コード例 #1
 public PeriodOfTimeValue(DateTime start, DateTime end)
     _type     = PeriodOfTimeValueType.FixEnd;
     _start    = new DateTimeValue(start);
     _end      = new DateTimeValue(end);
     _duration = new DurationValue(end - start);
コード例 #2
        public void Deserialize(string content)
            // remove heading and trailing white spaces
            content = content.Trim();

            // retrieve the two parts of the period
            var parts = content.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // make sure there are exactly two parts
            if (parts?.Count() != 2)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid period of time content ({ content }) detected!");

            // deserialize start
            _start = ObjectSerializer.Deserialize <DateTimeValue>(parts[0]);

            // determine the type of the second part
            _type = parts[1].Contains('P') ? PeriodOfTimeValueType.Duration : PeriodOfTimeValueType.FixEnd;

            if (_type == PeriodOfTimeValueType.Duration)
                // deserialize duration value and set end
                _duration = ObjectSerializer.Deserialize <DurationValue>(parts[1]);
                _end      = new DateTimeValue(Start + Duration);
                // deserialize end value and set duration
                _end      = ObjectSerializer.Deserialize <DateTimeValue>(parts[1]);
                _duration = new DurationValue(End - Start);
コード例 #3
 public PeriodOfTimeValue(DateTime start, TimeSpan duration)
     _type     = PeriodOfTimeValueType.Duration;
     _start    = new DateTimeValue(start);
     _end      = new DateTimeValue(start + duration);
     _duration = new DurationValue(duration);