コード例 #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Refreshes the rules.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="reader">The reader.</param>
		public void RefreshRules(TextReader reader)
			// put a lock on the refresh process so that only one refresh can happen at a time
			lock (_refreshLock)
				Manager.LogEnabled = false;
				Manager.LogPath = null;

				string tempBase = PhysicalBase;
				string tempLogPath = null;
				int tempLogLevel = 0;
				int tempMaxInternalTransfers = 10;
				bool tempEngineEnabled = false;

				string line;
				IList<ICondition> conditions = new List<ICondition>(0);
				IList<IRule> rules = new List<IRule>();
				IList<IRule> outputRules = new List<IRule>();
				IList<string> unknownLines = new List<string>();
				ModuleFactory modules = new ModuleFactory();

				while (reader.Peek() >= 0)
					line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();

					if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
						// just plain old ignore empty lines no logging or anything
					else if (line[0] == '#')
						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 4, "Comment: " + line, "Rule Processing");
					else if (RewriteEngineLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteEngine

						Match match = RewriteEngineLine.Match(line);
						string engineState = match.Groups["state"].Value;

						// by default the engine is turned off
						if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(engineState) || String.Equals(engineState, "off", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
							tempEngineEnabled = false;

							// don't bother processing any other rules if the engine is disabled
							tempEngineEnabled = true;

						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteEngine: " + (tempEngineEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Disabled"), "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteOptionsLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteOptions

						Match match = RewriteOptionsLine.Match(line);
						Group variables = match.Groups["var"];

						if (variables.Success)
							foreach (Capture var in variables.Captures)
								string[] parts = var.Value.Split(new[] { '=' }, 2);
								bool variableUnderstood = false;

								if (parts.Length == 2)
									switch (parts[0])
										case "inherit":

										// obsolete in 2.1 mod_rewrite
										case "MaxRedirects":
											Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 1, "MaxRedirects is obsolete", "Obsolete");

											int maxInternalTransfers;
											if (Int32.TryParse(parts[1], out maxInternalTransfers))
												tempMaxInternalTransfers = maxInternalTransfers;
												variableUnderstood = true;

								if (!variableUnderstood)
									Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 4, "Not Understood: " + var.Value, "Unknown");

					else if (RewriteBaseLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteBase

						Match match = RewriteBaseLine.Match(line);
						tempBase = match.Groups["base"].Value;

						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteBase: " + VirtualBase, "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteModuleLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteModule

						Match match = RewriteModuleLine.Match(line);
						string moduleName = match.Groups["name"].Value;
						string moduleType = match.Groups["type"].Value;
						Type module = Type.GetType(moduleType, false, true);

						if (module == null)
							module = BuildManager.GetType(moduleType, false, true);

						if (module == null)
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteModule: Error finding " + moduleType, "Rule Processing");
							// add the module to the list
							modules.AddModule(moduleName, module);

							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteModule: " + moduleType, "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteLogLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteLog

						Match match = RewriteLogLine.Match(line);
						tempLogPath = match.Groups["location"].Value;
						tempLogPath = NormalizeLogLocation(tempLogPath);

						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteLog: " + tempLogPath, "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteLogLevelLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteLogLevel

						Match match = RewriteLogLevelLine.Match(line);
						int logLevel = 1;

						if (!Int32.TryParse(match.Groups["level"].Value, out logLevel))
							tempLogLevel = 0;
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteLogLevel: " + match.Groups["level"].Value + " not understood.", "Rule Processing");
							tempLogLevel = logLevel;

						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteLogLevel: " + logLevel, "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteCondLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteCond

						Match match = RewriteCondLine.Match(line);

						string module1 = match.Groups["module1"].Value;
						string module2 = match.Groups["module2"].Value;

						Type moduleType1 = null;
						Type moduleType2 = null;

						// set the types of the first module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module1))
							moduleType1 = modules.GetModule(module1);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType1 != null && moduleType1.GetInterface("ICondition", false) == null)
							moduleType1 = null;

						// set the types of the second module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module2))
							moduleType2 = modules.GetModule(module2);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType2 != null && moduleType2.GetInterface("IConditionTestValue", false) == null)
							moduleType2 = null;

							RegexOptions patternOptions = Manager.RuleOptions;
							IConditionFlagProcessor flags;

							if (match.Groups["flags"] != null)
								flags = SplitConditionFlags(match.Groups["flags"].Value);
								flags = new ConditionFlagProcessor();

							// check to see if the pattern should ignore the case when testing
							if (ConditionFlagsProcessor.HasNoCase(flags))
								patternOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;

							string test = match.Groups["test"].Value;
							string pattern = match.Groups["pattern"].Value;
							IConditionTestValue testValue;
							ICondition condition;

							// create the second module
							if (moduleType2 == null)
								testValue = GetConditionTestValue(ref test);
								testValue = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType2) as IConditionTestValue;

							// create the first module
							if (moduleType1 == null)
								condition = GetCondition(pattern);
								condition = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType1) as ICondition;

							// initialize the modules
							condition.Init(new Pattern(pattern, patternOptions), testValue, flags);

							// add condition to next rule that shows up
						catch (Exception exc)
							if (tempLogLevel >= 3)
								Manager.Log("RewriteCond: " + exc.Message, "Error");
								Manager.Log("RewriteCond: " + exc, "Error");
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteCond: " + match.Groups["test"].Value + " " + match.Groups["pattern"].Value + " [" + match.Groups["flags"].Value + "]", "Rule Processing");

					else if (RewriteRuleLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region RewriteRule

						Match match = RewriteRuleLine.Match(line);

						string module1 = match.Groups["module1"].Value;
						string module2 = match.Groups["module2"].Value;

						Type moduleType1 = null;
						Type moduleType2 = null;

						// set the types of the first module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module1))
							moduleType1 = modules.GetModule(module1);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType1 != null && moduleType1.GetInterface("IRule", false) == null)
							moduleType1 = null;

						// set the types of the second module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module2))
							moduleType2 = modules.GetModule(module2);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType2 != null && moduleType2.GetInterface("IRuleAction", false) == null)
							moduleType2 = null;

							RegexOptions patternOptions = Manager.RuleOptions;
							IRuleFlagProcessor flags;

							if (match.Groups["flags"] != null)
								flags = SplitRuleFlags(match.Groups["flags"].Value);
								flags = new RuleFlagProcessor();

							// check to see if the pattern should ignore the case when testing
							if (RuleFlagsProcessor.HasNoCase(flags))
								patternOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;

							IRule rule = null;
							IRuleAction substitution = null;
							Pattern pattern = new Pattern(match.Groups["pattern"].Value, patternOptions);

							// create the first module
							if (moduleType1 == null)
								rule = new DefaultRule();
								rule = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType1) as IRule;

							// create the second module
							if (moduleType2 == null)
								substitution = new DefaultRuleAction();
								substitution = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType2) as IRuleAction;

							// initialize the modules
							substitution.Init(pattern, match.Groups["substitution"].Value);
							rule.Init(conditions, substitution, flags);

							// add condition to next rule that shows up

							// clear conditions for next rule
						catch (Exception exc)
							if (tempLogLevel >= 3)
								Manager.Log("RewriteRule: " + exc.Message, "Error");
								Manager.Log("RewriteRule: " + exc, "Error");
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "RewriteRule: " + match.Groups["pattern"].Value + " " + match.Groups["substitution"].Value + " [" + match.Groups["flags"].Value + "]", "Rule Processing");

					else if (OutRewriteCondLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region OutRewriteCond

						Match match = OutRewriteCondLine.Match(line);

						string module1 = match.Groups["module1"].Value;
						string module2 = match.Groups["module2"].Value;

						Type moduleType1 = null;
						Type moduleType2 = null;

						// set the types of the first module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module1))
							moduleType1 = modules.GetModule(module1);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType1 != null && moduleType1.GetInterface("ICondition", false) == null)
							moduleType1 = null;

						// set the types of the second module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module2))
							moduleType2 = modules.GetModule(module2);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType2 != null && moduleType2.GetInterface("IConditionTestValue", false) == null)
							moduleType2 = null;

							RegexOptions patternOptions = Manager.RuleOptions;
							IConditionFlagProcessor flags;

							if (match.Groups["flags"] != null)
								flags = SplitConditionFlags(match.Groups["flags"].Value);
								flags = new ConditionFlagProcessor();

							// check to see if the pattern should ignore the case when testing
							if (ConditionFlagsProcessor.HasNoCase(flags))
								patternOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;

							string test = match.Groups["test"].Value;
							string pattern = match.Groups["pattern"].Value;
							IConditionTestValue testValue;
							ICondition condition;

							// create the second module
							if (moduleType2 == null)
								testValue = GetConditionTestValue(ref test);
								testValue = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType2) as IConditionTestValue;

							// create the first module
							if (moduleType1 == null)
								condition = GetCondition(pattern);
								condition = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType1) as ICondition;

							// initialize the modules
							condition.Init(new Pattern(pattern, patternOptions), testValue, flags);

							// add condition to next rule that shows up
						catch (Exception exc)
							if (tempLogLevel >= 3)
								Manager.Log("OutRewriteCond: " + exc.Message, "Error");
								Manager.Log("OutRewriteCond: " + exc, "Error");
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "OutRewriteCond: " + match.Groups["test"].Value + " " + match.Groups["pattern"].Value + " [" + match.Groups["flags"].Value + "]", "Rule Processing");

					else if (OutRewriteRuleLine.IsMatch(line))
						#region OutRewriteRule

						Match match = OutRewriteRuleLine.Match(line);

						string module1 = match.Groups["module1"].Value;
						string module2 = match.Groups["module2"].Value;

						Type moduleType1 = null;
						Type moduleType2 = null;

						// set the types of the first module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module1))
							moduleType1 = modules.GetModule(module1);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType1 != null && moduleType1.GetInterface("IRule", false) == null)
							moduleType1 = null;

						// set the types of the second module
						if (modules.ContainsName(module2))
							moduleType2 = modules.GetModule(module2);

						// make sure the module is of the right type
						if (moduleType2 != null && moduleType2.GetInterface("IRuleAction", false) == null)
							moduleType2 = null;

							RegexOptions patternOptions = Manager.RuleOptions;
							IRuleFlagProcessor flags;

							if (match.Groups["flags"] != null)
								flags = SplitRuleFlags(match.Groups["flags"].Value);
								flags = new RuleFlagProcessor();

							// check to see if the pattern should ignore the case when testing
							if (RuleFlagsProcessor.HasNoCase(flags))
								patternOptions |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;

							IRule rule = null;
							IRuleAction substitution = null;
							Pattern pattern = new Pattern(match.Groups["pattern"].Value, patternOptions);

							// create the first module
							if (moduleType1 == null)
								rule = new DefaultRule();
								rule = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType1) as IRule;

							// create the second module
							if (moduleType2 == null)
								substitution = new DefaultOutputRuleAction();
								substitution = Activator.CreateInstance(moduleType2) as IRuleAction;

							// initialize the modules
							substitution.Init(pattern, match.Groups["substitution"].Value);
							rule.Init(conditions, substitution, flags);

							// add condition to next rule that shows up

							// clear conditions for next rule
						catch (Exception exc)
							if (tempLogLevel >= 3)
								Manager.Log("OutRewriteRule: " + exc.Message, "Error");
								Manager.Log("OutRewriteRule: " + exc, "Error");
							Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 3, "OutRewriteRule: " + match.Groups["pattern"].Value + " " + match.Groups["substitution"].Value + " [" + match.Groups["flags"].Value + "]", "Rule Processing");


				Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel > 0, "Managed Fusion Rewriter Version: " + Manager.RewriterVersion, "Rule Processing");

				// clear and add new rules

				// try to process any unknown lines
				if (unknownLines.Count > 0)
					RefreshUnknownLines(ref unknownLines);

					foreach (var unknownLine in unknownLines)
						Manager.LogIf(tempLogLevel >= 4, "Not Understood: " + unknownLine, "Unknown");

				// set the ruleset defining properties
				VirtualBase = tempBase;
				LogLocation = tempLogPath;
				LogLevel = tempLogLevel;
				EngineEnabled = tempEngineEnabled;
				Manager.LogPath = tempLogPath;
				Manager.LogEnabled = tempLogLevel > 0;
コード例 #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the rule.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="ruleElement">The rule element.</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		private IRule GetRule(XmlNode ruleElement)
			if (ruleElement == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("ruleElement");

			if (ruleElement.Name != "rule")
				throw new RuleSetException("The node is not a \"rule\".");

			bool enabled = true; // from schema definition

			if (ruleElement.Attributes["enabled"] != null)
				enabled = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ruleElement.Attributes["enabled"].Value);

			// if it is not enabled there is no reason to continue processing
			if (!enabled)
				return null;

			string name = String.Empty;
			bool stopProcessing = false; // from schema definition
			string patternSyntax = "ECMAScript"; // from schema definiton

			if (ruleElement.Attributes["name"] != null)
				name = ruleElement.Attributes["name"].Value;

			if (ruleElement.Attributes["stopProcessing"] != null)
				stopProcessing = XmlConvert.ToBoolean(ruleElement.Attributes["stopProcessing"].Value);

			if (ruleElement.Attributes["patternSyntax"] != null)
				patternSyntax = ruleElement.Attributes["patternSyntax"].Value;

			XmlNode matchElement = ruleElement.SelectSingleNode("match");
			XmlNode conditionsElement = ruleElement.SelectSingleNode("conditions");
			XmlNode serverVariablesElement = ruleElement.SelectSingleNode("serverVariables");
			XmlNode actionElement = ruleElement.SelectSingleNode("action");

			IRuleFlagProcessor ruleFlags = new RuleFlagProcessor();
			IRule rule = new DefaultRule();
			rule.Name = name;

			// <match />
			Pattern match = GetMatch(matchElement, ref ruleFlags);

			// <condition />
			IEnumerable<ICondition> conditions = GetConditions(conditionsElement);

			// <serverVariables />
			foreach (var flag in GetServerVariables(serverVariablesElement))

			// <action />
			IRuleAction action = GetAction(actionElement, match, ref ruleFlags);

			// <rule />
			rule.Init(conditions, action, ruleFlags);

			return rule;