public Dagger(Dagger dagger) : base(dagger) { //nothing to put here }
public void initialize(object e) { this.clientStream = tcpClient.GetStream(); this.encoder = new ASCIIEncoding(); this.enteringName = true; this.writeToClient(colorizer.Colorize("Welcome to my MUD\r\nWhat is your name, traveller? ", "yellow")); while (!this.mainGame) { string tempName = readFromClient(); if (tempName != null && tempName != "") { var playerQuery = (from playercharacter in db.PlayerCharacters where playercharacter.PlayerName.ToString().ToLower() == tempName.ToLower() select playercharacter).ToList(); if (playerQuery.Count == 1) //player exists, we should request password { //make sure the player isn't already connected bool alreadyConnected = false; Monitor.TryEnter(playerlock, 3000); try { var playerAlreadyConnectedQuery = (from player in players where == tempName.ToLower() select player).FirstOrDefault(); if (playerAlreadyConnectedQuery != null) { alreadyConnected = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); Debug.Print(ex.StackTrace); } finally { Monitor.Exit(playerlock); } if (alreadyConnected) { this.writeToClient(colorizer.Colorize("Sorry, this character is already connected to the game.\r\n", "red") + colorizer.Colorize("If you own this character and believe that it shouldn't be connected or may have been stolen, please contact game administrators.\r\n", "reset")); this.Disconnect(); } else { this.enteringName = false; int passwordAttempts = 0; bool successfullogin = false; this.enteringPassword = true; do { this.writeToClient("Please enter your password: "******"INCORRECT PASSWORD", "red") + colorizer.Colorize("Please re-enter your password", "reset")); passwordAttempts++; } } while (passwordAttempts < 4 && successfullogin == false); if (successfullogin) { //TODO: add the rest of the init logic this.enteringPassword = false; = playerQuery[0].PlayerName.ToString(); this.connected = true; this.OnPlayerConnected(new PlayerConnectedEventArgs(; Monitor.TryEnter(playerlock, 3000); try { this.players.CollectionChanged += playerListUpdated; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(; Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } finally { Monitor.Exit(playerlock); } //subscribing to events for players that are already logged in foreach (Player player in players) { Monitor.TryEnter(playerlock, 5000); try { if (player != this) //don't need to subscribe to events about ourselves, do we? { player.PlayerConnected += this.HandlePlayerConnected; player.PlayerMoved += this.HandlePlayerMoved; player.PlayerDisconnected += this.HandlePlayerDisconnected; player.PlayerFled += this.HandlePlayerFled; player.PlayerFleeFail += this.HandlePlayerFleeFail; player.AttackedAndHit += this.HandleAttackedAndHit; player.AttackedAndDodge += this.HandleAttackedAndDodge; player.Died += this.HandlePlayerDied; player.Attack += this.HandlePlayerAttack; } } catch (Exception ex) { writeToClient("Error: " + ex.Message); writeToClient("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } finally { Monitor.Exit(playerlock); } } //subscribing to events for NPCs foreach (NPC npc in npcs) { Monitor.TryEnter(npclock, 5000); try { npc.NPCFled += this.HandleNPCFled; npc.NPCMoved += this.HandleNPCMoved; npc.NPCFleeFail += this.HandleNPCFleeFail; npc.AttackedAndHit += this.HandleAttackedAndHit; npc.Died += this.HandleNPCDied; npc.NPCSpawned += this.HandleNPCSpawned; npc.AttackedAndDodge += this.HandleAttackedAndDodge; } catch (Exception ex) { writeToClient("Error: " + ex.Message); writeToClient("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } finally { Monitor.Exit(npclock); } } this.mainGame = true; this.x = playerQuery[0].X; this.y = playerQuery[0].Y; this.z = playerQuery[0].Z; this.level = playerQuery[0].Level; this.strength = playerQuery[0].Strength; this.agility = playerQuery[0].Agility; this.constitution = playerQuery[0].Constitution; this.intelligence = playerQuery[0].Intelligence; this.learning = playerQuery[0].Learning; this.totalExperience = playerQuery[0].TotalExperience; this.currentLevelExp = playerQuery[0].ExpThisLevel; this.maxCarryWeight = this.strength * 11.5; var itemsQuery = (from item in db.InventoryItems where item.PlayerName.ToLower() == select item).ToList(); foreach (InventoryItem item in itemsQuery) { dynamic tempitem = null; //adding all the general inventory items from the database back into a player's general inventory switch (item.InventoryItemStatus.InventoryItemStatusName) { //the case for items that are coded for "general inventory". This must contain **ALL** created item types case "generalinventory": switch (item.ItemType) { case "MUDAdventure.Items.Weapons.Dagger": //Dagger tempdag = new Dagger(item.ItemName, item.ItemDescription, item.ItemWeight, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')), this.expirableItemList, item.ItemDamage, item.ItemSpeed); tempitem = new Dagger(); if (item.ItemDamage.HasValue) { tempitem.Damage = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemDamage); } if (item.ItemSpeed.HasValue) { tempitem.Speed = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemSpeed); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Light": tempitem = new Light(); if (item.ItemCurrentFuel.HasValue) { tempitem.CurrentFuel = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemCurrentFuel); } if (item.ItemTotalFuel.HasValue) { tempitem.TotalFuel = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemTotalFuel); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Apparel.Headwear": tempitem = new Headwear(); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Apparel.Shirt": tempitem = new Shirt(); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Apparel.Gloves": tempitem = new Gloves(); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Apparel.Pants": tempitem = new Pants(); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Apparel.Boots": tempitem = new Boots(); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } break; } tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); this.inventory.AddItem(tempitem); break; //case for items that are coded "wielded". This only needs to contain logic for descendants of class Weapon case "wielded": switch (item.ItemType) { case "MUDAdventure.Items.Weapons.Dagger": tempitem = new Dagger(); if (item.ItemDamage.HasValue) { tempitem.Damage = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemDamage); } if (item.ItemSpeed.HasValue) { tempitem.Speed = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemSpeed); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Weapons.Sword": tempitem = new Sword(); if (item.ItemDamage.HasValue) { tempitem.Damage = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemDamage); } if (item.ItemSpeed.HasValue) { tempitem.Speed = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemSpeed); } break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Weapons.Axe": tempitem = new Axe(); if (item.ItemDamage.HasValue) { tempitem.Damage = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemDamage); } if (item.ItemSpeed.HasValue) { tempitem.Speed = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemSpeed); } break; } tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); this.inventory.Wielded = tempitem; break; case "light": Light templight = new Light(); templight.Name = item.ItemName; templight.Description = item.ItemDescription; templight.Weight = item.ItemWeight; templight.Expirable = true; templight.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemTotalFuel.HasValue) { templight.TotalFuel = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemTotalFuel); } if (item.ItemCurrentFuel.HasValue) { templight.CurrentFuel = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemCurrentFuel); } this.inventory.Light = templight; break; case "head": tempitem = new Headwear(); tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } this.inventory.Head = tempitem; break; case "torso": tempitem = new Shirt(); tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } this.inventory.Shirt = tempitem; break; case "hands": tempitem = new Gloves(); tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } this.inventory.Gloves = tempitem; break; case "legs": tempitem = new Pants(); tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } this.inventory.Pants = tempitem; break; case "feet": tempitem = new Boots(); tempitem.Name = item.ItemName; tempitem.Description = item.ItemDescription; tempitem.Weight = item.ItemWeight; tempitem.Expirable = true; tempitem.RefNames = new List<string>(item.ItemRefNames.Split(',')); if (item.ItemArmorValue.HasValue) { tempitem.ArmorValue = Convert.ToInt32(item.ItemArmorValue); } this.inventory.Boots = tempitem; break; } } } else if (passwordAttempts > 3) { this.writeToClient("Password authentication failed too many times."); this.Disconnect(); } else { this.writeToClient("Unspecified login failure."); this.Disconnect(); } } } else if (playerQuery.Count > 1) { //UHHH, this shouldn't ever happen and is probably a bad thing. this.writeToClient("An error occured from duplicate entries in our character database.\r\nAdministrators have been notified. Please be patient as we correct this."); string errormessage = "Possible duplicate entries in character database: "; foreach (var player in playerQuery) { errormessage += player.PlayerName.ToString() + "\r\n"; } this.Disconnect(); } else { tempName = tempName[0].ToString().ToUpper() + tempName.Substring(1).ToLower(); //TODO: filter unsuitable names with profanity, numbers, etc. this.writeToClient("This character does not seem to exist. Would you like to create a character with the name " + tempName + "? (Y/N)"); if (this.readFromClient().ToLower() == "y") { //we'll create a new character then PlayerCharacter newPlayer = new PlayerCharacter(); newPlayer.PlayerName = tempName; bool match = false; do { this.writeToClient("Please enter your desired password:"******"Please re-enter your desired password:"******"Your password and password confirmation did not match. Please try again."); } } while (!match); int tempStrength, tempAgility, tempIntelligence, tempLearning, tempConstitution; do { tempStrength = rand.Next(10, 25); tempAgility = rand.Next(10, 25); tempIntelligence = rand.Next(10, 25); tempLearning = rand.Next(10, 25); tempConstitution = rand.Next(10, 25); this.writeToClient("Your stats are STR:" + tempStrength.ToString() + "AGI:" + tempAgility.ToString() + "INT:" + tempIntelligence.ToString() + "LEA:" + tempLearning.ToString() + "CON:" + tempConstitution.ToString()); this.writeToClient("Are these stats acceptable? (Y/N)"); } while (this.readFromClient().ToLower() != "y"); newPlayer.Strength = tempStrength; newPlayer.Agility = tempAgility; newPlayer.Intelligence = tempIntelligence; newPlayer.Learning = tempLearning; newPlayer.Constitution = tempConstitution; newPlayer.X = 0; newPlayer.Y = 0; newPlayer.Z = 0; newPlayer.Level = 1; //TODO: insert real EXP til next value here once i calculate the experience progression newPlayer.ExpThisLevel = 0; newPlayer.TotalExperience = 0; try { this.db.PlayerCharacters.InsertOnSubmit(newPlayer); this.db.SubmitChanges(); this.writeToClient("Character created and saved to database."); = tempName; this.connected = true; this.mainGame = true; this.x = newPlayer.X; this.y = newPlayer.Y; this.z = newPlayer.Z; this.level = newPlayer.Level; //this.expUntilNext = newPlayer.ExpUntilNext; this.strength = newPlayer.Strength; this.agility = newPlayer.Agility; this.constitution = newPlayer.Constitution; this.intelligence = newPlayer.Intelligence; this.learning = newPlayer.Learning; currentRoom = rooms[this.x.ToString() + "," + this.y.ToString() + "," + this.z.ToString()]; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Trace: " + ex.StackTrace); } } else { this.writeToClient("Very well. By what name would you like to be known then?"); } } } } currentRoom = rooms[this.x.ToString() + "," + this.y.ToString() + "," + this.z.ToString()]; //TODO: replace with loading player's stats from db //stats = stats; this.totalMoves = 10; this.currentMoves = this.totalMoves; this.totalHitpoints = 10; this.currentHitpoints = this.totalHitpoints; //TODO: add some logic to check if the authoer has created any learnable skills that may affect maxcarryweight this.maxCarryWeight = this.strength * 11.5; //timer stuff for regen-ing player health based on this.healthRegen = new System.Timers.Timer(); this.healthRegen.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(healthRegen_Elapsed); //TODO: insert code here to check if the author has created any learnable skills that may affect the regen rate this.healthRegen.Interval = Math.Round(60000.0 / (double)this.constitution); this.healthRegen.Enabled = true; this.healthRegen.Start(); this.Look(); this.InputLoop(); }
private void Take(string args) { if (!this.isNight || this.currentRoom.LightedRoom || this.inventory.Light != null) { var itemQuery = (from item in this.itemList //from expitem in this.expirableItemList where item.RefNames.Contains(args) && item.X == this.x && item.Y == this.y && item.Z == this.z //|| (expitem.RefNames.Contains(args) && expitem.X == this.x && expitem.Y == this.y && expitem.Z == this.z) select item).ToList(); itemQuery.AddRange((from expitem in this.expirableItemList where expitem.RefNames.Contains(args) && expitem.X == this.x && expitem.Y == this.y && expitem.Z == this.z select expitem).ToList()); if (itemQuery.Any()) { dynamic tempitem = null; if ((itemQuery.First().Weight + this.inventory.Weight) <= this.maxCarryWeight) { switch (itemQuery.First().GetType().ToString()) { case "MUDAdventure.Items.Dagger": tempitem = new Dagger(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToDagger().Damage, itemQuery.First().ToDagger().Speed); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Light": tempitem = new Light(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToLight().CurrentFuel, itemQuery.First().ToLight().TotalFuel); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Headwear": tempitem = new Headwear(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToHeadwear().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Shirt": tempitem = new Shirt(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToShirt().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Gloves": tempitem = new Gloves(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToGloves().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Pants": tempitem = new Pants(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToPants().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Boots": tempitem = new Boots(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToBoots().ArmorValue); break; } this.inventory.AddItem(tempitem); if (itemQuery.First().Expirable) { expirableItemList.Remove(itemQuery.First()); } this.writeToClient("You pick up " + itemQuery.First().Name + ".\r\n"); itemQuery.First().PickedUp(); } else { this.writeToClient("That item is too heavy for you to carry.\r\n"); } } else { this.writeToClient("That item isn't here.\r\n"); } } else { this.writeToClient("It's too dark to see.\r\n"); } }
private void Drop(string args) { var itemQuery = (from item in this.inventory.ListInventory() where item.RefNames.Contains(args) select item).ToList(); if (itemQuery.Any()) { dynamic tempitem = null; switch (itemQuery.First().GetType().ToString()) { case "MUDAdventure.Items.Dagger": tempitem = new Dagger(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToDagger().Damage, itemQuery.First().ToDagger().Speed); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Light": tempitem = new Light(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToLight().CurrentFuel, itemQuery.First().ToLight().TotalFuel); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Headwear": tempitem = new Headwear(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToHeadwear().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Shirt": tempitem = new Shirt(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToShirt().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Gloves": tempitem = new Gloves(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToGloves().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Pants": tempitem = new Pants(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToPants().ArmorValue); break; case "MUDAdventure.Items.Boots": tempitem = new Boots(itemQuery.First().Name, itemQuery.First().Description, itemQuery.First().Weight, this.x, this.y, this.z, true, itemQuery.First().RefNames, ref this.expirableItemList, itemQuery.First().ToBoots().ArmorValue); break; default: break; } Monitor.TryEnter(expirableitemlock, 3000); try { this.expirableItemList.Add(tempitem); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.Print(ex.Message); Debug.Print(ex.StackTrace); } writeToClient("You drop " + itemQuery.First().Name); this.inventory.RemoveItem(itemQuery.First()); } else { this.writeToClient("You're not carrying any such item.\r\n"); } }