Vector_Add() public static method

public static Vector_Add ( float vectorOut, float vectorIn1, float vectorIn2 ) : void
vectorOut float
vectorIn1 float
vectorIn2 float
return void
コード例 #1
ファイル: DCM.cs プロジェクト: AlexAlbala/MaCRo

        public void Matrix_update()
            double[] gyro = adc.getGyro();
            //Gyro_Vector[0]=Gyro_Scaled_X(read_adc(0)); //gyro x roll
            //Gyro_Vector[1]=Gyro_Scaled_Y(read_adc(1)); //gyro y pitch
            //Gyro_Vector[2]=Gyro_Scaled_Z(read_adc(2)); //gyro Z yaw

            Gyro_Vector[0] = (float)gyro[0];
            Gyro_Vector[1] = (float)gyro[1];
            Gyro_Vector[2] = (float)gyro[2];

            double[] acc = adc.getAccel();
            //Accel_Vector[0]=read_adc(3); // acc x
            //Accel_Vector[1]=read_adc(4); // acc y
            //Accel_Vector[2]=read_adc(5); // acc z
            Accel_Vector[0] = (float)acc[0];
            Accel_Vector[1] = (float)acc[1];
            Accel_Vector[2] = (float)acc[2];

            Vector.Vector_Add(Omega, Gyro_Vector, Omega_I);  //adding proportional term
            Vector.Vector_Add(Omega_Vector, Omega, Omega_P); //adding Integrator term

            Accel_adjust();                                  //Remove centrifugal acceleration.

            if (OUTPUTMODE == 1)
                Update_Matrix[0][0] = 0;
                Update_Matrix[0][1] = -G_Dt * Omega_Vector[2]; //-z
                Update_Matrix[0][2] = G_Dt * Omega_Vector[1];  //y
                Update_Matrix[1][0] = G_Dt * Omega_Vector[2];  //z
                Update_Matrix[1][1] = 0;
                Update_Matrix[1][2] = -G_Dt * Omega_Vector[0]; //-x
                Update_Matrix[2][0] = -G_Dt * Omega_Vector[1]; //-y
                Update_Matrix[2][1] = G_Dt * Omega_Vector[0];  //x
                Update_Matrix[2][2] = 0;
            else                    // Uncorrected data (no drift correction)
                Update_Matrix[0][0] = 0;
                Update_Matrix[0][1] = -G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[2]; //-z
                Update_Matrix[0][2] = G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[1];  //y
                Update_Matrix[1][0] = G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[2];  //z
                Update_Matrix[1][1] = 0;
                Update_Matrix[1][2] = -G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[0];
                Update_Matrix[2][0] = -G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[1];
                Update_Matrix[2][1] = G_Dt * Gyro_Vector[0];
                Update_Matrix[2][2] = 0;

            Matrix.Matrix_Multiply(DCM_Matrix, Update_Matrix, Temporary_Matrix); //a*b=c

            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)                                          //Matrix Addition (update)
                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    DCM_Matrix[x][y] += Temporary_Matrix[x][y];
コード例 #2
ファイル: DCM.cs プロジェクト: AlexAlbala/MaCRo
        public void Drift_correction()
            //Compensation the Roll, Pitch and Yaw drift.
            float mag_heading_x;
            float mag_heading_y;

            float[] Scaled_Omega_P = new float[3];
            float[] Scaled_Omega_I = new float[3];
            float   Accel_magnitude;
            float   Accel_weight;
            float   Integrator_magnitude;
            float   tempfloat;

            //*****Roll and Pitch***************

            // Calculate the magnitude of the accelerometer vector
            Accel_magnitude = (float)exMath.Sqrt(Accel_Vector[0] * Accel_Vector[0] + Accel_Vector[1] * Accel_Vector[1] + Accel_Vector[2] * Accel_Vector[2]);
            Accel_magnitude = Accel_magnitude / GlobalVal.gravity; // Scale to gravity.
            // Dynamic weighting of accelerometer info (reliability filter)
            // Weight for accelerometer info (<0.5G = 0.0, 1G = 1.0 , >1.5G = 0.0)
            Accel_weight = 1 - 2 * (float)exMath.Abs(1 - Accel_magnitude);  //
            if (Accel_weight > 1)
                Accel_weight = 1;
            if (Accel_weight < 0)
                Accel_weight = 0;

            //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
            //  tempfloat = ((Accel_weight - 0.5) * 256.0f);    //amount added was determined to give imu_health a time constant about twice the time constant of the roll/pitch drift correction
            //  imu_health += tempfloat;
            //  imu_health = constrain(imu_health,129,65405);

            Vector.Vector_Cross_Product(errorRollPitch, Accel_Vector, DCM_Matrix[2]); //adjust the ground of reference
            Vector.Vector_Scale(Omega_P, errorRollPitch, Kp_ROLLPITCH * Accel_weight);

            Vector.Vector_Scale(Scaled_Omega_I, errorRollPitch, Ki_ROLLPITCH * Accel_weight);
            Vector.Vector_Add(Omega_I, Omega_I, Scaled_Omega_I);


            //#if USE_MAGNETOMETER==1

            double[] mag = adc.getMag();

            float CMx = (float)(mag[0] * exMath.Cos(this.pitch) + mag[1] * exMath.Sin(this.roll) * exMath.Sin(this.pitch) + mag[2] * exMath.Cos(this.roll) * exMath.Sin(this.pitch));
            float CMy = (float)(mag[1] * exMath.Cos(this.roll) - mag[2] * exMath.Sin(this.roll));

            MAG_Heading = (float)exMath.Atan(CMy / CMx);
            //  // We make the gyro YAW drift correction based on compass magnetic heading
            //errorCourse=(DCM_Matrix[0][0]*AP_Compass.Heading_Y) - (DCM_Matrix[1][0]*AP_Compass.Heading_X);  //Calculating YAW error
            //Vector_Scale(errorYaw,&DCM_Matrix[2][0],errorCourse); //Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft, depeding the position.

            //Vector_Add(Omega_P,Omega_P,Scaled_Omega_P);//Adding  Proportional.

            //Vector_Add(Omega_I,Omega_I,Scaled_Omega_I);//adding integrator to the Omega_I
            //#else  // Use GPS Ground course to correct yaw gyro drift
            //if(GPS.ground_speed>=SPEEDFILT*100)		// Ground speed from GPS is in m/s
            //COGX = exMath.Cos(ToRad(GPS.ground_course/100.0));
            //COGY = exMath.Sin(ToRad(GPS.ground_course/100.0));

            COGX = (float)exMath.Cos((float)MAG_Heading);
            COGY = (float)exMath.Sin((float)MAG_Heading);

            errorCourse = (DCM_Matrix[0][0] * COGY) - (DCM_Matrix[1][0] * COGX); //Calculating YAW error
            Vector.Vector_Scale(errorYaw, DCM_Matrix[2], errorCourse);           //Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft, depeding the position.

            Vector.Vector_Scale(Scaled_Omega_P, errorYaw, Kp_YAW);
            Vector.Vector_Add(Omega_P, Omega_P, Scaled_Omega_P);//Adding  Proportional.

            Vector.Vector_Scale(Scaled_Omega_I, errorYaw, Ki_YAW);
            Vector.Vector_Add(Omega_I, Omega_I, Scaled_Omega_I);//adding integrator to the Omega_I
            ////  Here we will place a limit on the integrator so that the integrator cannot ever exceed half the saturation limit of the gyros

            Integrator_magnitude = (float)exMath.Sqrt(Vector.Vector_Dot_Product(Omega_I, Omega_I));
            if (Integrator_magnitude > exMath.ToRad(300))
                Vector.Vector_Scale(Omega_I, Omega_I, 0.5f * exMath.ToRad(300) / Integrator_magnitude);
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("!!!INT:1,MAG:");
                //    Serial.print (ToDeg(Integrator_magnitude));

                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
コード例 #3
ファイル: DCM.cs プロジェクト: AlexAlbala/MaCRo
        public void Normalize()
            float error = 0;

            float[][] temporary = new float[3][];
            temporary[0] = new float[3]; // { 0, 0, 0 };
            temporary[1] = new float[3]; //{ 0, 0, 0 };
            temporary[2] = new float[3]; //{ 0, 0, 0 };

            //for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            //    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            //    {
            //        temporary[i][j] = new float();
            //        temporary[i][j] = 0.1f;
            //    }
            ////temporary[0][1] = 3.2f;

            float renorm  = 0;
            bool  problem = false;

            error = -1 * Vector.Vector_Dot_Product(DCM_Matrix[0], DCM_Matrix[1]) * .5f; //eq.19

            Vector.Vector_Scale(temporary[0], DCM_Matrix[1], error);                    //eq.19
            Vector.Vector_Scale(temporary[1], DCM_Matrix[0], error);                    //eq.19

            Vector.Vector_Add(temporary[0], temporary[0], DCM_Matrix[0]);               //eq.19
            Vector.Vector_Add(temporary[1], temporary[1], DCM_Matrix[1]);               //eq.19

            Vector.Vector_Cross_Product(temporary[2], temporary[0], temporary[1]);      // c= a x b //eq.20

            renorm = Vector.Vector_Dot_Product(temporary[0], temporary[0]);
            if (renorm < 1.5625f && renorm > 0.64f)
                renorm = .5f * (3 - renorm);                                                 //eq.21
            else if (renorm < 100.0f && renorm > 0.01f)
                renorm = 1.0f / (float)exMath.Sqrt(renorm);
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_sqrt_count++;
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???SQT:1,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",ERR:");
                //    Serial.print (error);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
                problem = true;
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_blowup_count++;
                //    #if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???PRB:1,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",ERR:");
                //    Serial.print (error);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
            Vector.Vector_Scale(DCM_Matrix[0], temporary[0], renorm);

            renorm = Vector.Vector_Dot_Product(temporary[1], temporary[1]);
            if (renorm < 1.5625f && renorm > 0.64f)
                renorm = .5f * (3 - renorm);                                                 //eq.21
            else if (renorm < 100.0f && renorm > 0.01f)
                renorm = 1.0f / (float)exMath.Sqrt(renorm);
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_sqrt_count++;
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???SQT:2,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",ERR:");
                //    Serial.print (error);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
                problem = true;
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_blowup_count++;
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???PRB:2,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",ERR:");
                //    Serial.print (error);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
            Vector.Vector_Scale(DCM_Matrix[1], temporary[1], renorm);

            renorm = Vector.Vector_Dot_Product(temporary[2], temporary[2]);
            if (renorm < 1.5625f && renorm > 0.64f)
                renorm = .5f * (3 - renorm);                                                 //eq.21
            else if (renorm < 100.0f && renorm > 0.01f)
                renorm = 1.0f / (float)exMath.Sqrt(renorm);
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_sqrt_count++;
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???SQT:3,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",ERR:");
                //    Serial.print (error);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
                problem = true;
                //#if PERFORMANCE_REPORTING == 1
                //    renorm_blowup_count++;
                //#if PRINT_DEBUG != 0
                //    Serial.print("???PRB:3,RNM:");
                //    Serial.print (renorm);
                //    Serial.print (",TOW:");
                //    Serial.print (GPS.time);
                //    Serial.println("***");
            Vector.Vector_Scale(DCM_Matrix[2], temporary[2], renorm);

            if (problem)
            {                // Our solution is blowing up and we will force back to initial condition.  Hope we are not upside down!
                DCM_Matrix[0][0] = 1.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[0][1] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[0][2] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[1][0] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[1][1] = 1.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[1][2] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[2][0] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[2][1] = 0.0f;
                DCM_Matrix[2][2] = 1.0f;
                problem          = false;