private void UpdateAssetCollection() { if (_assetCollection == null || !AssetDatabase.Contains(_assetCollection)) { _assetCollection = AssetCollection.Create(this).SetName("Asset Collection"); var assetCollectionPath = GetAssetPath(, null, "asset"); AssetUtility.CreatePathFolders(assetCollectionPath); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(_assetCollection, assetCollectionPath); } else { // Check the asset collection's current path, to see if it's already in the right place. var currentPath = AssetUtility.GetProjectRelativeAssetPath(_assetCollection); var assetCollectionPath = GetAssetPath(, null, "asset"); if (currentPath != assetCollectionPath) { // Move the old asset to the new location. AssetUtility.CreatePathFolders(assetCollectionPath); var errorMessage = AssetDatabase.MoveAsset(currentPath, assetCollectionPath); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage)) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException(errorMessage); } } } }
protected void OnEnable() { if (_assetCollection != null && !ReferenceEquals(_assetCollection.executive, this)) { // Generator executive asset was copied; all generated assets should be detached. foreach (var generator in _generators) { foreach (var output in generator.activeOutputs) { output.ForgetAsset(); } } _assetCollection = null; } }