public static void EmployeeShiftsHistory() { ShowEmployees(); string string_ID = PersonHandler.ValidatedID(); Employee emp = EmployeeHandler.GetEmployeeByID(string_ID); if (emp is null) { return; } ShowEmployeeShifts(emp); }
public static void EmployeesShift() /// A method to start / end employees shifts. /// the method gets the ID as input from client, checks if the ID exists in the system /// the method let the client choose between start & end the shift by input, and does in accordance to that { EmployeeHandler.ShowEmployees(); string string_ID = PersonHandler.ValidatedID(); Employee emp = EmployeeHandler.GetEmployeeByID(string_ID); if (emp is null) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"What would you like to do, {emp.FullName}?"); sb.AppendLine("1 - Start a shift"); sb.AppendLine("2 - End a shift"); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); int choice = 3; // default value for the choice (if client`s input is wrong, program will get into the loop and give him another try) Console.Write("Your choice [1/2]: "); string string_choice = Console.ReadLine(); // input for client`s choice try { choice = int.Parse(string_choice); } // trying to parse client`s choice to int catch { } // if client`s input is wrong, keeps choice as 3 switch (choice) { case 1: EmployeeHandler.StartShift(emp); break; case 2: EmployeeHandler.EndShift(emp); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No such option"); EmployeesManagement(); break; } }
public static void EmployeesManagement() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Welcome to employees management menu. What would you like to do?"); sb.AppendLine("1 - Add new employee"); sb.AppendLine("2 - Start / end a shift"); sb.AppendLine("3 - Show employee`s debt"); sb.AppendLine("4 - Show employee`s shift history"); sb.AppendLine("5 - Go back to main menu"); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); int choice = 6; // default value for the choice (if client`s input is wrong, program will get into the loop and give him another try) Console.Write("Your choice: "); string string_choice = Console.ReadLine(); // input for client`s choice try { choice = int.Parse(string_choice); } // trying to parse client`s choice to int catch { } // if client`s input is wrong, keeps choice as 5 while (choice != 5) { switch (choice) { case 1: EmployeeHandler.AddNewEmp(); break; case 2: EmployeesShift(); break; case 3: EmployeeHandler.ShowEmpDebt(); break; case 4: EmployeeHandler.EmployeeShiftsHistory(); break; case 5: break; default: break; } sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(); sb.AppendLine("Welcome to employees management menu. What would you like to do?"); sb.AppendLine("1 - Add new employee"); sb.AppendLine("2 - Start / end a shift"); sb.AppendLine("3 - Show employee`s debt"); sb.AppendLine("4 - Show employee`s shift history"); sb.AppendLine("5 - Go back to main menu"); Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); choice = 6; // default value for the choice (if client`s input is wrong, program will get into the loop and give him another try) Console.Write("Your choice: "); string_choice = Console.ReadLine(); // input for client`s choice try { choice = int.Parse(string_choice); } // trying to parse client`s choice to int catch { } // if client`s input is wrong, keeps choice as 5 Console.Clear(); } }