///────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── /// <summary> /// This will be call by the Animator Layer "Rider Arm Left" to free the Reins from the Left Hand /// </summary> public virtual void LeftHand_is_Free(bool value) { if (rider.Montura != null) { IKReins IK_Reins = rider.Montura.transform.GetComponent <IKReins>(); if (IK_Reins) { IK_Reins.LeftHand_is_Free(value); //Send to the Reins Script that the LEFT Hand is free or not } } }
/// <summary>This will be call by the Animator Layer "Rider Arm Right" to free the Reins from the Right Hand </summary> public virtual void FreeRightHand(bool value) { if (Rider.Montura != null) { IKReins IK_Reins = Rider.Montura.transform.GetComponent <IKReins>(); if (IK_Reins) { IK_Reins.FreeRightHand(value); //Send to the Reins Script that the RIGHT Hand is free or not } } }