コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Run ecological processes that operate across grid cells
        /// </summary>
        public void RunCrossGridCellEcology(ref uint dispersals, bool dispersalOnly, MadingleyModelInitialisation modelInitialisation)
            // If we are running specific locations, then we do not run dispersal
            if (SpecificLocations != true)
                if (RunGridCellsInParallel)
                    // Loop through each grid cell, and run dispersal for each. Note that because cells essentially run independently, we do not need to thread-lock variables
                    // as they do not exchange information until they are all completed (they basically just build up delta arrays of cohorts to move). However, if cells
                    // should start to exchange information for dispersal, or all contribute to a single centralised variable, then thread-locked parallel variables would
                    // have to be used.
                     Parallel.For(0, _CellList.Count, ii =>
                        EcologyCrossGridCell TempMadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell = new EcologyCrossGridCell();
                        // Initialise cross grid cell ecology
                        TempMadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell.InitializeCrossGridCellEcology(_GlobalModelTimeStepUnit, DrawRandomly, modelInitialisation);

                        //Initialise the delta for dispersal lists for this grid cell
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaFunctionalGroupDispersalArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCohortNumberDispersalArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellToDisperseToArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint[]>();

                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellExitDirection[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellEntryDirection[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();

                        // We have looped through individal cells and calculated ecological processes for each. Now do this for cross grid cell processes
                        TempMadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell.RunCrossGridCellEcology(_CellList[ii], EcosystemModelGrid, dispersalOnly,
                            CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, CurrentMonth);
                    // Loop through each grid cell, and run dispersal for each.
                    // Note that currently dispersal is not parallelised, although it could be (though care would need to be taken to ensure that necessary variables are thread-locked
                    for (int ii = 0; ii < _CellList.Count; ii++)
                        //Initialise the delta for dispersal lists for this grid cell
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaFunctionalGroupDispersalArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCohortNumberDispersalArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellToDisperseToArray[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint[]>();

                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellExitDirection[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();
                        EcosystemModelGrid.DeltaCellEntryDirection[_CellList[ii][0], _CellList[ii][1]] = new List<uint>();

                        // We have looped through individal cells and calculated ecological processes for each. Now do this for cross grid cell processes
                        MadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell.RunCrossGridCellEcology(_CellList[ii], EcosystemModelGrid, dispersalOnly,
                            CohortFunctionalGroupDefinitions, StockFunctionalGroupDefinitions, CurrentMonth);
                // Apply the changes in the delta arrays from dispersal
                MadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell.UpdateCrossGridCellEcology(EcosystemModelGrid, ref dispersals, TrackCrossCellProcesses, CurrentTimeStep);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the ecosystem model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="initialisation">An instance of the model initialisation class</param> 
        /// <param name="scenarioParameters">The parameters for the scenarios to run</param>
        /// <param name="scenarioIndex">The index of the scenario being run</param>
        /// <param name="outputFilesSuffix">The suffix to be applied to all outputs from this model run</param>
        /// <param name="globalModelTimeStepUnit">The time step unit used in the model</param>
        /// <param name="simulation">The index of the simulation being run</param>
        public MadingleyModel(MadingleyModelInitialisation initialisation, ScenarioParameterInitialisation scenarioParameters, int scenarioIndex,
            string outputFilesSuffix, string globalModelTimeStepUnit, int simulation)
            // Assign the properties for this model run
            AssignModelRunProperties(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, outputFilesSuffix);

            // Set up list of global diagnostics

            // Set up the model grid
            SetUpModelGrid(initialisation, scenarioParameters, scenarioIndex, simulation);

            // Set up model outputs
            SetUpOutputs(initialisation, simulation, scenarioIndex);

            // Make the initial outputs
            InitialOutputs(outputFilesSuffix, initialisation, CurrentMonth);

            // Instance the array of process trackers
            ProcessTrackers = new ProcessTracker[_CellList.Count];

            // Temporary variables
            Boolean varExists;

            // Set up process trackers for each grid cell
            for (int i = 0; i < _CellList.Count; i++)
                ProcessTrackers[i] = new ProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, i, initialisation,
                EcosystemModelGrid.GetEnviroLayer("Realm", 0, _CellList[i][0], _CellList[i][1], out varExists) == 2.0,

            // Set up a cross cell process tracker
            TrackCrossCellProcesses = new CrossCellProcessTracker(initialisation.TrackCrossCellProcesses, "DispersalData", initialisation.OutputPath, outputFilesSuffix);

            //Set up a global process tracker
            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.TrackGlobalProcesses = false;

            TrackGlobalProcesses = new GlobalProcessTracker(NumTimeSteps,
                EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons,
                initialisation.OutputPath, initialisation.ModelMassBins,
                SpecificLocations, initialisation,

            //Set-up the instance of OutputModelState
            WriteModelState = new OutputModelState(initialisation, outputFilesSuffix, simulation);

            if (SpecificLocations) initialisation.RunRealm = "";

            // Record the initial cohorts in the process trackers

            // Initialise the class for cross-grid-cell ecology
            MadingleyEcologyCrossGridCell = new EcologyCrossGridCell();

            // Initialise the time step timer
            TimeStepTimer = new StopWatch();
            EcologyTimer = new StopWatch();
            OutputTimer = new StopWatch();

            // Set the global model time step unit
            _GlobalModelTimeStepUnit = globalModelTimeStepUnit;

            // Initialise the utility functions
            Utilities = new UtilityFunctions();

            // Initialise the climate change impacts class
            ClimateChangeSimulator = new ClimateChange();

            // Initialise the harvesting impacts class
            HarvestingSimulator = new Harvesting(EcosystemModelGrid.Lats, EcosystemModelGrid.Lons, (float)EcosystemModelGrid.LatCellSize);