static void Mapping() { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); mapper.Info(); //mapper.Map(true, 1000); //mapper.Truncate(10); //mapper.Check(1992); }
static void Mapping() { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); //mapper.Info(); //mapper.Map(true, 215); //mapper.Map(false, 800); //mapper.Truncate(10); mapper.Check(215); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string configFile; string cmd; bool createDataBase = false; int revisionNumber = 0; string revision = null; bool automaticallyFixDiffErrors = false; string path = null; string dir = null; try { configFile = args[0]; cmd = args[1]; int i = 2; while (i < args.Length) { switch (args[i]) { case "-c": createDataBase = true; break; case "-f": automaticallyFixDiffErrors = true; break; case "-n": revisionNumber = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]); break; case "-r": revision = args[++i]; break; case "-p": path = args[++i]; break; case "-d": dir = args[++i]; break; default: break; } i++; } } catch { Console.WriteLine("usage: MSR.Tools.Mapper CONFIG_FILE_NAME COMMAND [ARGS]"); Console.WriteLine("Commands:"); Console.WriteLine(" info print general information about database"); Console.WriteLine(" map map data incrementally from software repositories to database"); Console.WriteLine(" -c create database"); Console.WriteLine(" -n N map data till revision number N"); Console.WriteLine(" -r R map data till revision R"); Console.WriteLine(" pmap map data partially from software repositories to database"); Console.WriteLine(" -n N map data from a revision number N to the last one in database"); Console.WriteLine(" -r R map data from a revision R to the last one in database"); Console.WriteLine(" -p PATH map file in the path"); Console.WriteLine(" -d DIR map files in the directory"); Console.WriteLine(" emap map a single data entity to database"); Console.WriteLine(" release R TAG map a release entity with TAG for revision R to database"); Console.WriteLine(" truncate remove mapped data from database"); Console.WriteLine(" -n N keep the first N revisions"); Console.WriteLine(" -r R keep all revisions until revision R"); Console.WriteLine(" check check validity of mapped data"); Console.WriteLine(" -n N check data till revision number N"); Console.WriteLine(" -p PATH check the file on path"); Console.WriteLine(" -f automatically fix diff errors"); return; } MappingTool mapper = null; try { mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } try { switch (cmd) { case "info": mapper.Info(); break; case "map": if (revisionNumber != 0) { mapper.Map(createDataBase, revisionNumber); } else { mapper.Map(createDataBase, revision); } break; case "pmap": IPathSelector[] pathSelectors = new IPathSelector[] { new TakePathByList() { Paths = path != null ? new string[] { path } : null, Dirs = dir != null ? new string[] { dir } : null } }; if (revisionNumber != 0) { mapper.PartialMap(revisionNumber, pathSelectors); } else { mapper.PartialMap(revision, pathSelectors); } break; case "emap": { switch (args[2]) { case "release": { mapper.MapReleaseEntity(args[3], args[4]); break; } } break; } case "truncate": if (revisionNumber != 0) { mapper.Truncate(revisionNumber); } else { mapper.Truncate(revision); } break; case "check": if (revisionNumber != 0) { mapper.Check(revisionNumber, path, automaticallyFixDiffErrors); } else { mapper.Check(revision, path, automaticallyFixDiffErrors); } break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown command {0}", cmd); break; } } catch (MsrException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
static void MapReleases() { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); mapper.MapReleases( new Dictionary<string,string>() { { "f29b607b20b61fddf93885132ed0708308770cf8", "1.12.0 BETA 3" }, { "7fb632e2d838f1e75aec512e060841977c6cb5a5", "1.10.0" }, { "72fbb5a89ac45a8795cda0cd1537e7bbe666602f", "1.8.0" }, { "d8b0a5b7da22c4621b3064fca08d55830430bddb", "1.6.0" }, { "71edf25b4a6a1f882e3a463292b3828f40c894c9", "1.4.0" }, { "3f83858cea5aa8bca9647d8363adc35c1f1d5801", "1.2.0" }, { "d4bfe61f1dc71363c0d237b1add257a4e50488d5", "1.0.0" }, { "ccbd6c1cd30acc12df9e91aba0230c848d69b6cc", "0.9.0" }, } ); }
static void PartialMapping() { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); mapper.PartialMap(1901, new IPathSelector[] { new TakePathByList() { Paths = new string[] { "/src/" } } } ); }
static void MapSyntheticReleases(int count, double stabilizationProbability) { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); mapper.MapSyntheticReleases(count, stabilizationProbability); }
static void MapReleases() { MappingTool mapper = new MappingTool(configFile); mapper.MapReleases( new Dictionary<string,string>() { { "308aee2d8229cbdd26f29eb04954044592dffa9d", "0.1.0" }, { "4d00ea8121fd373525ecf6fa93243efc91666554", "0.1.1" }, { "f0c86737a276553e72a4ff1b070e8e30eaab50a0", "0.2.0" }, { "0e10ffa1fc83ae4d6b3657266865df4c4a3534da", "0.2.1" }, { "4f9d9cdbefa90a8d3673f94d078f196de2ec788b", "0.3.0" }, { "3bab948571635f5b2bf8c9f8ac7ce867c4e57414", "0.3.1" }, { "368d67c4f309ee9b3f437f9c36845f7a02837d41", "0.3.2" }, } ); }