コード例 #1
        public static IQueryable <OrganizationRequest> GetOrganization(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int?OrganizationID = null, string OrganizationName = null, int?OrganizationNumber = null, int?OrganizationExpertiseTypeId = null, int?OrganizationParentId = null)
            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Organization)).Result;
            // Get query from DbSet
            var query = from organization in dbContext.Organization
                        .Include(x => x.OrganizationExpertiseType)
                        .Include(x => x.OrganizationType)

                        join docsLogo in dbContext.Docs
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        .Where(a => a.DocumentTypeId == (int)DocumentType.Logo)
                        on organization.OrganizationId equals docsLogo.EntityId into docsLogo
                        from x_docsLogo in docsLogo.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join phonMail in dbContext.PhoneMail
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        on organization.OrganizationId equals phonMail.EntityId into phonMail
                        from x_phonMail in phonMail.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select organization.ToEntity(x_phonMail, x_docsLogo);

            // Filter by: 'EmployeeID'
            if (OrganizationID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationId == OrganizationID);

            if (OrganizationName != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationName == OrganizationName);

            if (OrganizationNumber != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationNumber == OrganizationNumber);

            if (OrganizationExpertiseTypeId != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationExpertiseTypeId == OrganizationExpertiseTypeId);

            if (OrganizationParentId != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationParentId == OrganizationParentId || item.OrganizationId == OrganizationParentId);
コード例 #2
        public static void Update <TEntity>(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, TEntity entity, IUserInfo userInfo) where TEntity : class, IAuditableEntity
            if (entity is IAuditableEntity cast)
                if (cast.UserUpdate == null || cast.UserUpdate == 0)
                    entity.UserUpdate = userInfo.UserId;

                entity.DateUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            dbContext.Set <TEntity>().Update(entity);
コード例 #3
        public static IQueryable <EmployeeResponse> GetEmployeeByUserIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Users entity)
            var query = from Employee in dbContext.Employee
                        .Include(x => x.Organization)

                        join user in dbContext.Users
                        .Where(item => item.UserName == entity.UserName)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals user.EmployeeId

                        select Employee.ToEntity(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);

コード例 #4
        public static IQueryable <EmployeeGuid> GetEmployeesByPhoneAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, string Phone = null)
            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Employee)).Result;

            var query = from phonMail in dbContext.PhoneMail
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        .Where(a => a.PhoneNumber == Phone)

                        join employee in dbContext.Employee
                        on phonMail.EntityId equals employee.EmployeeId into employee
                        from x_employee in employee.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select x_employee.ToEntity(phonMail);

コード例 #5
        public static IQueryable <GenTextSystem> GetGenTextSystem(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int?OrganizationId = null)
            // Get query from DbSet
            var query = from GenTextSystem in dbContext.GenTextSystem.Where(x => x.State == true).AsQueryable()
                        select GenTextSystem;

            if (OrganizationId.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationID == OrganizationId);

コード例 #6

        public static void Add <TEntity>(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, TEntity entity, IUserInfo userInfo) where TEntity : class, IAuditableEntity
            if (entity is IAuditableEntity cast)
                //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cast.CreationUser))
                //    cast.CreationUser = userInfo.UserName;

                //if (!cast.CreationDateTime.HasValue)
                //    cast.CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                if (cast.UserUpdate == null || cast.UserUpdate == 0)
                    entity.UserInsert = userInfo.UserId;

                entity.DateInsert = DateTime.Now;

            dbContext.Set <TEntity>().Add(entity);
コード例 #7
        public static IQueryable <ParameterCodeEntity> GetEntityTable(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, string tableName, int entityId)
            if (tableName == GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Employee)).Result)
                return(from entityType in dbContext.Employee.Where(x => x.EmployeeId == entityId)
                       select new ParameterCodeEntity
                    ParameterFieldID = entityType.EmployeeId,
                    Name = entityType.FirstName + " " + entityType.LastName
            if (tableName == GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Organization)).Result)
                return(from entityType in dbContext.Organization.Where(x => x.OrganizationId == entityId)
                       select new ParameterCodeEntity
                    ParameterFieldID = entityType.OrganizationId,
                    Name = entityType.OrganizationName

コード例 #8
        public static IQueryable <OrganizationRequest> GetOrganizationsAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Organization entity)
            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Organization)).Result;

            var query = from organization in dbContext.Organization.Where(item => item.OrganizationId == entity.OrganizationId)

                        join docsLogo in dbContext.Docs
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        .Where(a => a.DocumentTypeId == (int)DocumentType.Logo)
                        on organization.OrganizationId equals docsLogo.EntityId into docsLogo
                        from x_docsLogo in docsLogo.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join phonMail in dbContext.PhoneMail
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        on organization.OrganizationId equals phonMail.EntityId into phonMail
                        from x_phonMail in phonMail.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select organization.ToEntity(x_phonMail, x_docsLogo);

コード例 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// מקבל קוד טבלה וקוד בתוך הטבלה
 /// לדוגמא 1 טבלת אתרים
 /// 2 הקוד של האתר
 /// ומחזיר את כתובת האתר
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
 /// <param name="entity"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static async Task <Address> GetAddressAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Address entity)
 => await dbContext.Address.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.EntityTypeId == entity.EntityTypeId && item.EntityId == entity.EntityId);
コード例 #10
        //  select alert.ToEntity(null);

        //להוסיף פה גם את הישות
        //id and name

        //    return query;

        public static IQueryable <Alerts> GetAlerts(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int siteId)
        => dbContext.Alerts.Where(item => item.SiteId == siteId);
コード例 #11
        // => dbContext.EmployeeWorkPermit.AsQueryable().Where(item => item.EmployeeId == entity.EmployeeId).Include(x => x.Site);

        public static IQueryable <EmployeeAuthtorizationRequest> GetEmployeeAuthtorizationByEmployeeIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, EmployeeAuthtorization entity)
            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(EmployeeAuthtorization)).Result;

            // Get query from DbSet
            var query = from tr in dbContext.EmployeeAuthtorization
                        .Include(x => x.Site)
                        .Include(x => x.AuthorizationType)
                        .Where(item => item.EmployeeId == entity.EmployeeId)

                        join docs in dbContext.Docs
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        .Where(a => a.DocumentTypeId == (int)DocumentType.Authtorization)
                        on tr.EmployeeAuthorizationId equals docs.EntityId into docs
                        from x_docs in docs.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select tr.ToEntity(x_docs);

コード例 #12
        public static IQueryable <EmployeeResponse> GetEmployee(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext,
                                                                int?EmployeeID            = null,
                                                                string EmployeeName       = null,
                                                                string IdentityNumber     = null,
                                                                int?OrganizationId        = null,
                                                                int?PassportCountryId     = null,
                                                                int?ProffesionType        = null,
                                                                int?SiteId                = null,
                                                                int?EmployeeIsNotInSiteId = null,
                                                                bool isEmployeeEntry      = false,
                                                                bool sortByAuthtorization = false,
                                                                bool sortByTraining       = false,
                                                                bool sortByWorkPermit     = false

            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Employee)).Result;

            // Get query from DbSet
            var query = from Employee in dbContext.Employee
                        .Include(b => b.IdentificationType)
                        .Include(o => o.Organization)
                        .Include(x => x.EmployeeProffesionType)
                        .ThenInclude(p => p.ProffesionType)
                        .Include(p => p.PassportCountry)

                        .Include(x => x.EmployeeAuthtorization)
                        .Include(x => x.EmployeeTraining)
                        .Include(x => x.EmployeeWorkPermit)


                        join docsFaceImage in dbContext.Docs
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        .Where(a => a.DocumentTypeId == (int)DocumentType.FaceImage)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals docsFaceImage.EntityId into docsFaceImage
                        from x_docsFaceImage in docsFaceImage.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        //מי שנמצא כרגע  באתר
                        join employeeEntry in dbContext.EmployeeEntry.Where(item => item.Date.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals employeeEntry.EmployeeId into employeeEntry
                        from x_employeeEntry in employeeEntry.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join equipmenAtSite in dbContext.EquipmenAtSite.Where(a => a.SiteId == SiteId)
                        on x_employeeEntry.EquipmentId equals equipmenAtSite.EquipmentId into equipmenAtSite
                        from x_equipmenAtSite in equipmenAtSite.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join siteEmployee in dbContext.SiteEmployee
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals siteEmployee.EmployeeId into siteEmployee
                        from x_siteEmployee in siteEmployee.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        join docsEmplyeePicture in dbContext.EmplyeePicture
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals docsEmplyeePicture.EmployeeId into docsEmplyeePicture
                        from x_docsEmplyeePicture in docsEmplyeePicture.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        //מי שנתן הצהרת בריאות
                        join healthDeclaration in dbContext.HealthDeclaration
                        .Where(item => item.Date.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals healthDeclaration.EntityId into healthDeclaration
                        from x_healthDeclaration in healthDeclaration.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select Employee.ToEntity(null, x_docsFaceImage, null, null, x_equipmenAtSite, x_siteEmployee, x_docsEmplyeePicture, x_healthDeclaration);

            //עובדים בארגון ולא משויכים לאתר

            if (EmployeeID.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.EmployeeId == EmployeeID);

            if (EmployeeName != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.FirstName == EmployeeName);

            if (IdentityNumber != null)
                query = query.Where(item => item.IdentityNumber == IdentityNumber);

            if (OrganizationId.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationId == OrganizationId);

            if (PassportCountryId.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.PassportCountryId == PassportCountryId);

コード例 #13
 public static IQueryable <Sites> GetSitesByOrganizationIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Organization entity)
 => dbContext.Sites.Where(item => item.OrganizationId == entity.OrganizationId);
コード例 #14
 public static async Task <Users> GetUserByEmployeeIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Users entity)
 => await dbContext.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.EmployeeId == entity.EmployeeId);
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// to do להביא טבלאות מערכת בצורה דינמית
        /// עם codeEntity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dbContext"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IQueryable <Gender> GetCodeTable(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, string tableName)
            var query = dbContext.Gender.AsQueryable();

コード例 #16
 public static async Task <Employee> GetEmployeeByEmployeeIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Employee entity)
 => await dbContext.Employee.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.EmployeeId == entity.EmployeeId);
コード例 #17
 public static IQueryable <HealthDeclaration> GetHealthDeclarationAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int siteId, int?entityTypeId = null)
 => dbContext.HealthDeclaration
 .Where(item => item.SiteId == siteId)
 .Where(item => item.EntityTypeId == entityTypeId)
 .Where(item => item.Date == DateTime.Now.Date).AsQueryable();
コード例 #18
 public static IQueryable <EmployeeEntry> GetEmployeeEntryByGuid(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, string guid)
 => dbContext.EmployeeEntry.Where(item => item.Guid == guid).DefaultIfEmpty();
コード例 #19
 public static IQueryable <Sites> GetSiteBySiteIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Sites entity)
 => dbContext.Sites.Where(item => item.SiteId == entity.SiteId).DefaultIfEmpty();
コード例 #20
 public static IQueryable <EquipmenAtSite> GetSiteByEquipmentIdAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, EquipmenAtSite entity)
 => dbContext.EquipmenAtSite.Where(item => item.EquipmentId == entity.EquipmentId).Include(s => s.Site).DefaultIfEmpty();
コード例 #21
 public static IQueryable <SiteEmployee> GetNumberEmployeesAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int siteId)
 => dbContext.SiteEmployee.Where(item => item.SiteId == siteId).AsQueryable();
コード例 #22
 public static async Task <Employee> GetEmployeeByIdentityNumberAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Employee entity)
 => await dbContext.Employee.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.IdentityNumber == entity.IdentityNumber);
コード例 #23
 public static IQueryable <HealthDeclaration> GetHealthDeclarationWithoutAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, int siteId)
 => dbContext.HealthDeclaration
 .Where(item => item.SiteId == siteId)
 .Where(item => item.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
 .Where(item => item.EntityId == GetNumberEmployeesOnSiteAsync(dbContext, siteId, DateTime.Now.Date).Select(X => X.EmployeeId).First())
コード例 #24
 public static async Task <Docs> GetDocsAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Docs entity)
 => await dbContext.Docs.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.EntityTypeId == entity.EntityTypeId &&
                                             item.EntityId == entity.EntityId &&
                                             item.DocumentTypeId == entity.DocumentTypeId);
コード例 #25
 public static async Task <PhoneMail> GetPhoneMailAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, PhoneMail entity)
 => await dbContext.PhoneMail.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.EntityTypeId == entity.EntityTypeId && item.EntityId == entity.EntityId);
コード例 #26
 public static async Task <Organization> GetOrganizationeByNameAsync(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, Organization entity)
 => await dbContext.Organization.FirstOrDefaultAsync(item => item.OrganizationName == entity.OrganizationName);
コード例 #27
 public static void Remove <TEntity>(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext, TEntity entity) where TEntity : class, IAuditableEntity
 => dbContext.Set <TEntity>().Remove(entity);
コード例 #28
        public static IQueryable <EmployeeDeclarationResponse> GetEmployeeHealteDeclaration(this MastpenBitachonDbContext dbContext,

                                                                                            int?OrganizationId = null,

                                                                                            int?SiteId = null,

                                                                                            bool isHealteDeclaration = false
            string tableName = GetTableNameByType(dbContext, typeof(Employee)).Result;

            // Get query from DbSet
            var query = from Employee in dbContext.Employee


                        join siteEmployee in dbContext.SiteEmployee.Include(s => s.Site)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals siteEmployee.EmployeeId into siteEmployee
                        from x_siteEmployee in siteEmployee.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        //מי שנתן הצהרת בריאות
                        join healthDeclaration in dbContext.HealthDeclaration
                        .Where(item => item.Date.Value.Date == DateTime.Now.Date)
                        .Where(a => a.EntityTypeId == dbContext.EntityType.FirstOrDefault(item => item.EntityTypeName == tableName).EntityTypeId)
                        on Employee.EmployeeId equals healthDeclaration.EntityId into healthDeclaration
                        from x_healthDeclaration in healthDeclaration.DefaultIfEmpty()

                        select Employee.ToEntity(null, null, null, null, null, x_siteEmployee, null, x_healthDeclaration).ToEntity(x_siteEmployee.Site);

            //עובדים בארגון ולא משויכים לאתר

            if (OrganizationId.HasValue)
                query = query.Where(item => item.OrganizationId == OrganizationId);
