public void RefreshLang() { try{ var clangname = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((int)Locales.GetCurrentLocale()); ChangeLD(clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(1)); } catch {} }
public static void RefreshLCnMID() { MMain.locales = Locales.AllList(); lcnmid.Clear(); foreach (var lc in locales) { lcnmid.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); } }
public static Process ActiveWindowProcess() { uint pid = 0; WinAPI.GetWindowThreadProcessId(Locales.ActiveWindow(), out pid); var prc = Process.GetProcessById((int)pid); return(prc); }
public static Process ActiveWindowProcess() { uint pid = 0; WinAPI.GetWindowThreadProcessId(Locales.ActiveWindow(), out pid); Process prc = null; try { prc = Process.GetProcessById((int)pid); } catch { Logging.Log("Process with id [" + pid + "] not exist...", 1); } return(prc); }
[STAThread] //DO NOT REMOVE THIS public static void Main(string[] args) { Logging.Log("Mahou started."); //Catch any error during program runtime AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (obj, arg) => { var e = (Exception)arg.ExceptionObject; Logging.Log("Unexpected error occured, Mahou exitted, error details:\r\n" + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace, 1); }; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, "Global\\" + appGUid)) { if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { KMHook.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, ao, 0, 0); return; } if (locales.Length < 2) { Logging.Log("Too less layouts/locales. Program will exit."); Locales.IfLessThan2(); } else { mahou = new MahouForm(); InitLanguage(); //Refreshes icon text language at startup mahou.icon.RefreshText(MMain.UI[44], MMain.UI[42], MMain.UI[43]); KMHook.ReInitSnippets(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // Huh i did not noticed that it was missing... '~' if (args.Length != 0) { if (args[0] == "_!_updated_!_") { Logging.Log("Mahou updated."); mahou.ToggleVisibility(); MessageBox.Show(Msgs[0], Msgs[1], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } StartHook(); //for first run, add your locale 1 & locale 2 to settings if (MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale1Lang") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale2Lang") == "") { Logging.Log("Initializing locales."); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale1uId", locales[0].uId.ToString()); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale2uId", locales[1].uId.ToString()); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale1Lang", locales[0].Lang); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale2Lang", locales[1].Lang); } Application.Run(); StopHook(); } } }
void RefreshLocales() // Refreshes locales in comboboxes { Locales.IfLessThan2(); MMain.locales = Locales.AllList(); cbLCLocalesList.Items.Clear(); cbRCLocalesList.Items.Clear(); MMain.lcnmid.Clear(); foreach (Locales.Locale lc in MMain.locales) { cbLCLocalesList.Items.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); cbRCLocalesList.Items.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); MMain.lcnmid.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); } }
public void RefreshLang() { var lcid = (int)Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); if (lcid > 0) { var clangname = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo(lcid); ChangeLD(clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(1)); } else { Logging.Log("Language tooltip text NOT changed, locale id = [" + lcid + "].", 2); } }
[STAThread] //DO NOT REMOVE THIS public static void Main(string[] args) { LogHelper.ConfigureNlog(); log.Trace("Program start"); using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, "Global\\" + appGUid)) { log.Trace("Mutex created"); if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { KMHook.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, ao, 0, 0); return; } if (locales.Length < 2) { Locales.IfLessThan2(); } else { mahou = new MahouForm(); InitLanguage(); //Refreshes icon text language at startup mahou.icon.RefreshText(MMain.UI[44], MMain.UI[42], MMain.UI[43]); KMHook.ReInitSnippets(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // Huh i did not noticed that it was missing... '~' if (args.Length != 0) { if (args[0] == "_!_updated_!_") { mahou.ToggleVisibility(); MessageBox.Show(Msgs[0], Msgs[1], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } StartHook(); //for first run, add your locale 1 & locale 2 to settings if (MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale1Lang") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale2Lang") == "") { MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale1uId", locales[0].uId.ToString()); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale2uId", locales[1].uId.ToString()); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale1Lang", locales[0].Lang); MyConfs.Write("Locales", "locale2Lang", locales[1].Lang); } try { Application.Run(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Fatal(ex, "Global error handler caught the exception in app"); } StopHook(); } } }
void RefreshLocales() //Re-adds existed locales to select boxes { Locales.IfLessThan2(); MMain.locales = Locales.AllList(); cbLangOne.Items.Clear(); cbLangTwo.Items.Clear(); MMain.lcnmid.Clear(); foreach (Locales.Locale lc in MMain.locales) { cbLangOne.Items.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); cbLangTwo.Items.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); MMain.lcnmid.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); } try { cbLangOne.SelectedIndex = MMain.lcnmid.IndexOf(MMain.MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale1Lang") + "(" + MMain.MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale1uId") + ")"); cbLangTwo.SelectedIndex = MMain.lcnmid.IndexOf(MMain.MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale2Lang") + "(" + MMain.MyConfs.Read("Locales", "locale2uId") + ")"); } catch { MessageBox.Show(MMain.Msgs[9], MMain.Msgs[5], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); RefreshLocales(); cbLangOne.SelectedIndex = 0; cbLangTwo.SelectedIndex = 1; } }
[STAThread] //DO NOT REMOVE THIS public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // at first enable styles. //Catch any error during program runtime AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (obj, arg) => { var e = (Exception)arg.ExceptionObject; Logging.Log("Unexpected error occurred, Mahou exited, error details:\r\n" + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace, 1); }; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); if (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "ru") { Lang = Languages.Russian; } MyConfs = new Configs(); if (Configs.forceAppData && Configs.fine) { MyConfs.Write("Functions", "AppDataConfigs", "true"); } Logging.Log("Mahou started."); using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, GGPU_Mutex)) { if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { if (args.Length > 0) { var arg1 = args[0].ToUpper(); if (arg1.StartsWith("/R") || arg1.StartsWith("-R") || arg1.StartsWith("R")) { WinAPI.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, re, 0, 0); return; } } WinAPI.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, ao, 0, 0); return; } if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "AppDataConfigs")) { var mahou_folder_appd = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Mahou"); if (!Directory.Exists(mahou_folder_appd)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mahou_folder_appd); } if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(mahou_folder_appd, "Mahou.ini"))) // Copy main configs to appdata { File.Copy(Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Mahou.ini"), Path.Combine(mahou_folder_appd, "Mahou.ini"), true); } Configs.filePath = Path.Combine(mahou_folder_appd, "Mahou.ini"); MyConfs = new Configs(); } else { Configs.filePath = Path.Combine(MahouUI.nPath, "Mahou.ini"); } MahouUI.latest_save_dir = Configs.filePath; if (MyConfs.ReadBool("FirstStart", "First")) { if (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "ru") { MyConfs.WriteSave("Appearence", "Language", "Русский"); MahouUI.InitLanguage(); MyConfs.WriteSave("Layouts", "SpecificLayout1", Lang[Languages.Element.SwitchBetween]); MyConfs.WriteSave("FirstStart", "First", "False"); } } else { MahouUI.InitLanguage(); } RefreshLCnMID(); //for first run, add your locale 1 & locale 2 to settings if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { Logging.Log("Initializing locales."); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout1", lcnmid[0]); if (lcnmid.Count > 1) { MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout2", lcnmid[1]); } MyConfs.WriteToDisk(); } mahou = new MahouUI(); rif = new RawInputForm(); Locales.IfLessThan2(); if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { mahou.cbb_MainLayout1.SelectedIndex = 0; if (lcnmid.Count > 1) { mahou.cbb_MainLayout2.SelectedIndex = 1; } } _evt_hookID = WinAPI.SetWinEventHook(WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, IntPtr.Zero, _evt_proc, 0, 0, WinAPI.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT); _LDevt_hookID = WinAPI.SetWinEventHook(WinAPI.EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, WinAPI.EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, IntPtr.Zero, _LDevt_proc, 0, 0, WinAPI.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT); if (args.Length != 0) { if (args[0] == "_!_updated_!_") { Logging.Log("Mahou updated."); mahou.ToggleVisibility(); MessageBox.Show(Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } if (args[0] == "_!_silent_updated_!_") { Logging.Log("Mahou silently updated."); mahou.icon.trIcon.Visible = true; mahou.icon.trIcon.ShowBalloonTip(1000, Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], "Mahou -> " + mahou.Text, ToolTipIcon.Info); mahou.icon.trIcon.BalloonTipClicked += (_, __) => mahou.ToggleVisibility(); if (!mahou.TrayIconVisible) { KMHook.DoLater(() => mahou.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { mahou.icon.trIcon.Visible = false; }), 1005); } } } MyConfs.WriteToDisk(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mahou.MainLayout1)) { MahouUI.GlobalLayout = MahouUI.currentLayout = Locales.GetLocaleFromString(mahou.MainLayout1).uId; } Application.Run(); } }
public static IntPtr Callback(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { if (MMain.mahou == null || nCode < 0) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } if (KMHook.ExcludedProgram() && !MahouUI.ChangeLayoutInExcluded) { return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); } var vk = Marshal.ReadInt32(lParam); var Key = (Keys)vk; if (MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW) { if ((wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYUP || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) && (Key == Keys.LMenu || Key == Keys.RMenu || Key == Keys.Menu)) { Debug.WriteLine("ihihihihihihihih-hihih-hi blocked alt :)))))"); MahouUI.BlockAltUpNOW = false; return((IntPtr)1); } } SetModifs(Key, wParam); if ((alt || alt) && (shift || shift_r) && Key == Keys.Tab) // mysterious Alt+Shift+Tab, sends Shift Up before Tab down!? { KMHook.skip_kbd_events++; } Debug.WriteLine("Alive" + vk + " :: " + wParam); #region Redefines if (redefines.len > 0) { var modsstr = KMHook.GetModsStr(ctrl, ctrl_r, shift, shift_r, alt, alt_r, win, win_r).Replace("+", " ").Replace(" ", "").ToLower(); for (int i = 0; i != redefines.len; i++) { if (Key == redefines[i].k) { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Redefined: " + redefines[i].k + " => " + redefines[i].v); var rli = redefines_excl_mods[i].ToLower(); var redy = true; if (rli == "all" && !(!shift && !alt && !ctrl && !win && !shift_r && !alt_r && !ctrl_r && !win_r)) { redy = false; } else { var srli = rli.Split(' '); for (int y = 0; y != srli.Length; y++) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(srli[y]) && modsstr.Contains(srli[y])) { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Contains the modifier: " + srli[y]); redy = false; break; } } } if (redy) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(redefines[i].v, (wParam.ToInt32() == WinAPI.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam.ToInt32() == WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) ? 0 : 2); return((IntPtr)1); } else { Logging.Log("[REDEF] > Redefine cancelled: by mods: " + redefines_excl_mods[i] + " (" + modsstr + ")"); } } } } #endregion #region Tray Hotkeys var x = new Tuple <bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, bool, Tuple <bool, int> >(alt, alt_r, shift, shift_r, ctrl, ctrl_r, win, new Tuple <bool, int>(win_r, vk)); // Debug.WriteLine("x_hk: " + Hotkey.tray_hk_to_string(x)); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_wait: " +dhk_tray_wait); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_hk: " +dhk_tray_hk); if (dhk_tray_wait) { var hk = Hotkey.tray_hk_parse(dhk_tray_hk); var UpOrDown = OnUpOrDown((Keys)hk.Rest.Item2, wParam); if (UpOrDown) { var eq = Hotkey.cmp_hotkey(hk, x); // Debug.WriteLine("dhk_eq: "+eq); if (eq) { Logging.Log("[TR_HK] > Executing action of (double)hotkey: " + dhk_tray_hk_real + " on second hotkey: " + dhk_tray_hk); KMHook.DoSelf(dhk_tray_act, "tray_hotkeys_double"); dhk_unset(); KMHook.SendModsUp(15, false); // less overkill when whole hotkey is being hold return((IntPtr)1); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i != MahouUI.tray_hotkeys.len; i++) { var hk = Hotkey.tray_hk_parse(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); var UpOrDown = OnUpOrDown((Keys)hk.Rest.Item2, wParam); // Debug.WriteLine((UpOrDown ? "UP":"DOWN") + " key: " +Key); if (UpOrDown) { if (Hotkey.cmp_hotkey(hk, x)) { var d = Hotkey.tray_hk_is_double(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); if (d.Item1) { dhk_tray_wait = true; dhk_tray_hk = d.Item3; dhk_tray_act = MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item1; dhk_tray_hk_real = MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k; if (dhk_timer != null) { dhk_timer.Stop(); dhk_timer.Dispose(); } dhk_timer = new Timer(); dhk_timer.Interval = d.Item2; dhk_timer.Tick += (_, __) => { Debug.WriteLine("Unset timer dhk! " + dhk_timer.Interval + "ms"); dhk_unset(); dhk_timer.Stop(); dhk_timer.Dispose(); }; dhk_timer.Start(); } else { Logging.Log("[TR_HK] > Executing action of hotkey: " + MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].k); dhk_unset(); if (MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item2.Contains("hk|c") || MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item2.Contains("hk|s")) { var altl = ((hk.Item1 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.LMenu) && !hk.Item2 && // l alt not r alt !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && !hk.Rest.Item1); var altr = (!hk.Item1 && (hk.Item2 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.RMenu) && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && !hk.Rest.Item1); if (altl || altr) { if (Locales.ActiveWindowClassName(40).Contains("Chrome_WidgetWin")) { MahouUI.chrome_window_alt_fix(); } } else { KMHook.SendModsUp(15, false); // less overkill when whole hotkey is being hold } if (altl) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LMenu, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LMenu, 2); } if (altr) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RMenu, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RMenu, 2); } if ((!hk.Item1 && !hk.Item2 && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && (hk.Item7 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.LWin) && !hk.Rest.Item1)) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LWin, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.LWin, 2); } if ((!hk.Item1 && !hk.Item2 && !hk.Item3 && !hk.Item4 && !hk.Item5 && !hk.Item6 && !hk.Item7 && (hk.Rest.Item1 || hk.Rest.Item2 == (int)Keys.RWin))) { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RWin, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.RWin, 2); } } KMHook.DoSelf(MahouUI.tray_hotkeys[i].v.Item1, "tray_hotkeys"); return((IntPtr)1); } } } } } #endregion if (MahouUI.SnippetsEnabled) { if (KMHook.c_snip.Count > 0) { var t = MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType == "Tab"; if (t && Key == Keys.Tab && !shift && !alt && !win && !ctrl && !shift_r && !alt_r && !ctrl_r && !win_r) { WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F14, (byte)Keys.F14, 0, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } if (!t && MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpandType != "Space" && wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYDOWN || wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_SYSKEYDOWN) { var ms = KMHook.GetModsStr(ctrl, ctrl_r, shift, shift_r, alt, alt_r, win, win_r); ms += Key; var othmatch = ms == MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpKeyOther; Debug.WriteLine("Checking SnippetsExpOther: [" + ms + "] == [" + MMain.mahou.SnippetsExpKeyOther + "] => " + othmatch); if (othmatch) { KMHook.ClearModifiers(); WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F20, (byte)Keys.F20, 0, 0); return((IntPtr)1); } } } } if (MahouUI.RemapCapslockAsF18) { bool _shift = !shift, _alt = !alt, _ctrl = !ctrl, _win = !win, _shift_r = !shift_r, _alt_r = !alt_r, _ctrl_r = !ctrl_r, _win_r = !win_r; if (Key == Keys.CapsLock) { for (int i = 1; i != 5; i++) { var KeyIndex = (int)typeof(MahouUI).GetField("Key" + i).GetValue(MMain.mahou); if (KeyIndex == 8) // Shift+CapsLock { _shift = shift; _shift_r = shift_r; } } } uint mods = 0; if (alt || alt_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_ALT; } if (ctrl || ctrl_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL; } if (shift || shift_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT; } if (win || win_r) { mods += WinAPI.MOD_WIN; } bool has = MMain.mahou.HasHotkey(new Hotkey(false, (uint)Keys.F18, mods, 77)); if (has) { if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_SHIFT)) { _shift = shift; } _shift_r = shift_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_ALT)) { _alt = alt; } _alt_r = alt_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_CONTROL)) { _ctrl = ctrl; } _ctrl_r = ctrl_r; if (Hotkey.ContainsModifier((int)mods, (int)WinAPI.MOD_WIN)) { _win = win; } _win_r = win_r; } var GJIME = false; if (vk >= 240 && vk <= 242) // GJ IME's Shift/Alt/Ctrl + CapsLock { GJIME = true; } // Debug.WriteLine(Key + " " +has + "// " + _shift + " " + _alt + " " + _ctrl + " " + _win + " " + mods + " >> " + (Key == Keys.CapsLock && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win)); if ((Key == Keys.CapsLock || GJIME) && _shift && _alt && _ctrl && _win && _shift_r && _alt_r && _ctrl_r && _win_r) { var flags = (int)(KInputs.IsExtended(Key) ? WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY : 0); if (wParam == (IntPtr)WinAPI.WM_KEYUP) { flags |= (int)WinAPI.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP; } WinAPI.keybd_event((byte)Keys.F18, (byte)Keys.F18, flags, 0); return((IntPtr)1); // Disable event } // Debug.WriteLine(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); } return(WinAPI.CallNextHookEx(_LLHook_ID, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
public static void Init() { if (!MahouUI.ENABLED) { return; } if (running) { bool exist = true; if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { if (Process.GetProcessesByName("jkl").Length > 0) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKL already running."); } else { exist = false; } } else { if (Process.GetProcessesByName("jklx86").Length > 0) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKLx86 already running."); } else { exist = false; } } if (!exist) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKL seems closed, restarting..."); running = false; } } if (HWND == IntPtr.Zero) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Initializing JKL HWND server..."); WNDPROC_DELEGATE = jklWndProc; var wnd_class = new WinAPI.WNDCLASS(); wnd_class.lpszClassName = "_XHIDDEN_HWND_SERVER"; wnd_class.lpfnWndProc = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(WNDPROC_DELEGATE); UInt16 cls_reg = WinAPI.RegisterClassW(ref wnd_class); int last_error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (cls_reg == 0 && last_error != 0) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Could not register window class, for jkl Hidden Server, err: " + last_error, 1); } HWND = WinAPI.CreateWindowExW(0, "_XHIDDEN_HWND_SERVER", "_XHIDDEN_HWND_SERVER", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); Logging.Log("[JKL] > SERVER HWND: " + HWND); } if (!running) { if (jklExist()) { if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Starting jkl.exe..."); var jkl = new ProcessStartInfo(); jkl.UseShellExecute = true; jkl.FileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "jkl.exe"); jkl.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath()); Process.Start(jkl); } else { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Starting \"jklx86.exe -msg\"..."); var jkl = new ProcessStartInfo(); jkl.UseShellExecute = true; jkl.FileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "jklx86.exe"); jkl.Arguments = "-msg"; jkl.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath()); Process.Start(jkl); } var umsgID = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""); var tries = 0; while (!File.Exists(umsgID)) { Thread.Sleep(350); tries++; if (tries > 20) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Error, not found after 20 tries by 350 ms timeout.", 1); Destroy(); break; } } if (tries <= 20) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > found, after " + tries + " tries * 350ms timeout."); Logging.Log("[JKL] > Retrieving"); jkluMSG = Int32.Parse(File.ReadAllText(umsgID)); File.Delete(umsgID); // KMHook.DoLater(() => CycleAllLayouts(Locales.ActiveWindow()), 350); KMHook.DoLater(() => { MahouUI.GlobalLayout = MahouUI.currentLayout = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); }, 200); running = true; } } else { Logging.Log("[JKL] > " + jklInfoStr, 1); } if (jkluMSG == -1) { KMHook.JKLERR = true; } else { KMHook.JKLERR = false; } Logging.Log("[JKL] > Init done, umsg: [" + jkluMSG + "], JKLXServ: [" + HWND + "]."); } }
public MahouForm() { InitializeComponent(); res.Tick += (_, __) => { // Console.WriteLine("hiding"); onepass = true; langDisplay.HideWnd(); res.Stop(); }; res.Interval = ICheck.Interval * 4; ICheck.Tick += (_, __) => { if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "DTTOnChange")) { if (onepass) { latestL = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); onepass = false; } if (latestL != Locales.GetCurrentLocale()) { langDisplay.ShowInactiveTopmost(); res.Start(); } } else { if (ICheckings.IsICursor()) { langDisplay.ShowInactiveTopmost(); } else { langDisplay.HideWnd(); } } langDisplay.Location = new Point(Cursor.Position.X + MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("TTipUI", "xpos"), Cursor.Position.Y + MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("TTipUI", "ypos")); langDisplay.RefreshLang(); }; ScrlCheck.Tick += (_, __) => { if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "ScrollTip") && !KMHook.self) { KMHook.self = true; if (Locales.GetCurrentLocale() == MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("Locales", "locale1uId")) { if (!Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Scroll)) // Turn on { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.Scroll, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.Scroll, 2); } } else { if (Control.IsKeyLocked(Keys.Scroll)) // Turn off { KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.Scroll, 0); KMHook.KeybdEvent(Keys.Scroll, 2); } } KMHook.self = false; } }; ScrlCheck.Interval = 250; if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "ScrollTip")) { ScrlCheck.Start(); } KMHook.doublekey.Tick += (_, __) => { if (KMHook.hklOK) { KMHook.hklOK = false; } if (KMHook.hksOK) { KMHook.hksOK = false; } if (KMHook.hklineOK) { KMHook.hklineOK = false; } if (KMHook.hkSIOK) { KMHook.hkSIOK = false; } KMHook.doublekey.Stop(); //Console.WriteLine("Timeout!"); }; langDisplay.ChangeColors(ColorTranslator.FromHtml(MMain.MyConfs.Read("Functions", "DLForeColor")), ColorTranslator.FromHtml(MMain.MyConfs.Read("Functions", "DLBackColor"))); langDisplay.ChangeSizes((Font)moreConfigs.fcv.ConvertFromString(MMain.MyConfs.Read("TTipUI", "Font")), MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("TTipUI", "Height"), MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("TTipUI", "Width")); ICheck.Interval = MMain.MyConfs.ReadInt("Functions", "DLRefreshRate"); if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "DisplayLang")) { ICheck.Start(); } icon = new TrayIcon(MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "IconVisibility")); icon.Exit += exitToolStripMenuItem_Click; icon.ShowHide += showHideToolStripMenuItem_Click; //↓ Dummy(none) hotkey, makes it possible WndProc to handle messages at startup //↓ when form isn't was shown. RegisterHotKey(Handle, 0xffff ^ 0xffff, 0, 0); //HWND must be this form handle RefreshIconAll(); InitializeHotkeys(); //Background startup check for updates if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "UpdatesEnabled")) { var uche = new System.Threading.Thread(update.StartupCheck); uche.Name = "Startup Check"; uche.Start(); } }
[STAThread] //DO NOT REMOVE THIS public static void Main(string[] args) { Logging.Log("Mahou started."); //Catch any error during program runtime AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (obj, arg) => { var e = (Exception)arg.ExceptionObject; Logging.Log("Unexpected error occurred, Mahou exited, error details:\r\n" + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace, 1); }; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, GGPU_Mutex)) { if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { WinAPI.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, ao, 0, 0); return; } if (MMain.MyConfs.ReadBool("Functions", "AppDataConfigs")) { var mahou_folder_appd = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "Mahou"); if (!Directory.Exists(mahou_folder_appd)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mahou_folder_appd); } Configs.filePath = Path.Combine(mahou_folder_appd, "Mahou.ini"); MyConfs = new Configs(); } else { Configs.filePath = Path.Combine(MahouUI.nPath, "Mahou.ini"); } MahouUI.latest_save_dir = Configs.filePath; if (MyConfs.ReadBool("FirstStart", "First")) { if (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "ru") { MyConfs.Write("Appearence", "Language", "Русский"); MahouUI.InitLanguage(); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "SpecificLayout1", Lang[Languages.Element.SwitchBetween]); MyConfs.Write("FirstStart", "First", "False"); } } else { MahouUI.InitLanguage(); } foreach (Locales.Locale lc in MMain.locales) { MMain.lcnmid.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); } //for first run, add your locale 1 & locale 2 to settings if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { Logging.Log("Initializing locales."); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout1", lcnmid[0]); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout2", lcnmid[1]); } mahou = new MahouUI(); rif = new RawInputForm(); Locales.IfLessThan2(); if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { mahou.cbb_MainLayout1.SelectedIndex = 0; mahou.cbb_MainLayout2.SelectedIndex = 1; } Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // Huh i did not noticed that it was missing... '~' _evt_hookID = WinAPI.SetWinEventHook(WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, IntPtr.Zero, _evt_proc, 0, 0, WinAPI.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT); KMHook.CheckLayoutLater.Tick += (_, __) => { MahouUI.GlobalLayout = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); KMHook.CheckLayoutLater.Stop(); }; if (args.Length != 0) { if (args[0] == "_!_updated_!_") { Logging.Log("Mahou updated."); mahou.ToggleVisibility(); MessageBox.Show(Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } MahouUI.GlobalLayout = MahouUI.currentLayout = Locales.GetLocaleFromString(mahou.MainLayout1).uId; Application.Run(); } }
public static void Init() { if (!MahouUI.ENABLED) { return; } if (running) { bool exist = true; if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { if (Process.GetProcessesByName("jkl").Length > 0) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKL already running."); } else { exist = false; } } else { if (Process.GetProcessesByName("jklx86").Length > 0) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKLx86 already running."); } else { exist = false; } } if (!exist) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > JKL seems closed, restarting..."); running = false; } } if (s == null) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Initializing JKL HWND server..."); s = new HServer(); Logging.Log("[JKL] > SERVER HWND: " + s.Handle + " WinTitle: " + s.Text); } if (!running) { if (jklExist()) { if (Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Starting jkl.exe..."); var jkl = new ProcessStartInfo(); jkl.UseShellExecute = true; jkl.FileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "jkl.exe"); jkl.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath()); Process.Start(jkl); } else { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Starting \"jklx86.exe -msg\"..."); var jkl = new ProcessStartInfo(); jkl.UseShellExecute = true; jkl.FileName = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "jklx86.exe"); jkl.Arguments = "-msg"; jkl.WorkingDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath()); Process.Start(jkl); } var umsgID = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), ""); var tries = 0; while (!File.Exists(umsgID)) { Thread.Sleep(350); tries++; if (tries > 20) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > Error, not found after 20 tries by 350 ms timeout.", 1); Destroy(); break; } } if (tries <= 20) { Logging.Log("[JKL] > found, after " + tries + " tries * 350ms timeout."); Logging.Log("[JKL] > Retrieving"); jkluMSG = Int32.Parse(File.ReadAllText(umsgID)); File.Delete(umsgID); // KMHook.DoLater(() => CycleAllLayouts(Locales.ActiveWindow()), 350); KMHook.DoLater(() => { MahouUI.GlobalLayout = MahouUI.currentLayout = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); }, 200); running = true; } } else { Logging.Log("[JKL] > " + jklInfoStr, 1); } if (jkluMSG == -1) { KMHook.JKLERR = true; } else { KMHook.JKLERR = false; } Logging.Log("[JKL] > Init done, umsg: [" + jkluMSG + "], JKLXServ: [" + s.Handle + "]."); } }
/// <summary> /// Refresh language text. /// </summary> public void RefreshLang() { if (!Visible) { return; } uint cLid = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); if (cLid == 0) { cLid = MahouUI.currentLayout; } if (MMain.mahou.OneLayout) { cLid = MahouUI.GlobalLayout; } if (MMain.mahou.LDCaretTransparentBack_temp && caretDisplay) { transparentBG = true; } else if (MMain.mahou.LDMouseTransparentBack_temp && mouseDisplay) { transparentBG = true; } else { transparentBG = false; } var notTwo = false; if ((cLid & 0xffff) > 0) { var clangname = new System.Globalization.CultureInfo((int)(cLid & 0xffff)); if (MMain.mahou.DiffAppearenceForLayouts && !DisplayFlag) { if (cLid == Locales.GetLocaleFromString(MMain.mahou.MainLayout1).uId) { ChangeColors(MMain.mahou.Layout1Font_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout1Fore_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout1Back_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout1TransparentBack_temp); ChangeSize(MMain.mahou.Layout1Height_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout1Width_temp); ChangeLD(MMain.mahou.Layout1TText); } else if (cLid == Locales.GetLocaleFromString(MMain.mahou.MainLayout2).uId) { ChangeColors(MMain.mahou.Layout2Font_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout2Fore_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout2Back_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout2TransparentBack_temp); ChangeSize(MMain.mahou.Layout2Height_temp, MMain.mahou.Layout2Width_temp); ChangeLD(MMain.mahou.Layout2TText); } else { notTwo = true; } } else { notTwo = true; } if (notTwo) { if (mouseDisplay) { ChangeColors(MMain.mahou.LDMouseFont_temp, MMain.mahou.LDMouseFore_temp, MMain.mahou.LDMouseBack_temp, MMain.mahou.LDMouseTransparentBack_temp); ChangeSize(MMain.mahou.LDMouseHeight_temp, MMain.mahou.LDMouseWidth_temp); } if (caretDisplay) { ChangeColors(MMain.mahou.LDCaretFont_temp, MMain.mahou.LDCaretFore_temp, MMain.mahou.LDCaretBack_temp, MMain.mahou.LDCaretTransparentBack_temp); ChangeSize(MMain.mahou.LDCaretHeight_temp, MMain.mahou.LDCaretWidth_temp); } ChangeLD(clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(1)); } if (!MMain.mahou.DiffAppearenceForLayouts || lbLang.Text == "") { ChangeLD(clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + clangname.ThreeLetterISOLanguageName.Substring(1)); } if (transparentBG) { TransparencyKey = BackColor = lbLang.BackColor = pct_UpperArrow.BackColor = Color.Pink; } if (lastTransparentBG != transparentBG) { SetVisInvis(); } lastTransparentBG = transparentBG; if ((caretDisplay && !MahouUI.caretLTUpperArrow) || (mouseDisplay && !MahouUI.mouseLTUpperArrow) || onInit) { ReSize(); onInit = false; } } else { Logging.Log("Language tooltip text NOT changed, locale id = [" + cLid + "].", 2); } }
[STAThread] //DO NOT REMOVE THIS public static void Main(string[] args) { Logging.Log("Mahou started."); //Catch any error during program runtime AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += (obj, arg) => { var e = (Exception)arg.ExceptionObject; Logging.Log("Unexpected error occurred, Mahou exited, error details:\r\n" + e.Message + "\r\n" + e.StackTrace, 1); }; Application.SetUnhandledExceptionMode(UnhandledExceptionMode.CatchException); using (var mutex = new Mutex(false, "Global\\" + appGUid)) { if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false)) { WinAPI.PostMessage((IntPtr)0xffff, ao, 0, 0); return; } if (locales.Length < 2) { Logging.Log("Too less layouts/locales. Program will exit."); Locales.IfLessThan2(); } else { if (MyConfs.ReadBool("FirstStart", "First")) { if (System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TwoLetterISOLanguageName == "ru") { MyConfs.Write("Appearence", "Language", "Русский"); MahouUI.InitLanguage(); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "SpecificLayout1", Lang[Languages.Element.SwitchBetween]); MyConfs.Write("FirstStart", "First", "False"); } } else { MahouUI.InitLanguage(); } foreach (Locales.Locale lc in MMain.locales) { MMain.lcnmid.Add(lc.Lang + "(" + lc.uId + ")"); } //for first run, add your locale 1 & locale 2 to settings if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { Logging.Log("Initializing locales."); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout1", lcnmid[0]); MyConfs.Write("Layouts", "MainLayout2", lcnmid[1]); } mahou = new MahouUI(); if (MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout1") == "" && MyConfs.Read("Layouts", "MainLayout2") == "") { mahou.cbb_MainLayout1.SelectedIndex = 0; mahou.cbb_MainLayout2.SelectedIndex = 1; } //Refreshes icon text language at startup // mahou.icon.RefreshText(MMain.UI[44], MMain.UI[42], MMain.UI[43]); KMHook.ReInitSnippets(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); // Huh i did not noticed that it was missing... '~' _evt_hookID = WinAPI.SetWinEventHook(WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, WinAPI.EVENT_SYSTEM_FOREGROUND, IntPtr.Zero, _evt_proc, 0, 0, WinAPI.WINEVENT_OUTOFCONTEXT); KMHook.CheckLayoutLater.Tick += (_, __) => { MahouUI.GlobalLayout = Locales.GetCurrentLocale(); KMHook.CheckLayoutLater.Stop(); }; if (args.Length != 0) { if (args[0] == "_!_updated_!_") { Logging.Log("Mahou updated."); mahou.ToggleVisibility(); MessageBox.Show(Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], Lang[Languages.Element.UpdateComplete], MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } } StartHook(); MahouUI.GlobalLayout = MahouUI.currentLayout = Locales.GetLocaleFromString(mahou.MainLayout1).uId; Application.Run(); StopHook(); } } }