コード例 #1
 /// <summary>Updates a ModelType record using Metadata Parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Contains the parameters and exceptions for this command.</param>
 public static void Update(ParameterList parameters)
     // Accessor for the ModelType Table.
     ServerDataModel.ModelTypeDataTable modelTypeTable = ServerDataModel.ModelType;
     // Extract the parameters from the command batch.
     AdoTransaction adoTransaction = parameters["adoTransaction"];
     SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = parameters["sqlTransaction"];
     object configurationId = parameters["configurationId"].Value;
     string externalModelTypeCode = parameters["modelTypeCode"];
     object description = parameters["description"].Value;
     // The row versioning is largely disabled for external operations.
     long rowVersion = long.MinValue;
     // Resolve External Identifiers
     int modelTypeCode = ModelType.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "modelTypeCode", externalModelTypeCode);
     // This will bypass the internal optimistic concurrency checking by providing the current rowVersion to the 
     // internal method.
     ServerDataModel.ModelTypeRow modelTypeRow = modelTypeTable.FindByModelTypeCode(modelTypeCode);
     rowVersion = ((long)(modelTypeRow[modelTypeTable.RowVersionColumn]));
     // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
     MarkThree.Quasar.Core.ModelType.Update(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, modelTypeCode, description, null, null);
     // Return values.
     parameters["rowVersion"] = rowVersion;
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>Loads a Model record using Metadata Parameters.</summary>
 /// <param name="transaction">Contains the parameters and exceptions for this command.</param>
 public new static void Load(ParameterList parameters)
     // Accessor for the Model Table.
     ServerDataModel.ModelDataTable modelTable = ServerDataModel.Model;
     // Extract the parameters from the command batch.
     AdoTransaction adoTransaction = parameters["adoTransaction"];
     SqlTransaction sqlTransaction = parameters["sqlTransaction"];
     object configurationId = parameters["configurationId"].Value;
     object description = parameters["description"].Value;
     object groupPermission = parameters["groupPermission"].Value;
     object hidden = parameters["hidden"].Value;
     string name = parameters["name"];
     object owner = parameters["owner"].Value;
     object ownerPermission = parameters["ownerPermission"].Value;
     object readOnly = parameters["readOnly"].Value;
     object worldPermission = parameters["worldPermission"].Value;
     string externalModelId = parameters["modelId"];
     string externalAlgorithmId = parameters["algorithmId"];
     object externalSchemeId = parameters["schemeId"].Value;
     object externalTypeCode = parameters["typeCode"].Value;
     string externalModelTypeCode = parameters["modelTypeCode"];
     object temporary = parameters["temporary"].Value;
     object securitySelf = parameters["securitySelf"].Value;
     object sectorSelf = parameters["sectorSelf"].Value;
     object equityRounding = parameters["equityRounding"].Value;
     object debtRounding = parameters["debtRounding"].Value;
     // The row versioning is largely disabled for external operations.  The value is returned to the caller in the
     // event it's needed for operations within the batch.
     long rowVersion = long.MinValue;
     // Resolve External Identifiers
     int modelId = Object.FindKey(configurationId, "modelId", externalModelId);
     int algorithmId = Algorithm.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "algorithmId", externalAlgorithmId);
     object schemeId = Scheme.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "schemeId", externalSchemeId);
     object typeCode = Type.FindOptionalKey(configurationId, "typeCode", externalTypeCode);
     int modelTypeCode = ModelType.FindRequiredKey(configurationId, "modelTypeCode", externalModelTypeCode);
     ServerDataModel.ModelRow modelRow = modelTable.FindByModelId(modelId);
     // The load operation will create a record if it doesn't exist, or update an existing record.  The external
     // identifier is used to determine if a record exists with the same key.
     if ((modelRow == null))
         // Populate the 'externalId' varaibles so that the external identifier can be used to find the row when an
         // external method is called with the same 'configurationId' parameter.
         int externalKeyIndex = Model.GetExternalKeyIndex(configurationId, "modelId");
         object[] externalIdArray = new object[8];
         externalIdArray[externalKeyIndex] = externalModelId;
         object externalId0 = externalIdArray[0];
         object externalId1 = externalIdArray[1];
         object externalId2 = externalIdArray[2];
         object externalId3 = externalIdArray[3];
         object externalId4 = externalIdArray[4];
         object externalId5 = externalIdArray[5];
         object externalId6 = externalIdArray[6];
         object externalId7 = externalIdArray[7];
         // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
         MarkThree.Quasar.Core.Model.Insert(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, description, externalId0, externalId1, externalId2, externalId3, externalId4, externalId5, externalId6, externalId7, groupPermission, hidden, name, owner, ownerPermission, readOnly, worldPermission, algorithmId, schemeId, typeCode, modelTypeCode, temporary, securitySelf, sectorSelf, equityRounding, debtRounding);
         // While the optimistic concurrency checking is disabled for the external methods, the internal methods
         // still need to perform the check.  This ncurrency checking logic by finding the current row version to be
         // will bypass the coused when the internal method is called.
         rowVersion = ((long)(modelRow[modelTable.RowVersionColumn]));
         // Call the internal method to complete the operation.
         MarkThree.Quasar.Core.Model.Update(adoTransaction, sqlTransaction, ref rowVersion, description, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, groupPermission, hidden, name, owner, ownerPermission, readOnly, worldPermission, modelId, algorithmId, schemeId, typeCode, modelTypeCode, temporary, securitySelf, sectorSelf, equityRounding, debtRounding);
     // Return values.
     parameters["rowVersion"] = rowVersion;