public DrawingView(CGRect rect) : base(rect) { ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.Redraw; AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.All; BackColor = Color.Wheat; cs = new ChartStyle(this); cs.XLimMin = 0f; cs.XLimMax = 6f; cs.YLimMin = -1.5f; cs.YLimMax = 1.5f; cs.XTick = 1f; cs.YTick = .5f; cs.XLabel = "This is X axis"; cs.YLabel = "This is Y axis"; cs.Title = "Sine and Cosine Chart"; lg = new Legend { IsLegendVisible = true }; dc = new DataCollection (); }
public DrawingView(RectangleF rect) : base(rect) { ContentMode = UIViewContentMode.Redraw; this.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.All; this.BackColor = Color.Wheat; // Set Form1 size: // this.Width = 350; // this.Height = 300; dc = new DataCollection(); cs = new ChartStyle(this); cs.XLimMin = 0f; cs.XLimMax = 6f; cs.YLimMin = -1.5f; cs.YLimMax = 1.5f; cs.XTick = 1.0f; cs.YTick = 0.5f; cs.XLabel = "This is X axis"; cs.YLabel = "This is Y axis"; cs.Title = "Sine and Cosine Chart"; lg = new Legend(); lg.IsLegendVisible = true; }