private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary <uint, byte[]> pBuffer, MapleStream pStream, DateTime pArrivalDate) { if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) { byte[] data; while (pBuffer.TryGetValue(pSequence, out data)) { pBuffer.Remove(pSequence); pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) { pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; } } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence) { int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber); if (difference > 0) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; if (data.Length > difference) { pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference); pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference); } } } else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } MaplePacket packet; bool refreshOpcodes = false; try { mPacketList.BeginUpdate(); while ((packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate)) != null) { AddPacket(packet); Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode); if (!mOpcodes.Exists(op => op.Outbound == packet.Outbound && op.Header == packet.Opcode)) { mOpcodes.Add(new Opcode(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode)); refreshOpcodes = true; } if (definition != null && !mViewIgnoredMenu.Checked && definition.Ignore) { continue; } if (packet.Outbound && !mViewOutboundMenu.Checked) { continue; } if (!packet.Outbound && !mViewInboundMenu.Checked) { continue; } mPacketList.Items.Add(packet); if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { packet.EnsureVisible(); } } mPacketList.EndUpdate(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); mTerminated = true; Text += " (Terminated)"; //MainForm.CloseSession(this); return; } if (DockPanel != null && DockPanel.ActiveDocument == this && refreshOpcodes) { MainForm.SearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(true); } }
internal Results BufferTCPPacket_MS2(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, DateTime pArrivalTime) { if (pTCPPacket.Fin || pTCPPacket.Rst) { mTerminated = true; Text += " (Terminated)"; return(mPackets.Count == 0 ? Results.CloseMe : Results.Terminated); } if (pTCPPacket.Syn && !pTCPPacket.Ack) { mLocalPort = (ushort)pTCPPacket.SourcePort; mRemotePort = (ushort)pTCPPacket.DestinationPort; mOutboundSequence = (uint)(pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber + 1); Text = "Port " + mLocalPort + " - " + mRemotePort; startTime = DateTime.Now; try { mRemoteEndpoint = ((PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet)pTCPPacket.ParentPacket).SourceAddress.ToString() + ":" + pTCPPacket.SourcePort.ToString(); mLocalEndpoint = ((PacketDotNet.IPv4Packet)pTCPPacket.ParentPacket).DestinationAddress.ToString() + ":" + pTCPPacket.DestinationPort.ToString(); Console.WriteLine("[CONNECTION] From {0} to {1}", mRemoteEndpoint, mLocalEndpoint); return(Results.Continue); } catch { return(Results.CloseMe); } } if (pTCPPacket.Syn && pTCPPacket.Ack) { mInboundSequence = (uint)(pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber + 1); return(Results.Continue); } if (pTCPPacket.PayloadData.Length == 0) { return(Results.Continue); } if (mBuild == 0) { byte[] tcpData = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; if (pTCPPacket.SourcePort == mLocalPort) { mOutboundSequence += (uint)tcpData.Length; } else { mInboundSequence += (uint)tcpData.Length; } byte[] headerData = new byte[tcpData.Length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(tcpData, 0, headerData, 0, tcpData.Length); PacketReader pr = new PacketReader(headerData); ushort rawSeq = pr.ReadUShort(); int length = pr.ReadInt(); if (headerData.Length - 6 < length) { Console.WriteLine("Connection on port {0} did not have a MapleStory2 Handshake", mLocalEndpoint); return(Results.CloseMe); } ushort header = pr.ReadUShort(); if (header != 1)//RequestVersion { Console.WriteLine("Connection on port {0} did not have a valid MapleStory2 Connection Header", mLocalEndpoint); return(Results.CloseMe); } uint version = pr.ReadUInt(); uint localIV = pr.ReadUInt(); uint remoteIV = pr.ReadUInt(); uint blockIV = pr.ReadUInt(); byte ignored = pr.ReadByte(); mBuild = version; mLocale = 0;//TODO: Handle regions somehow since handshake doesn't contain it mPatchLocation = "MST"; mOutboundStream = new MapleStream(true, rawSeq, mBuild, localIV, blockIV); mInboundStream = new MapleStream(false, rawSeq, mBuild, remoteIV, blockIV); // Another packet was sent with handshake... if (pr.Remaining > 0) { // Buffer it since it is encrypted mInboundStream.Append(pr.ReadBytes(pr.Remaining)); } // Generate HandShake packet Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, false, header); if (definition == null) { definition = new Definition(); definition.Outbound = false; definition.Locale = mLocale; definition.Opcode = header; definition.Name = "RequestVersion"; definition.Build = mBuild; SaveDefinition(definition); } { var filename = Helpers.GetScriptPath(mLocale, mBuild, false, header); Helpers.MakeSureFileDirectoryExists(filename); // Create main script if (!File.Exists(filename)) { string contents = @" using (ScriptAPI) { AddShort(""Raw Sequence""); AddField(""Packet Length"", 4); AddShort(""Opcode""); AddField(""MapleStory2 Version"", 4); AddField(""Local Initializing Vector (IV)"", 4); AddField(""Remote Initializing Vector (IV)"", 4); AddField(""Block Initializing Vector (IV)"", 4); } "; File.WriteAllText(filename, contents); } } // Initial TCP packet may not be split up properly, copy only handshake portion byte[] handshakePacketData = new byte[6 + length]; Buffer.BlockCopy(tcpData, 0, handshakePacketData, 0, length + 6); MaplePacket packet = new MaplePacket(pArrivalTime, false, mBuild, mLocale, header, definition == null ? "" : definition.Name, handshakePacketData, (uint)0, remoteIV); if (!mOpcodes.Exists(op => op.Outbound == packet.Outbound && op.Header == packet.Opcode)) // Should be false, but w/e { mOpcodes.Add(new Opcode(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode)); } mPacketList.Items.Add(packet); AddPacket(packet); Console.WriteLine("[CONNECTION] MapleStory2 V{2}", mLocalEndpoint, mRemoteEndpoint, mBuild); ProcessTCPPacket(pTCPPacket, ref mInboundSequence, mInboundBuffer, mInboundStream, pArrivalTime); return(Results.Show); } if (pTCPPacket.SourcePort == mLocalPort) { ProcessTCPPacket(pTCPPacket, ref mOutboundSequence, mOutboundBuffer, mOutboundStream, pArrivalTime); } else { ProcessTCPPacket(pTCPPacket, ref mInboundSequence, mInboundBuffer, mInboundStream, pArrivalTime); } return(Results.Continue); }
private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary<uint, byte[]> pBuffer, MapleStream pStream, DateTime pArrivalDate) { if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) { byte[] data; while ((data = pBuffer.GetOrDefault(pSequence, null)) != null) { pBuffer.Remove(pSequence); pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence) { int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber); if (difference > 0) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; if (data.Length > difference) { pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference); pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference); } } } else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } MaplePacket packet; bool refreshOpcodes = false; try { while ((packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate, mBuild, mLocale)) != null) { mPackets.Add(packet); Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode); if (!mOpcodes.Exists(kv => kv.First == packet.Outbound && kv.Second == packet.Opcode)) { mOpcodes.Add(new Pair<bool, ushort>(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode)); refreshOpcodes = true; } if (definition != null && !mViewIgnoredMenu.Checked && definition.Ignore) continue; mPacketList.Items.Add(packet); if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) packet.EnsureVisible(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); mTerminated = true; Text += " (Terminated)"; //MainForm.CloseSession(this); return; } if (DockPanel.ActiveDocument == this && refreshOpcodes) MainForm.SearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(true); }
private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary <uint, byte[]> pBuffer, MapleStream pStream, DateTime pArrivalDate) { if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) { byte[] data; while (pBuffer.TryGetValue(pSequence, out data)) { pBuffer.Remove(pSequence); pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) { pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; } } if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence) { int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber); if (difference > 0) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; if (data.Length > difference) { pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference); pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference); } } } else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence) { byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; pStream.Append(data); pSequence += (uint)data.Length; } MaplePacket packet; bool refreshOpcodes = false; try { mPacketList.BeginUpdate(); while ((packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate)) != null) { if (Locale == MapleLocale.GLOBAL && Build >= 193) { if (packet.Outbound) { if (isOpcodeTableLoaded) { ushort realOpcode = 0; if (mOpcodeTable.TryGetValue(packet.Opcode, out realOpcode)) { packet.Opcode = realOpcode; } packet.SubItems[3].Text = $"0x{packet.Opcode.ToString("X4")}"; } } else { if (!isOpcodeTableLoaded && packet.Opcode == HeaderTableOpcode) { bool healthy = false; int blockSize, length = 0; healthy = packet.ReadInt(out blockSize); healthy = packet.ReadInt(out length); byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; byte[] key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("M@PleStoryMaPLe!"); healthy = packet.ReadBytes(buffer); if (healthy) { string opcodes = TripleDESCipher.Decrypt(buffer, key); for (ushort i = 0; i < 0x0A7F - Begin_User; i++) { if (i * 4 + 4 <= opcodes.Length) { string sOpcode = opcodes.Substring(i * 4, 4); ushort uOpcode; if (!UInt16.TryParse(sOpcode, out uOpcode)) { break; } mOpcodeTable.Add(uOpcode, (ushort)(Begin_User + i)); } else { healthy = false; } } } if (healthy) { isOpcodeTableLoaded = true; } } } } AddPacket(packet); Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode); if (!mOpcodes.Exists(op => op.Outbound == packet.Outbound && op.Header == packet.Opcode)) { mOpcodes.Add(new Opcode(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode)); refreshOpcodes = true; } if (definition != null && !mViewIgnoredMenu.Checked && definition.Ignore) { continue; } if (packet.Outbound && !mViewOutboundMenu.Checked) { continue; } if (!packet.Outbound && !mViewInboundMenu.Checked) { continue; } mPacketList.Items.Add(packet); if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { packet.EnsureVisible(); } } mPacketList.EndUpdate(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); mTerminated = true; Text += " (Terminated)"; //MainForm.CloseSession(this); return; } if (DockPanel != null && DockPanel.ActiveDocument == this && refreshOpcodes) { MainForm.SearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(true); } }
private void ProcessTCPPacket(TcpPacket pTCPPacket, ref uint pSequence, Dictionary <uint, byte[]> pBuffer, MapleStream pStream, DateTime pArrivalDate, bool isInbound) { /* * * if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) * { * byte[] data; * while ((data = pBuffer.GetOrDefault(pSequence, null)) != null) * { * pBuffer.Remove(pSequence); * pStream.Append(data); * pSequence += (uint)data.Length; * } * if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber > pSequence) pBuffer[(uint)pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber] = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; * } * if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber < pSequence) * { * int difference = (int)(pSequence - pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber); * if (difference > 0) * { * byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; * if (data.Length > difference) * { * pStream.Append(data, difference, data.Length - difference); * pSequence += (uint)(data.Length - difference); * } * } * } * * else if (pTCPPacket.SequenceNumber == pSequence) * {*/ byte[] data = pTCPPacket.PayloadData; if (isInbound) { pStream.Append(data, ref inboundBuffer); } else { pStream.Append(data, ref outboundBuffer); } //pSequence += (uint)data.Length; // } MaplePacket packet; bool refreshOpcodes = false; try { while ((isInbound ? (packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate, mBuild, mLocale, ref isFirstPacket, ref inboundBuffer, ref curInboundIV)) : (packet = pStream.Read(pArrivalDate, mBuild, mLocale, ref isFirstPacket, ref outboundBuffer, ref curOutboundIV))) != null) { Console.WriteLine("OK"); Console.WriteLine(" "); mPackets.Add(packet); Definition definition = Config.Instance.GetDefinition(mBuild, mLocale, packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode); if (!mOpcodes.Exists(kv => kv.First == packet.Outbound && kv.Second == packet.Opcode)) { mOpcodes.Add(new Pair <bool, ushort>(packet.Outbound, packet.Opcode)); refreshOpcodes = true; } //if (definition != null && !mViewIgnoredMenu.Checked && definition.Ignore) continue; mPacketList.Items.Add(packet); if (mPacketList.SelectedItems.Count == 0) { packet.EnsureVisible(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); mTerminated = true; Text += " (Terminated)"; //MainForm.CloseSession(this); return; } if (DockPanel.ActiveDocument == this && refreshOpcodes) { MainForm.SearchForm.RefreshOpcodes(true); } }