private void buttonX1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { fGrid.CommitEditCurCell(); var _check = new string[] { "start_date", "bank", "exp_account", "amount", }; bool _roll_back = false; foreach (var k in _check) { if (fGrid.Rows[k].Cells[1].Value == null) { MessageBox.Show("Important Field Left Blank", k); fGrid.Focus(); fGrid.SetCurCell(k, 1); return; } } string _str = "Are You Sure You Want To Save This Record ??"; if (!dbm.WarningMessage(_str, "Save Warning")) { return; } buttoncreate.Enabled = false; buttoncancel.Enabled = false; fGrid.ReadOnly = true; ic.bank_reconc_transC _trans = new ic.bank_reconc_transC(); ic.bank_reconc_accountC _account = (fGrid.Rows["exp_account"].Cells[1].AuxValue as fnn.iGComboItemEX).Tag as ic.bank_reconc_accountC; ic.bankAccountC _bank = (fGrid.Rows["bank"].Cells[1].AuxValue as fnn.iGComboItemEX).Tag as ic.bankAccountC; // _trans.amount = fGrid.Rows["amount"].Cells["desc"].Value.ToInt32(); _trans.fs_date = System.Convert.ToDateTime(fGrid.Rows["start_date"].Cells[1].AuxValue); _trans.fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_trans.fs_date); _trans.status = em.voucher_statusS.valid; _trans.m_partition_id = string.Format("{0}{1}", _trans.fs_date.Year, _trans.fs_date.Month).ToInt32(); _trans.br_acc_id = _account.br_acc_id; _trans.sys_account_id = _account.sys_account_id; _trans.bank_account_id = _bank.un_id; _trans.br_acc_type = _account.br_acc_type; // if (fGrid.Rows["desc"].Cells[1].Value != null) { _trans.desc = fGrid.Rows["desc"].Cells[1].Text; } using (var xd = new xing()) { #region Insert Master Payment // var _ts_id = accn.AccountsTransaction(xd, string.Format("Being Bank Reconciliation"), _trans.fs_date); _trans.trans_id = _ts_id; _trans.un_id = xd.SingleInsertCommandTSPInt("acc_bank_reconc_trans_tb", new string[] { "br_acc_id", "amount", "transaction_id", "fs_date", "fs_id", "m_partition_id", "status", "sys_account_id", "description", "br_acc_type_id", "fs_time_stamp", "lch_id", "bank_account_id", "pc_us_id" }, new object[] { _trans.br_acc_id, _trans.amount, _trans.trans_id, _trans.fs_date, _trans.fs_id, _trans.m_partition_id, _trans.status.ToInt16(), _trans.sys_account_id, _trans.desc, _trans.br_acc_type.ToInt16(), 0, sdata.ChurchID, _trans.bank_account_id, sdata.PC_US_ID }); #endregion switch (_account.br_acc_type) { case em.bank_reconc_typeS.addition: { // accn.JournalBook(xd, _trans.fs_date, em.j_sectionS.income, _ts_id, _account.sys_account_id, 0, 0); break; } case em.bank_reconc_typeS.deduction: { break; } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } fGrid.ReadOnly = false; ClearGrid(); m_process = _process.after_save; backworker.RunWorkerAsync(); }
public static bool GetMonthBankReconcilition(int m_partition_id) { if (DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION == null) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION = new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, ic.bank_reconc_transC> >(); } if (DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION.Keys.IndexOf(m_partition_id) == -1) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION.Add(m_partition_id, new SortedList <int, ic.bank_reconc_transC>()); } if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP == null) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP = new SortedList <string, SortedList <int, long> >(); } string _table_name = "acc_bank_reconc_trans_tb"; if (wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.IndexOfKey(_table_name) == -1) { wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP.Add(_table_name, new SortedList <int, long>()); wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name].Add(m_partition_id, 0); } string _str = null; bool load_all = false; bool is_new = false; bool is_updated = false; long _stamp = 0; using (var xd = new xing()) { _stamp = xd.GetTimeStamp(_table_name); if (datam.DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id].Keys.Count == 0) { _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and status={1}", m_partition_id, em.voucher_statusS.valid.ToByte()); load_all = true; is_new = true; } else { if (_stamp == wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]) { xd.RollBackTransaction(); return(false); } _str = string.Format("select * from " + _table_name + " where m_partition_id={0} and fs_time_stamp > {1}", m_partition_id, wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id]); } wdata.DATA_MONTH_STAMP[_table_name][m_partition_id] = _stamp; using (var _dr = xd.SelectCommand(_str)) { if (_dr == null) { return(false); } ic.bank_reconc_transC _obj = null; while (_dr.Read()) { if (!is_updated) { is_updated = true; } _obj = null; if (load_all) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_transC(); } else { try { _obj = DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id][_dr["un_id"].ToInt32()]; is_new = false; } catch (Exception) { if (_obj == null) { _obj = new ic.bank_reconc_transC(); is_new = true; } } } // if (is_new) { _obj.un_id = _dr["un_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.br_acc_id = _dr["br_acc_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.br_acc_type = (em.bank_reconc_typeS)_dr["br_acc_type_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.bank_account_id = _dr["bank_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.amount = _dr["amount"].ToInt32(); _obj.desc = _dr["description"].ToStringNullable(); _obj.status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.m_partition_id = _dr["m_partition_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.sys_account_id = _dr["sys_account_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_id = _dr["fs_id"].ToInt32(); _obj.fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("fs_date"); // _obj.objReconcAccount = datam.DATA_BANK_RECONCILIATION_ACCOUNTS[_obj.br_acc_id]; _obj.objBankAccount = datam.DATA_BANK_ACCOUNTS[_obj.bank_account_id]; } _obj.status = (em.voucher_statusS)_dr["status"].ToInt16(); _obj.is_updated = true; //if (_dr["del_fs_date"] != null) //{ // //if (_obj.objDelInfo == null) { _obj.objDelInfo = new ic.deleteBaseC(); } // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date = _dr.GetDateTime("del_fs_date"); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_id = fn.GetFSID(_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_date.Value); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_fs_time = _dr["del_fs_time"].ToString()Nullable()(); // //_obj.objDelInfo.del_pc_us_id = _dr["del_pc_us_id"].ToInt32(); //} if (is_new) { DATA_MONTH_BANK_RECONCILIATION[m_partition_id].Add(_obj.un_id, _obj); } } } xd.CommitTransaction(); } return(is_updated); }