コード例 #1
        public void formatDocument_rendersWhitespaces()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("yet another  test\nwith \t whitespaces");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

            CheckParagraphsPresence(htmlSource, "yet another test with whitespaces");
コード例 #2
        public void formatDocument_rendersText()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("just a text");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

            CheckParagraphsPresence(htmlSource, "just a text");
コード例 #3
        public void formatDocument_rendersSeveralParagraphs()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("\n\n\nthis text is\n\n divided to exactly two\n paragraphs");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

            CheckParagraphsPresence(htmlSource, "this text is", "divided to exactly two paragraphs");
コード例 #4
        public void formatDocument_avoidsXSS()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("<b>XSS Test</b>");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

            CheckParagraphsPresence(htmlSource, "&lt;b&gt;XSS Test&lt;/b&gt;");
コード例 #5
        public void formatDocument_rendersNestedTags()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("_ __ `emStrongCode` __ _");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

                "<em> <strong> <code>emStrongCode</code> </strong> </em>");
コード例 #6
        public void formatDocument_rendersDifferentTags()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor("_em_ __strong__ `code` word_with_digits_123");

            var document = processor.Process();
            var htmlSource = new HtmlFormatter(document).FormatDocument();

                "<em>em</em> <strong>strong</strong> <code>code</code> word_with_digits_123");
        public void process_splitsByTwoNewLines_toNonEmptyParagraphs()
            var processor = new DocumentProcessor(
                "\n\nfirstPar" +
                "\n\nmiddlePar line1\n line2" +

            var document = processor.Process();

            CollectionAssert.AreEqual(new []
                new Paragraph(new List<IMarkupElement> { new Text("firstPar") }),
                new Paragraph(new List<IMarkupElement>
                    new Text("middlePar"), new Whitespace(),
                    new Text("line1"), new Whitespace(), new Text("line2")
                new Paragraph(new List<IMarkupElement> { new Text("lastPar") }),
            }, document.Paragraphs);