コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes an empty bitmap, and corresponding bounds in the imaginary plane to generate the Mandelbrot Set, pixel by pixel.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputBitmap"></param>
        /// <param name="iPlaneDimensions"></param>
        public static void GenerateMandelbrotImage(ref Bitmap emptyBitmap, IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneBoundingRectangle, double frequencyScale, double phaseOffset)
            double scalingX = iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetRealRange() / emptyBitmap.Width;
            double scalingY = iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetImaginaryRange() / emptyBitmap.Height;
            double delta    = Math.Abs(scalingX - scalingY);

            if (delta > 0.0001)
                throw new Exception("Specified imaginary plane bounds do not match the Bitmap dimensions! They need identical aspect ratios.");
            scaling = scalingX; //For the avoidance of doubt, scalingX and scalingY should be identical.

            for (int x = 0; x < emptyBitmap.Width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < emptyBitmap.Height; y++)
                    int a = 255;

                    IPoint point          = new IPoint(iPlaneBoundingRectangle, new Point(x, y));
                    int    iterationCount = GetIteratedIntegerValue(point);

                    double trigScaling = 0.0246;

                    int r = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(frequencyScale * trigScaling * iterationCount - phaseOffset) * 127 + 128);
                    int g = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(frequencyScale * trigScaling * iterationCount - phaseOffset - (2 * Math.PI / 3)) * 127 + 128);
                    int b = (int)Math.Round(Math.Sin(frequencyScale * trigScaling * iterationCount - phaseOffset - (4 * Math.PI / 3)) * 127 + 128);

                    emptyBitmap.SetPixel(x, y, Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b));
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares dimensions in the imaginary place with dimensions
        /// of the input Picture Box dimensions and returns an empty Bitmap
        /// with appropriate dimensions for previewing the Mandelbrot Set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="uiImage"></param>
        /// <param name="iPlaneDimensions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Bitmap GetEmptyPreviewBitmap(PictureBox uiImage, IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneBoundingRectangle)
            int height;
            int width;

            if (uiImage.Height < uiImage.Width)
                height = (uiImage.Height <= 500) ? uiImage.Height : 500;
                width  = GetCorrespondingPixelCount(height, false, iPlaneBoundingRectangle);
                width  = (uiImage.Width <= 500) ? uiImage.Width : 500;
                height = GetCorrespondingPixelCount(width, true, iPlaneBoundingRectangle);

            return(new Bitmap(width, height));
コード例 #3
        private void PictureBox1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                if (!IsDrawingActive)
                    Application.FirstClickCoords = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
                    IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneDimensions = new IPlaneBoundingRectangle(Application.MinR, Application.MaxR, Application.MinI, Application.MaxI);
                    Application.UpdateIPlaneAndBitmapDimensions(ref pictureBox1, iPlaneDimensions);

                IsDrawingActive = !IsDrawingActive;
コード例 #4
 public void UpdateIPlaneAndBitmapDimensions(ref PictureBox pictureBox, IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneDimensions)
     currentIPlaneBounds = iPlaneDimensions;
     currentEmptyBitmap  = MandelbrotUtils.GetEmptyPreviewBitmap(pictureBox, iPlaneDimensions);
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Takes a known pixel range and calculates the unknown pixel range given a set of iPlaneDimensions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="existingPixelRange"></param>
        /// <param name="isPixelRangeOnXAxis"></param>
        /// <param name="iPlaneDimensions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static int GetCorrespondingPixelCount(int existingPixelRange, bool isPixelRangeOnXAxis, IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneBoundingRectangle)
            int correspondingPixels;

            if (isPixelRangeOnXAxis)
                double pixelScaling = existingPixelRange / iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetRealRange();
                correspondingPixels = (int)Math.Round(pixelScaling * iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetImaginaryRange());
                double pixelScaling = existingPixelRange / iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetImaginaryRange();
                correspondingPixels = (int)Math.Round(pixelScaling * iPlaneBoundingRectangle.GetRealRange());
コード例 #6
 public IPoint(IPlaneBoundingRectangle iPlaneBoundingRectangle, Point point)
     R = ((scaling * point.X) + iPlaneBoundingRectangle.MinimumRealValue);
     I = ((scaling * point.Y) + iPlaneBoundingRectangle.MinimumImaginaryValue);
コード例 #7
        public static PointF GetTranslatedCoordinates(IPlaneBoundingRectangle bounds, Point pixelPoint)
            IPoint point = new IPoint(bounds, pixelPoint);

            return(new PointF((float)point.R, (float)point.I));