtml() { SaveAsHtmlCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Model.Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; var doc = tab?.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Html files (Html only) (*.html)|*.html|Html files (Html and dependencies in a folder)|*.html", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = Path.ChangeExtension(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, "html"), CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = true, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save html file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (result != null && result.Value) { if (sd.FilterIndex != 2) { var html = doc.RenderMarkdown(doc.GetMarkdown(), mmApp.Configuration.MarkdownOptions.RenderLinksAsExternal); if (!doc.MarkdownDocument.WriteFile(sd.FileName, html)) { MessageBox.Show(Model.Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsHtmlCommand.Execute(null); return; } } else { string msg = @"This feature is not available yet. For now, you can use 'View in Web Browser' to view the document in your favorite Web Browser and use 'Save As...' to save the Html document with all CSS and Image dependencies. Do you want to View in Browser now? "; var mbResult = MessageBox.Show(msg, mmApp.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk, MessageBoxResult.Yes); if (mbResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Model.ViewInExternalBrowserCommand.Execute(null); } } } Model.Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (Model.ActiveDocument == null || Model.ActiveEditor == null) { return(false); } if (Model.ActiveDocument.Filename == "untitled") { return(true); } if (Model.ActiveEditor.EditorSyntax != "markdown") { return(false); } return(true); }); }
private void CreateCommands() { // SAVE COMMAND SaveCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var doc = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename == "untitled") { SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); } else if (!doc.SaveDocument()) { SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); } Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return(false); } return(this.ActiveDocument.IsDirty); }); // SAVEAS COMMAND SaveAsCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var doc = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var filename = doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename; var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); if (filename == "untitled") { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; var match = Regex.Match(doc.GetMarkdown(), @"^# (\ *)(?<Header>.+)", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { filename = match.Groups["Header"].Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { filename = mmFileUtils.SafeFilename(filename); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = KnownFolders.GetPath(KnownFolder.Libraries); } } SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Markdown files (*.md)|*.md|Markdown files (*.markdown)|*.markdown|All files (*.*)|*.*", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = filename, CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (result != null && result.Value) { doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename = sd.FileName; if (!doc.SaveDocument()) { MessageBox.Show(Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); return; } } mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder = folder; Window.SetWindowTitle(); Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null) { return(false); } return(true); }); // SAVEASHTML COMMAND SaveAsHtmlCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; var doc = tab?.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Html files (Html only) (*.html)|*.html|Html files (Html and dependencies in a folder)|*.html", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = Path.ChangeExtension(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, "html"), CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = false, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); }catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save html file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (result != null && result.Value) { if (sd.FilterIndex != 2) { var html = doc.RenderMarkdown(doc.GetMarkdown(), mmApp.Configuration.MarkdownOptions.RenderLinksAsExternal); if (!doc.MarkdownDocument.WriteFile(sd.FileName, html)) { MessageBox.Show(Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsHtmlCommand.Execute(null); return; } } else { string msg = @"This feature is not available yet. For now, you can use 'View in Web Browser' to view the document in your favorite Web Browser and use 'Save As...' to save the Html document with all CSS and Image dependencies. Do you want to View in Browser now? "; var mbResult = MessageBox.Show(msg, mmApp.ApplicationName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Asterisk, MessageBoxResult.Yes); if (mbResult == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { Window.ButtonViewInBrowser_Click(Window, null); } } } Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (ActiveDocument == null || ActiveEditor == null) { return(false); } if (ActiveDocument.Filename == "untitled") { return(true); } if (ActiveEditor.EditorSyntax != "markdown") { return(false); } return(true); }); // NEW DOCUMENT COMMAND (ctrl-n) NewDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { Window.OpenTab("untitled"); }); // OPEN DOCUMENT COMMAND OpenDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var fd = new OpenFileDialog { DefaultExt = ".md", Filter = "Markdown files (*.md,*.markdown)|*.md;*.markdown|" + "Html files (*.htm,*.html)|*.htm;*.html|" + "Javascript files (*.js)|*.js|" + "Typescript files (*.ts)|*.ts|" + "Json files (*.json)|*.json|" + "Css files (*.css)|*.css|" + "Xml files (*.xml,*.config)|*.xml;*.config|" + "C# files (*.cs)|*.cs|" + "C# Razor files (*.cshtml)|*.cshtml|" + "Foxpro files (*.prg)|*.prg|" + "Powershell files (*.ps1)|*.ps1|" + "Php files (*.php)|*.php|" + "Python files (*.py)|*.py|" + "All files (*.*)|*.*", CheckFileExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, Multiselect = true, Title = "Open Markdown File" }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder)) { fd.InitialDirectory = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; } bool?res = null; try { res = fd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to open file.", ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); return; } if (res == null || !res.Value) { return; } foreach (var file in fd.FileNames) { Window.OpenTab(file, rebindTabHeaders: true); Window.AddRecentFile(file); } }); CloseActiveDocumentCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } if (Window.CloseTab(tab)) { Window.TabControl.Items.Remove(tab); } }, (s, e) => IsEditorActive) { Caption = "_Close Document", ToolTip = "Closes the active tab and asks to save the document." }; // PREVIEW BUTTON COMMAND PreviewBrowserCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Window.TabControl.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var editor = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; Configuration.IsPreviewVisible = IsPreviewBrowserVisible; if (!IsPreviewBrowserVisible && IsPresentationMode) { PresentationModeCommand.Execute(null); } Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(!IsPreviewBrowserVisible); if (IsPreviewBrowserVisible) { Window.PreviewMarkdown(editor); } }, null); // MARKDOWN EDIT COMMANDS TOOLBAR COMMAND ToolbarInsertMarkdownCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var editor = Window.GetActiveMarkdownEditor(); if (editor == null || editor.AceEditor == null) { return; } string action = s as string; editor.ProcessEditorUpdateCommand(action); }, null); // Settings SettingsCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var file = Path.Combine(mmApp.Configuration.CommonFolder, "MarkdownMonster.json"); // save settings first so we're looking at current setting Configuration.Write(); string fileText = File.ReadAllText(file); if (!fileText.StartsWith("//")) { fileText = "// Reference:\r\n" + fileText; File.WriteAllText(file, fileText); } Window.OpenTab(file, syntax: "json"); }, null); // DISTRACTION FREE MODE DistractionFreeModeCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { GridLength gl = new GridLength(0); if (Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height == gl) { gl = new GridLength(30); IsPreviewBrowserVisible = true; Window.PreviewMarkdown(); IsFullScreen = false; } else { IsPreviewBrowserVisible = false; Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(hide: true); IsFullScreen = true; } Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height = gl; //Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[3].Height = gl; }, null); // PRESENTATION MODE PresentationModeCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { if (IsFullScreen) { DistractionFreeModeCommand.Execute(null); } GridLength gl = new GridLength(0); if (Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height == gl) { gl = new GridLength(30); // toolbar height Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = new GridLength(0); Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[2].Width = new GridLength(mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.SplitterPosition); Window.PreviewMarkdown(); IsPresentationMode = false; } else { mmApp.Configuration.WindowPosition.SplitterPosition = Convert.ToInt32(Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[2].Width.Value); // don't allow presentation mode for non-Markdown documents var editor = Window.GetActiveMarkdownEditor(); if (editor != null) { var file = editor.MarkdownDocument.Filename.ToLower(); var ext = Path.GetExtension(file); if (file != "untitled" && ext != ".md" && ext != ".htm" && ext != ".html") { // don't allow presentation mode for non markdown files IsPresentationMode = false; IsPreviewBrowserVisible = false; Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(true); return; } } Window.ShowPreviewBrowser(); Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = gl; Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[1].Width = gl; Window.ContentGrid.ColumnDefinitions[2].Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star); IsPresentationMode = true; IsPreviewBrowserVisible = true; } Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[1].Height = gl; //Window.WindowGrid.RowDefinitions[3].Height = gl; }, null); // PRINT PREVIEW PrintPreviewCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { dynamic dom = Window.PreviewBrowser.Document; dom.execCommand("print", true, null); }, (s, e) => IsPreviewBrowserVisible); }
void SaveAs() { SaveAsCommand = new CommandBase((parameter, e) => { bool isEncrypted = parameter != null && parameter.ToString() == "Secure"; var tab = Model.Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; if (tab == null) { return; } var doc = tab.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var filename = doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename; var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); if (filename == "untitled") { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; var match = Regex.Match(doc.GetMarkdown(), @"^# (\ *)(?<Header>.+)", RegexOptions.Multiline); if (match.Success) { filename = match.Groups["Header"].Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { filename = FileUtils.SafeFilename(filename); } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder) || !Directory.Exists(folder)) { folder = KnownFolders.GetPath(KnownFolder.Libraries); } } SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = filename, CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = true, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true }; var mdcryptExt = string.Empty; if (isEncrypted) { mdcryptExt = "Secure Markdown files (*.mdcrypt)|*.mdcrypt|"; } sd.Filter = $"{mdcryptExt}Markdown files (*.md)|*.md|Markdown files (*.markdown)|*.markdown|All files (*.*)|*.*"; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (!isEncrypted) { doc.MarkdownDocument.Password = null; } else { var pwdDialog = new FilePasswordDialog(doc.MarkdownDocument, false) { Owner = Model.Window }; bool?pwdResult = pwdDialog.ShowDialog(); } if (result != null && result.Value) { doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename = sd.FileName; if (!doc.SaveDocument()) { MessageBox.Show(Model.Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsCommand.Execute(tab); return; } mmApp.Configuration.LastFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(sd.FileName); } Model.Window.SetWindowTitle(); Model.Window.PreviewMarkdown(doc, keepScrollPosition: true); }, (s, e) => { if (Model.ActiveDocument == null) { return(false); } return(true); }); }
void SaveAsHtml() { SaveAsHtmlCommand = new CommandBase((s, e) => { var tab = Model.Window.TabControl?.SelectedItem as TabItem; var doc = tab?.Tag as MarkdownDocumentEditor; if (doc == null) { return; } var folder = Path.GetDirectoryName(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename); SaveFileDialog sd = new SaveFileDialog { Filter = "Self contained Html Page (Html with embedded dependencies)|*.html|" + "Raw Html Fragment (generated Html only)|*.html", FilterIndex = 1, InitialDirectory = folder, FileName = Path.ChangeExtension(doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, "html"), CheckFileExists = false, OverwritePrompt = true, CheckPathExists = true, RestoreDirectory = true, Title = "Save As Html" }; bool?result = null; try { result = sd.ShowDialog(); } catch (Exception ex) { mmApp.Log("Unable to save html file: " + doc.MarkdownDocument.Filename, ex); MessageBox.Show( $@"Unable to open file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "An error occurred trying to open a file", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } if (result != null && result.Value) { if (sd.FilterIndex == 2) { var html = doc.RenderMarkdown(doc.GetMarkdown(), mmApp.Configuration.MarkdownOptions.RenderLinksAsExternal); if (!doc.MarkdownDocument.WriteFile(sd.FileName, html)) { MessageBox.Show(Model.Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsHtmlCommand.Execute(null); return; } mmFileUtils.OpenFileInExplorer(sd.FileName); Model.Window.ShowStatus("Raw HTML File created.", mmApp.Configuration.StatusMessageTimeout); } else { if (doc.MarkdownDocument.RenderHtmlToFile(usePragmaLines: false, renderLinksExternal: mmApp.Configuration.MarkdownOptions.RenderLinksAsExternal, filename: sd.FileName) == null) { MessageBox.Show(Model.Window, $"{sd.FileName}\r\n\r\nThis document can't be saved in this location. The file is either locked or you don't have permissions to save it. Please choose another location to save the file.", "Unable to save Document", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); SaveAsHtmlCommand.Execute(null); return; } bool success = false; try { Model.Window.ShowStatus("Packing HTML File. This can take a little while.", mmApp.Configuration.StatusMessageTimeout, FontAwesomeIcon.CircleOutlineNotch, color: Colors.Goldenrod, spin: true); string packaged; var packager = new HtmlPackager(); packaged = packager.PackageLocalHtml(sd.FileName); success = true; File.WriteAllText(sd.FileName, packaged); mmFileUtils.OpenFileInExplorer(sd.FileName); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(Model.Window, "Couldn't package HTML file:\r\n\r\n" + ex.Message, "Couldn't create HTML Package File"); return; } finally { Model.Window.ShowStatus(); Model.Window.ShowStatus("Packaged HTML File created.", mmApp.Configuration.StatusMessageTimeout); } } } }, (s, e) => { if (!Model.IsEditorActive) { return(false); } if (Model.ActiveDocument.Filename == "untitled") { return(true); } if (Model.ActiveEditor.EditorSyntax != "markdown") { return(false); } return(true); }); }