public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup (_game, _keyboard, _message); var map = new TileMap("pictures/testlevel.png"); m_house = new ObjectHouse(map); StarryBackground bg = new StarryBackground(map.Size); m_house.AddDrawable(bg); map.Create(m_house, _game); Magnum magnum = new Magnum(m_house); var hero = new Hero(_keyboard, m_house); hero.Position = new Vector2f(1f, 10f); hero.PlaceInWorld(map); m_house.AddDrawable(hero); m_house.AddUpdateable(hero); m_house.AddDrawable(magnum); m_house.AddUpdateable(magnum); var nHero = new NetworkHero(hero, "", m_house); m_house.AddUpdateable(nHero); nHero.Connect(); }
public EditLocationsGuiSet(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, EditorLevel _editor) : base(_game, _keyboard, _editor) { exitButton = NewButton("Back", 0, Exit); label = NewLabel("Add:", 8); addBoxButton = NewButton("Box", 7, () => AddBox("box"+(locationCount++))); addPointButton = NewButton("Point", 6, () => AddPoint("point"+(locationCount++))); setEndLocationButton = NewButton("End zone", 10, () => AddBox(endzone)); setStartLocationButton = NewButton("StartPoint", 11, () => AddPoint(startpoint)); deleteButton = NewButton("Delete", 4, Delete); locationLabel = NewTextBox("Location label", "", 2); BoxDescription endzoneDesc = m_editor.Map.locationData.end; if (endzoneDesc != null && != null) { makeBox(,; } PointDescription startpointDesc = m_editor.Map.locationData.start; if (startpointDesc != null && startpointDesc.point != null) { makePoint(, startpointDesc.point); } boxes2boxes.Clear(); foreach (BoxDescription box in m_editor.Map.locationData.boxes) { var rBox = makeBox(,; boxes2boxes.Add(rBox, box); } points2points.Clear(); foreach (PointDescription point in m_editor.Map.locationData.points) { var mPoint = makePoint(, point.point); points2points.Add(mPoint, point); } }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup (_game, _keyboard, _message); TileMap tilemap = new TileMap("pictures/empty_level.png"); m_house = new ObjectHouse(tilemap); StarryBackground bg = new StarryBackground(tilemap.Size); m_house.AddDrawable(bg); Gangster gangsterNo1 = new Hero(m_keyboard, m_house); gangsterNo1.Position = new Vector2f(1f, 10f); gangsterNo1.PlaceInWorld(tilemap); m_house.AddDrawable(gangsterNo1); m_house.AddUpdateable(gangsterNo1); m_house.Add<IShootable>(gangsterNo1); m_game.SetCameraSubject(gangsterNo1); tilemap.Create(m_house, _game); Bitmap world_bmp = new Bitmap(tilemap.Width * Tile.Size, tilemap.Height * Tile.Size); for (int i = 0 ; i < world_bmp.Width ; i++) { for (int j = 0 ; j < world_bmp.Height; j++) { world_bmp.SetPixel(i, j, Color.Green); } } GangsterTrail trail = new GangsterTrail(gangsterNo1, new Sprite(world_bmp)); m_house.AddUpdateable(trail); m_house.AddDrawable(trail); }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup(_game, _keyboard, _message); Sprite title = new Sprite(new Bitmap("pictures/title.png")); title.Position = new Vector2f(); title.Size = new Vector2f(Game.Width, Game.Height); m_house.AddDrawable(title); Text text = new Text("[Click] or Press [Space] to Start"); text.CentreOn(new Vector2f(Game.Width/2, Game.Height/5)); m_house.AddDrawable(text); fx_buffer = new Effect( new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)) { CaptureLayer = Layer.Normal, Layer = Layer.FX, Priority = Priority.Front }; fx_buffer.SetHUD(_game.Camera); fx_buffer.SetFading(0.5f, new Colour(0,0,0,1), new Colour(0,0,0,0)); m_house.AddDrawable(fx_buffer); m_house.AddUpdateable(fx_buffer); }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup(_game, _keyboard, _message); m_house = new ObjectHouse(); m_house.AddUpdateable(server); }
public TextBox(UserInput input, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(input, size, camera) { Contents = new Text(""); if (camera != null) Contents.SetHUD(camera); m_keyboard.KeyDown += AddLetter; }
public Hero(UserInput _keys, ObjectHouse _house) : base(_house) { m_keys = _keys; m_magnum.invulnerable = true; Name = "hero"; jumpSound = new Sound("sounds/jump.wav"); landSound = new Sound("sounds/land.wav"); }
public StandardGuiSet(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, EditorLevel _editor) : base(_game, _keyboard, _editor) { tileClicks = new int[m_editor.Size.X, m_editor.Size.Y]; spikyButton = NewChangeTileTypeButton("Spiky", 0, TileMap.SPIKY); blockButton = NewChangeTileTypeButton("Block", 1, TileMap.BLOCK); floorButton = NewChangeTileTypeButton("Floor", 2, TileMap.FLOOR); emptyButton = NewChangeTileTypeButton("Empty", 3, TileMap.EMPTY); playButton = NewButton("Play", 10, PlayLevel); fileButton = NewButton("File", 11, FileMode); locationsButton = NewButton("Locations", 12, LocationsMode); }
public OkCancelGuiSet(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, EditorLevel _editor) : base(_game, _keyboard, _editor) { Button okButton = new Button(m_keyboard, "OK", m_game.Camera); okButton.Position = new Vector2f(okButton.Position.X, 1); okButton.Right(); Console.WriteLine("ok button pos: {0}", okButton.Position); Button cancelButton = new Button(m_keyboard, "Cancel", m_game.Camera); cancelButton.Position = new Vector2f(cancelButton.Position.X, 3); cancelButton.Right(); okButton.Pressed += Ok; cancelButton.Pressed += Cancel; items.Add(okButton); items.Add(cancelButton); }
public FileGuiSet(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, EditorLevel _editor) : base(_game, _keyboard, _editor) { saveButton = NewButton("Save", 3, SaveLevel); loadButton = NewButton("Load", 4, LoadLevel); filenameBox = NewTextBox("Filename", m_editor.filename, 5); widthBox = new NumberBox(m_keyboard, new Vector2f(5,2), m_game.Camera); widthBox.Position = new Vector2f(1, 4); items.Add(widthBox); widthMinusButton = new Button(m_keyboard, "-", m_game.Camera); widthMinusButton.Position = new Vector2f(1 + widthBox.Size.X + 0.5f, 4); items.Add(widthMinusButton); widthPlusButton = new Button(m_keyboard, "+", m_game.Camera); widthPlusButton.Position = new Vector2f(6.5f + widthMinusButton.Size.X + 0.5f, 4); items.Add(widthPlusButton); backButton = NewButton("Back", 0, GoBack); }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup(_game, _keyboard, _message); TileMap tilemap = new TileMap("pictures/targetlevel.png"); m_house = new ObjectHouse(tilemap); StarryBackground bg = new StarryBackground(tilemap.Size); m_house.AddDrawable(bg); gangsterNo1 = new Hero(m_keyboard, m_house); gangsterNo1.Position = new Vector2f(1f, 10f); gangsterNo1.PlaceInWorld(tilemap); m_house.AddDrawable(gangsterNo1); m_house.AddUpdateable(gangsterNo1); m_game.SetCameraSubject(gangsterNo1); tilemap.Create(m_house, _game); Text score = new Text("Left: 00"); score.updateAction = (_d) => { score.Contents = "Left: " + m_house.GetAllDrawable<Target>().Count().ToString("00"); }; score.SetHUD(_game.Camera); score.TopRight(); m_house.AddUpdateable(score); m_house.AddDrawable(score); Text time = new Text("Time: 00:00"); time.SetHUD(_game.Camera); time.TopLeft(); timePassed = 0; time.updateAction = (_d) => { timePassed += _d; time.Contents = "Time: " + timePassed.ToString("00.00").Replace(".",":"); }; m_house.AddUpdateable(time); m_house.AddDrawable(time); }
public GuiItem(UserInput keyboard, Vector2f size, Camera camera) { m_keyboard = keyboard; m_keyboard.MouseDown += MouseClicked; Size = size; backgroundColour = new Colour(1,0.4f,0.4f,0.5f); foregroundColour = new Colour(1,1,1,1); Hidden = false; if (camera != null) SetHUD(camera); Layer = Layer.Normal; Priority = Priority.Front; displayList = Gl.glGenLists(1); Gl.glNewList(1, Gl.GL_COMPILE); ConstantDraw(); Gl.glEndList(); }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup(_game, _keyboard, _message); deathTimer = 0; startTimer = 0; winTimer = 0; m_tilemap = new TileMap(levelFile); m_size = new Vector2i(m_tilemap.Width, m_tilemap.Height); Bounds.Right = m_size.X; Bounds.Top = m_size.Y; m_house = new ObjectHouse(m_tilemap); StarryBackground bg = new StarryBackground(m_tilemap.Size); bg.Layer = Layer.Pixelly; m_house.AddDrawable(bg); gangsterNo1 = new Hero(m_keyboard, m_house); gangsterNo1.Position = m_tilemap.locationData.start.point; gangsterNo1.PlaceInWorld(m_tilemap); m_house.AddDrawable(gangsterNo1); m_house.AddUpdateable(gangsterNo1); m_house.Add<IShootable>(gangsterNo1); m_game.SetCameraSubject(gangsterNo1); m_tilemap.Create(m_house, _game); m_house.AddDrawable(m_tilemap); m_tilemap.Priority = Priority.Middle; endzone =; // fx // pixelly pixellyEffect = new Effect( new Vector2i(Game.SmallScreenWidth/2, Game.SmallScreenHeight/2), new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)){ CaptureLayer = Layer.Pixelly, Layer = Layer.FX, Priority = Priority.Back, Scaling = Sprite.ScaleType.Pixelly }; pixellyEffect.SetHUD(_game.Camera); m_house.AddDrawable(pixellyEffect); m_house.AddUpdateable(pixellyEffect); m_house.Add<IGrabing>(pixellyEffect); // fading fadingEffect = new Effect( new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)){ CaptureLayer = Layer.Blurry | Layer.Pixelly | Layer.Normal | Layer.FX, Layer = Layer.Fade, Priority = Priority.Front }; fadingEffect.SetHUD(_game.Camera); fadingEffect.SetFading(1f, new Colour(0,0,0,1), new Colour(0,0,0,0)); fadingEffect.SetBackground(new Colour(0,0,0,1f)); m_house.AddDrawable(fadingEffect); m_house.AddUpdateable(fadingEffect); m_house.Add<IGrabing>(fadingEffect); // messages welcome_message = new Text("Welcome to the Magnum House..."); welcome_message.SetHUD(m_game.Camera); welcome_message.CentreOn(Game.Size.ToF()/2); welcome_message.Priority = Priority.Front; welcome_message.Layer = Layer.Normal; welcome_message.Transparency = 0f; m_house.AddDrawable(welcome_message); }
public override void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { base.Setup(_game, _keyboard, _message); deathTimer = 0; startTimer = 0; winTimer = 0; if (_message.Level != null) { m_tilemap = _message.Level; } else { m_tilemap = new TileMap(levelFile); } m_size = new Vector2i(m_tilemap.Width, m_tilemap.Height); Bounds.Right = m_size.X; Bounds.Top = m_size.Y; m_house = new ObjectHouse(m_tilemap); StarryBackground bg = new StarryBackground(m_tilemap.Size); m_house.AddDrawable(bg); gangsterNo1 = new Hero(m_keyboard, m_house); gangsterNo1.Position = new Vector2f(1f, 10f); gangsterNo1.PlaceInWorld(m_tilemap); m_house.AddDrawable(gangsterNo1); m_house.AddUpdateable(gangsterNo1); m_house.Add<IShootable>(gangsterNo1); m_game.SetCameraSubject(gangsterNo1); m_tilemap.Create(m_house, _game); m_house.AddDrawable(m_tilemap); // Text score = new Text("Left: 00"); // score.updateAction = (_d) => { // score.Contents = "Left: " + m_house.GetAllDrawable<Target>().Count().ToString("00"); // }; // score.SetHUD(_game.Camera); // score.TopRight(); // // m_house.AddUpdateable(score); // m_house.AddDrawable(score); // // Score score_pic = new Score(gangsterNo1); // score_pic.SetHUD(_game.Camera); // score_pic.TopLeft(); // // m_house.AddUpdateable(score_pic); // m_house.AddDrawable(score_pic); // // // pixelly_fx_buffer // = new ScreenSprite( // new Vector2i(Game.SmallScreenWidth, Game.SmallScreenHeight), // new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), // new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)) { // CaptureLayer = Layer.Pixelly, // Layer = Layer.Normal, // Scaling = Sprite.ScaleType.Pixelly, // Feedback = 0.9f, // Priority = Priority.Front // }; // pixelly_fx_buffer.updateAction = () => { // pixelly_fx_buffer.Position = -_game.Camera.LastOffset; // }; // // m_house.AddDrawable(pixelly_fx_buffer); // m_house.AddUpdateable(pixelly_fx_buffer); // m_house.Add<IGrabing>(pixelly_fx_buffer); // // blurry_fx_buffer // = new ScreenSprite( // new Vector2i(Game.SmallScreenWidth/2, Game.SmallScreenHeight/2), // new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), // new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)) { // CaptureLayer = Layer.Blurry, // Layer = Layer.Normal, // Scaling = Sprite.ScaleType.Blurry, // Feedback = 0.9f, // Priority = Priority.Back // }; // blurry_fx_buffer.SetHUD(_game.Camera); // // m_house.AddDrawable(blurry_fx_buffer); // m_house.AddUpdateable(blurry_fx_buffer); // m_house.Add<IGrabing>(blurry_fx_buffer); // death_fx_buffer = new Effect( new Vector2i(Game.SmallScreenWidth/2, Game.SmallScreenHeight/2), new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)) { CaptureLayer = Layer.Normal, Layer = Layer.FX, Feedback = 1f, Priority = Priority.Front }; death_fx_buffer.SetHUD(_game.Camera); death_fx_buffer.SetSpinning(15); death_fx_buffer.SetZooming(-0.2f); // // // // // start_fx_buffer // = new ScreenSprite( // new Vector2i(Game.SmallScreenWidth/2, Game.SmallScreenHeight/2), // new Vector2i(Game.ScreenWidth, Game.ScreenHeight), // new Vector2i(Game.Width, Game.Height)) { // CaptureLayer = Layer.Normal, // Layer = Layer.FX, // Priority = Priority.Front, // Scaling = Sprite.ScaleType.Pixelly // }; // start_fx_buffer.SetHUD(_game.Camera); // start_fx_buffer.SetFading(1f, new float[]{0,0,0,1}, new float[]{0,0,0,0}); // start_fx_buffer.SetPixelling(new InverseLogAnimator(0.5f), // new Vector2i(2, 2), // start_fx_buffer.CaptureSize); // start_fx_buffer.SetBackground(new float[]{0,0,0,1f}); // m_house.AddDrawable(start_fx_buffer); // m_house.AddUpdateable(start_fx_buffer); // m_house.Add<IGrabing>(start_fx_buffer); // // welcome_message = new Text(_message.Message); // welcome_message.SetHUD(m_game.Camera); // welcome_message.CentreOn(Game.Size.ToF()/2); // welcome_message.Priority = Priority.Front; // welcome_message.Layer = Layer.FX; // welcome_message.Transparency = 0f; // m_house.AddDrawable(welcome_message); }
public ResizeableBox(UserInput keyboard, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(keyboard, size, camera) { keyboard.MouseDown += MouseDownHandler; keyboard.MouseUp += MouseUpHandler; }
public TickBox(UserInput input, Camera camera) : base(input, new Vector2f(1,1), camera) { Pressed += ToggleTicked; }
public NumberBox(UserInput input, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(input, size, camera) { }
private MoveablePoint(UserInput keyboard, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(keyboard, size, camera) { keyboard.MouseDown += MouseDownHandler; keyboard.MouseUp += MouseUpHandler; }
public Game() { m_keyboard = new UserInput(this); }
public ColourTextBox(UserInput input, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(input, size, camera) { }
public EditorCursor(UserInput keys, BoundingBox bounds) { m_keys = keys; m_bounds = bounds; }
public MoveablePoint(UserInput keyboard, Camera camera) : this(keyboard, new Vector2f(2), camera) { }
public virtual void Setup(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, ScreenMessage _message) { m_message = _message; m_game = _game; m_keyboard = _keyboard; }
public MoveableTextBox(UserInput input, Vector2f size, Camera camera) : base(input, size, camera) { }
public GuiSet(Game _game, UserInput _keyboard, EditorLevel _editor) { m_game = _game; m_keyboard = _keyboard; m_editor = _editor; }