コード例 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an intersection into the list, if it isn't already there.
 /// The input segmentIndex and dist are expected to be normalized.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="intPt"></param>
 /// <param name="segmentIndex"></param>
 /// <returns>The SegmentIntersection found or added.</returns>
 public void Add(Coordinate intPt, int segmentIndex)
     SegmentNode eiNew = new SegmentNode(_edge, intPt, segmentIndex, _edge.GetSegmentOctant(segmentIndex));
     SegmentNode ei = (SegmentNode)_nodeMap[eiNew];
     if(ei != null)
         // debugging sanity check
         Assert.IsTrue(ei.Coordinate.Equals2D(intPt), "Found equal nodes with different coordinates");
     // node does not exist, so create it
     _nodeMap.Add(eiNew, eiNew);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Consente di spostare l'enumeratore all'elemento successivo dell'insieme.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true se l'enumeratore è stato spostato correttamente in avanti in corrispondenza dell'elemento successivo; false se l'enumeratore ha raggiunto la fine dell'insieme.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.InvalidOperationException">L'insieme è stato modificato dopo la creazione dell'enumeratore. </exception>
        public bool MoveNext()
            if (_currNode == null)
                _currNode = _nextNode;
                _currSegIndex = _currNode.SegmentIndex;
                return true;
            // check for trying to read too far
            if (_nextNode == null) 
                return false;

            if (_nextNode.SegmentIndex == _currNode.SegmentIndex)
                _currNode = _nextNode;
                _currSegIndex = _currNode.SegmentIndex;
                return true;

            if (_nextNode.SegmentIndex > _currNode.SegmentIndex)

            return false;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  Create a new "split edge" with the section of points between
        /// (and including) the two intersections.
        /// The label for the new edge is the same as the label for the parent edge.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ei0"></param>
        /// <param name="ei1"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        SegmentString CreateSplitEdge(SegmentNode ei0, SegmentNode ei1)
            int npts = ei1.SegmentIndex - ei0.SegmentIndex + 2;

            Coordinate lastSegStartPt = _edge.GetCoordinate(ei1.SegmentIndex);
            // if the last intersection point is not equal to the its segment start pt, add it to the points list as well.
            // (This check is needed because the distance metric is not totally reliable!)
            // The check for point equality is 2D only - Z values are ignored
            bool useIntPt1 = ei1.IsInterior || !ei1.Coordinate.Equals2D(lastSegStartPt);

            Coordinate[] pts = new Coordinate[npts];
            int ipt = 0;
            pts[ipt++] = new Coordinate(ei0.Coordinate);
            for (int i = ei0.SegmentIndex + 1; i <= ei1.SegmentIndex; i++)
                pts[ipt++] = _edge.GetCoordinate(i);            
            if (useIntPt1) 
                pts[ipt] = ei1.Coordinate;

            return new SegmentString(pts, _edge.Data);
コード例 #4
 private void ReadNextNode()
     if (_nodeIt.MoveNext())
          _nextNode = (SegmentNode)_nodeIt.Current;
     else _nextNode = null;
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ei0"></param>
 /// <param name="ei1"></param>
 /// <param name="collapsedVertexIndex"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static bool FindCollapseIndex(SegmentNode ei0, SegmentNode ei1, int[] collapsedVertexIndex)
     // only looking for equal nodes
     if (!ei0.Coordinate.Equals2D(ei1.Coordinate)) 
         return false;
     int numVerticesBetween = ei1.SegmentIndex - ei0.SegmentIndex;
     if (!ei1.IsInterior)
     // if there is a single vertex between the two equal nodes, this is a collapse
     if (numVerticesBetween == 1)
         collapsedVertexIndex[0] = ei0.SegmentIndex + 1;
         return true;
     return false;