Inheritance: BaseLayer
コード例 #1
        public static ILayer Create()
            var layer = new Layer("PointLayer");
            var pointWithDefaultSymbolStyle = new Feature { Geometry = new Point(1000000, 1000000)};
            pointWithDefaultSymbolStyle.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle());
            var pointAsSmallBlackDot = new Feature { Geometry = new Point(1000000, 0)};

            pointAsSmallBlackDot.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle
                    SymbolScale = 2.0f,
                    Fill = new Brush { Color = null },
                    Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Green}

            pointAsSmallBlackDot.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle
                    SymbolScale = 0.5f,
                    Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Black },

            var pointWithlabelStyle = new Feature { Geometry = new Point(0, 1000000)};
            pointWithDefaultSymbolStyle.Styles.Add(new LabelStyle { Text = "Label" });

            layer.DataSource = new MemoryProvider(new[] { pointWithlabelStyle, pointWithDefaultSymbolStyle, pointAsSmallBlackDot });
            return layer;
コード例 #2
 public static ILayer AddLayerWithOnePolygon()
     var layer = new Layer("LayerWithPolygon");
     layer.DataSource = new Mapsui.Providers.MemoryProvider(CreatePolygon());
     layer.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle());
     return layer;
コード例 #3
 public static Layer Create2()
     var provider = CreateProvider2();
     var layer2 = new Layer("AGOL Landsat 1975");
     layer2.DataSource = provider;
     layer2.Enabled = false;
     return layer2;
コード例 #4
 public static Layer Create()
     var provider = CreateProvider();
     var layer = new Layer("AGOL Landsat 2010");
     layer.DataSource = provider;
     layer.Enabled = false;
     return layer;
コード例 #5
 public static Layer CreateCountryLayer(IProvider countrySource)
     var countries = new Layer("Countries");
     countries.DataSource = countrySource;
     countries.DataSource.SRID = 3785;
     return countries;
コード例 #6
 public static Layer CreateCityLayer(IProvider citySource)
     var layCities = new Layer("Cities");
     layCities.DataSource = citySource;
     layCities.DataSource.SRID = 3785;
     layCities.MaxVisible = 10000000.0;
     return layCities;
コード例 #7
 public static ILayer CreateRandomPointLayer(BoundingBox envelope, int count = 25)
     var pointLayer = new Layer("pointLayer")
             DataSource = new MemoryProvider(GenerateRandomPoints(envelope, count)),
     pointLayer.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush(Color.White)});
     return pointLayer;
コード例 #8
        public static ILayer CreateRandomPolygonLayer(BoundingBox envelope, int count = 10)
            var pointLayer = new Layer("pointLayer")
                    DataSource = new MemoryProvider(GenerateRandomPolygons(envelope, count))

            pointLayer.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle()
                    Fill = new Brush(Color.Orange),
                    Outline = new Pen(Color.Red, 2)
            return pointLayer;
 public static ILayer Create()
     var layer = new Layer("PointLayer WorldUnits");
     var netherlands = new Feature { Geometry = new Point(710000, 6800000)};
     const string resource = "Mapsui.Samples.Common.Images.netherlands.jpg";
     netherlands.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle
         Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream(resource) },
         SymbolType = SymbolType.Rectangle,
         UnitType = UnitType.WorldUnit,
         SymbolRotation = 5f,
         SymbolScale = 1400,
         Width = 365,
         Height = 380
     layer.DataSource = new MemoryProvider(new[] { netherlands });
     return layer;
コード例 #10
ファイル: WfsSample.cs プロジェクト: HackatonArGP/Guardianes
        public static Map InitializeMap()
                // WARNING
                // This sample needs the GeoServer WFS running on your local machine. 
                // It uses the GeoServer default sample data. Installing and starting it is all you need to do

                // Sample by Peter Robineau

                const string getCapabilitiesUri = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs";
                const string serviceUri = "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs";

                var map = new Map();
                map.BackColor = Color.White;

                var layer1 = new Layer("States");
                var layer2 = new Layer("SelectedStatesAndHousholds");
                var layer3 = new Layer("New Jersey");
                var layer4 = new Layer("Roads");
                var layer5 = new Layer("Landmarks");
                var layer6 = new Layer("Poi");

                // Demo data from Geoserver 1.5.3 and Geoserver 1.6.0 

                var prov1 = new WFS(getCapabilitiesUri, "topp", "states", WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_0_0);

                // Bypass 'GetCapabilities' and 'DescribeFeatureType', if you know all necessary metadata.
                var featureTypeInfo = new WfsFeatureTypeInfo(serviceUri, "topp", null, "states",
                // 'WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_1_0' supported by Geoserver 1.6.x
                var prov2 = new WFS(featureTypeInfo, WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_1_0);
                // Bypass 'GetCapabilities' and 'DescribeFeatureType' again...
                // It's possible to specify the geometry type, if 'DescribeFeatureType' does not...(.e.g 'GeometryAssociationType')
                // This helps to accelerate the initialization process in case of unprecise geometry information.
                var prov3 = new WFS(serviceUri, "topp", "", "states", "the_geom",
                                    GeometryTypeEnum.MultiSurfacePropertyType, WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_1_0);

                // Use cached 'GetCapabilities' response of prov1 (featuretype hosted by same service).
                // Compiled XPath expressions are re-used automatically!
                // If you use a cached 'GetCapabilities' response make sure the data provider uses the same version of WFS as the one providing the cache!!!
                var prov4 = new WFS(prov1.GetCapabilitiesCache, "tiger", "tiger_roads", WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_0_0);
                var prov5 = new WFS(prov1.GetCapabilitiesCache, "tiger", "poly_landmarks", WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_0_0);
                var prov6 = new WFS(prov1.GetCapabilitiesCache, "tiger", "poi", WFS.WFSVersionEnum.WFS1_0_0);
                // Clear cache of prov1 - data providers do not have any cache, if they use the one of another data provider  
                prov1.GetCapabilitiesCache = null;

                IFilter filter1 = new PropertyIsEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0("STATE_NAME", "California");
                IFilter filter2 = new PropertyIsEqualToFilter_FE1_1_0("STATE_NAME", "Vermont");
                IFilter filter3 = new PropertyIsBetweenFilter_FE1_1_0("HOUSHOLD", "600000", "4000000");
                IFilter filter4 = new PropertyIsLikeFilter_FE1_1_0("STATE_NAME", "New*");

                // SelectedStatesAndHousholds: Green
                var filterCollection1 = new OGCFilterCollection();
                var filterCollection2 = new OGCFilterCollection();
                filterCollection1.Junctor = OGCFilterCollection.JunctorEnum.Or;
                prov2.OGCFilter = filterCollection1;

                // Like-Filter('New*'): Bisque
                prov3.OGCFilter = filter4;

                // Layer Style
                layer1.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Red } });
                layer2.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Green } }); // SelectedStatesAndHousholds
                layer3.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Yellow } }); // e.g. New York, New Jersey,...
                layer5.Styles.Add(new VectorStyle { Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Blue } });

                // Labels
                // Labels are collected when parsing the geometry. So there's just one 'GetFeature' call necessary.
                // Otherwise (when calling twice for retrieving labels) there may be an inconsistent read...
                // If a label property is set, the quick geometry option is automatically set to 'false'.
                prov3.Label = "STATE_NAME";
                //!!!LabelLayer layLabel = new LabelLayer("labels");
                //layLabel.DataSource = prov3;
                //layLabel.Enabled = true;
                //layLabel.LabelColumn = prov3.Label;
                //layLabel.Style = new LabelStyle();
                //layLabel.Style.CollisionDetection = false;
                //layLabel.Style.CollisionBuffer = new SizeF(5, 5);
                //layLabel.Style.ForeColor = Color.Black;
                //layLabel.Style.Font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSerif, 10);
                //layLabel.MaxVisible = 90;
                //layLabel.Style.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
                // Options 
                // Defaults: MultiGeometries: true, QuickGeometries: false, GetFeatureGETRequest: false
                // Render with validation...
                prov1.QuickGeometries = false;
                // Important when connecting to an UMN MapServer
                prov1.GetFeatureGETRequest = true;
                // Ignore multi-geometries...
                prov1.MultiGeometries = false;

                // Quick geometries
                // We need this option for prov2 since we have not passed a featuretype namespace
                prov2.QuickGeometries = true;
                prov4.QuickGeometries = true;
                prov5.QuickGeometries = true;
                prov6.QuickGeometries = true;

                layer1.DataSource = prov1;
                layer2.DataSource = prov2;
                layer3.DataSource = prov3;
                layer4.DataSource = prov4;
                layer5.DataSource = prov5;
                layer6.DataSource = prov6;


                //!!!map.Center = new Point(-74.0, 40.7);
                //!!!map.Zoom = 10;
                // Alternatively zoom closer
                // demoMap.Zoom = 0.2;

                return map;
            catch (WebException ex)
                if ((ex.Message.Contains("(502) Bad Gateway")) ||
                    (ex.Message.Contains("Unable to connect to the remote server")))
                    throw new Exception(
                        "The Wfs sample threw an exception. You probably need to install the GeoServer WFS to your local machine. You can get it from here: The exception message was: " +
コード例 #11
        public static Map InitializeMap()
            //Initialize a new map based on the simple map
            var map = new Map();

            //Layer osm = new Layer("OSM");
            //string url = "";
            //var tileSources = TileSourceWmsC.TileSourceBuilder(new Uri(url), null);
            //var tileSource = new List<ITileSource>(tileSources).Find(source => source.Schema.Name == "osm-map");
            //osm.DataSource = new TileProvider(tileSource, "OSM");

            //Set up countries layer
            var countryLayer = new Layer("Countries");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            countryLayer.DataSource = new ShapeFile("GeoData/World/countries.shp", true);
            countryLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326;
            var style = new VectorStyle
                Fill = new Brush { Color = Color.Green },
                Outline = new Pen { Color = Color.Black }

            //set up cities layer
            var cityLayer = new Layer("Cities");
            //Set the datasource to a shapefile in the App_data folder
            cityLayer.DataSource = new ShapeFile("GeoData/World/cities.shp", true);
            cityLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326;
            cityLayer.MaxVisible = 0.09;

            //Set up a country label layer
            var countryLabelLayer = new LabelLayer("Country labels");
            countryLabelLayer.DataSource = countryLayer.DataSource;
            countryLabelLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326;
            countryLabelLayer.Enabled = true;
            countryLabelLayer.MaxVisible = 0.18;
            countryLabelLayer.MinVisible = 0.054;
            countryLabelLayer.LabelColumn = "NAME";
            var labelStyle = new LabelStyle();
            labelStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            labelStyle.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "GenericSerif", Size = 12 };
            labelStyle.BackColor = new Brush { Color = new Color { A = 128, R = 255, G = 255, B = 255 } };
            labelStyle.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Center;
            countryLabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviour = LabelLayer.MultipartGeometryBehaviourEnum.Largest;

            //Set up a city label layer
            var cityLabelLayer = new LabelLayer("City labels");
            cityLabelLayer.DataSource = cityLayer.DataSource;
            cityLabelLayer.DataSource.SRID = 4326;
            cityLabelLayer.Enabled = true;
            cityLabelLayer.LabelColumn = "NAME";
            cityLabelLayer.MaxVisible = countryLabelLayer.MinVisible;
            cityLabelLayer.MinVisible = 0;
            cityLabelLayer.LabelFilter = LabelCollisionDetection.ThoroughCollisionDetection;
            var cityLabelStyle = new LabelStyle();
            cityLabelStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            cityLabelStyle.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "GenericSerif", Size = 11 };
            cityLabelStyle.HorizontalAlignment = LabelStyle.HorizontalAlignmentEnum.Left;
            cityLabelStyle.VerticalAlignment = LabelStyle.VerticalAlignmentEnum.Bottom;
            cityLabelStyle.Offset = new Offset { X = 3, Y = 3 };
            cityLabelStyle.Halo = new Pen { Color = Color.Yellow, Width = 2 };
            cityLabelStyle.CollisionDetection = true;

            //Set a gradient theme on the countries layer, based on Population density
            //First create two styles that specify min and max styles
            //In this case we will just use the default values and override the fill-colors
            //using a colorblender. If different line-widths, line- and fill-colors where used
            //in the min and max styles, these would automatically get linearly interpolated.
            IStyle min = new Style();
            IStyle max = new Style();
            //Create theme using a density from 0 (min) to 400 (max)
            var popdens = new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, min, max);
            //We can make more advanced coloring using the ColorBlend'er.
            //Setting the FillColorBlend will override any fill-style in the min and max fills.
            //In this case we just use the predefined Rainbow colorscale
            popdens.FillColorBlend = ColorBlend.Rainbow5;

            //Lets scale the labels so that big countries have larger texts as well
            var lblMin = new LabelStyle();
            var lblMax = new LabelStyle();
            lblMin.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lblMin.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "Sans Serif", Size = 6 };
            lblMax.ForeColor = Color.Black;
            lblMax.BackColor = new Brush { Color = new Color { A = 128, R = 255, G = 255, B = 255 } };
            lblMin.BackColor = lblMax.BackColor;
            lblMax.Font = new Font { FontFamily = "Sans Serif", Size = 9 };
            countryLabelLayer.Styles.Add(new GradientTheme("PopDens", 0, 400, lblMin, lblMax));

            //Lets scale city icons based on city population
            //cities below 1.000.000 gets the smallest symbol, and cities with more than 5.000.000 the largest symbol
            var citymin = new SymbolStyle();
            var citymax = new SymbolStyle();
            const string iconPath = "Images/icon.png";
            if (!File.Exists(iconPath))
                throw new Exception(
                    String.Format("Error file '{0}' could not be found, make sure it is at the expected location",

            citymin.Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) };
            citymin.SymbolScale = 0.5f;
            citymax.Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) };
            citymax.SymbolScale = 1f;
            cityLayer.Styles.Add(new GradientTheme("Population", 1000000, 5000000, citymin, citymax));

            var geodanLayer = new Layer("Geodan");
            geodanLayer.DataSource = new MemoryProvider(new Point(4.9130567, 52.3422033));
            geodanLayer.Styles.Add(new SymbolStyle { Symbol = new Bitmap { Data = new FileStream(iconPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read) } });

            //limit the zoom to 360 degrees width
            map.BackColor = Color.White;

            return map;