コード例 #1
        public MCBatchResult listBatchUnsubscribe(string id, MCMemberInfo[] batch, bool delete_member, bool send_goodbye, bool send_notify)
            //massage the input
            XmlRpcStruct xBatch = new XmlRpcStruct();
            int          i      = 0;

            foreach (MCMemberInfo info in batch)
                xBatch.Add(i + "", info.email);

            //make the call
            DummyMCBatchResult res = this.api.listBatchUnsubscribe(this.apikey, id, xBatch, delete_member, send_goodbye, send_notify);
            //massage the output
            MCBatchResult toret = new MCBatchResult();

            toret.success_count = res.success_count;
            toret.error_count   = res.error_count;
            toret.errors        = new MCEmailResult[res.errors.Length];
            i = 0;
            foreach (DummyMCEmailResult err in res.errors)
                MCEmailResult tmp = new MCEmailResult();
                //copy everything normal over
                tmp.code        = err.code;
                tmp.message     = err.message;
                tmp.row         = new MCMemberInfo();
                tmp.row.email   = err.email;
                toret.errors[i] = tmp;
        }        //listBatchUnsubscribe()
コード例 #2
        public MCBatchResult listBatchSubscribe(string id, MCMemberInfo[] batch, bool double_optin, bool update_existing, bool replace_interests)
            //massage the input
            XmlRpcStruct xBatch = new XmlRpcStruct();
            int          i      = 0;

            foreach (MCMemberInfo info in batch)
                XmlRpcStruct mv = new XmlRpcStruct();
                mv.Add("EMAIL", info.email);
                mv.Add("EMAIL_TYPE", info.email_type);
                foreach (MCMergeVar var in info.merges)
                    mv.Add(var.tag, var.val);
                xBatch.Add(i + "", mv);

            //make the call
            DummyMCBatchResult res = this.api.listBatchSubscribe(this.apikey, id, xBatch, double_optin, update_existing, replace_interests);

            //massage the output
            MCBatchResult toret = new MCBatchResult();

            toret.success_count = res.success_count;
            toret.error_count   = res.error_count;
            toret.errors        = new MCEmailResult[res.errors.Length];
            i = 0;
            foreach (DummyMCEmailResult err in res.errors)
                MCEmailResult tmp = new MCEmailResult();
                //copy everything normal over
                tmp.code    = err.code;
                tmp.message = err.message;

                XmlRpcStruct s    = (XmlRpcStruct)err.row;
                MCMemberInfo info = new MCMemberInfo();
                info.merges = new MCMergeVar[(s).Count];
                int j = 0;
                foreach (string tag in s.Keys)
                    if (tag == "EMAIL")
                        info.email = (string)s[tag];
                    if (tag == "EMAIL_TYPE")
                        info.email_type = (string)s[tag];
                    info.merges[j]     = new MCMergeVar();
                    info.merges[j].tag = tag;
                    info.merges[j].val = (string)s[tag];
                tmp.row         = info;
                toret.errors[i] = tmp;
        }        //listBatchSubscribe