コード例 #1
ファイル: RtcpPacket.cs プロジェクト: tdhieu/openvss
        private void AddSdesReports(CompoundPacket cp)
            while(!cpComplete && sdesReports.Count > 0)
                bool sdespComplete = false;
                bool addedReport = false;

                SdesPacket sdesp = new SdesPacket();
                if(space >= sdesp.Size)
                    space -= sdesp.Size;

                    while(sdesReports.Count > 0)
                        SdesReport report = (SdesReport)sdesReports.Peek();

                        if( space >= report.Size )

                                space -= report.Size;
                                addedReport = true;
                                // No more room in rrp for reports
                                sdespComplete = true;
                            break; // while loop

                // We broke out of the loop for one of 3 reasons
                // 1. There were no more sdesReports
                // 2. There was no more room in sdesp
                // 3. There was no more room in cp (cpComplete)

                // If we added a report to sdesp, add sdesp to cp
                    int start = cp.Buffer.Length;
                    int end = cp.Buffer.Length;

                    Debug.Assert( (end-start) == sdesp.Size ); // math check

                // Figure out if we exited because cp is complete
                if(sdesReports.Count > 0 && sdespComplete == false)
                    cpComplete = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RtpSession.cs プロジェクト: abhishek-kumar/AIGA
        /// <summary>
        /// An SdesPacket can contain multiple Sdes reports (ssrc, SdesData) which we process here
        /// Due to our architecture with 1 RtpSession / RtpParticipant and multiple RtpSenders / 
        /// RtpStreams (each of which get their own ssrc and SdesData) it is difficult to properly 
        /// map the SdesData to the participant, because they all share the same CName.
        /// The participant properties will have a CName, Name, Email, Phone, etc plus any private 
        /// extensions for the participant.  In order to conserve Rtcp bandwidth, the streams will 
        /// only send out CName, Name and any private extensions for the stream. And the stream's 
        /// Name may be completely different from the participant's name.  
        /// The problem is that we don't want the participant to be updated from the stream's 
        /// properties due to sharing a CName.  So we use the private extension "Source" to 
        /// distinguish between a participant's SdesData and a Stream's SdesData
        /// The last complication is that AccessGrid doesn't have this private extension, probably
        /// because they have a 1:1 mapping between a sender and receiver.  In order to not break
        /// interop, we allow for the case of the private extension not being there, in which case
        /// the participant data will be updated from any and all SdesData that share that CName
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packet">Rtcp packet to process</param>
        /// <param name="ipAddress">Originating IP address of the packet</param>
        private void ProcessSDESPacket(SdesPacket packet, IPAddress ipAddress)
            foreach(SdesReport report in packet.Reports())
                uint ssrc = report.ssrc;
                SdesData sdes = report.sdes;

                // Check for SSRC conflict
                AddSsrcToIp(ssrc, ipAddress);

                // Find out what source generated this data
                string role = sdes.GetPrivateExtension(Rtcp.PEP_SOURCE);

                if(role != null)
                    // Update the participant's properties
                    if(role == Rtcp.PED_PARTICIPANT)
                        AddOrUpdateParticipant(ssrc, sdes, ipAddress);
                    else if(role == Rtcp.PED_STREAM)
                            AddOrUpdateStream(ssrc, sdes);
                        throw new ArgumentException("Unsupported role: " + role);
                else // Doesn't have CXP specific extensions
                    // This code is not currently guaranteed to work
            //                    AddOrUpdateParticipant(ssrc, sdes, ipAddress);
            //                    UpdateStream(ssrc, sdes);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Global.asax.cs プロジェクト: psyCHOder/conferencexp
       private void Start()
            //BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(2048);
            CompoundPacket compoundPacket = new CompoundPacket();
            EndPoint endPoint = null;

            while (isRunning)
                   udpListener.ReceiveFrom(compoundPacket.Buffer, out endPoint);

                    //IPAddress ipAddress = ((IPEndPoint)endPoint).Address;
                    IPEndPoint ipEndpoint = (IPEndPoint)endPoint;

                    // The compound packet enumerator destroys its list during enumeration,
                    // so we keep track of packets that have yet to be processed
                    IList<RtcpPacket> yetToBeProcessed = new List<RtcpPacket>();

                    String venueName = null;
                    //uint ssrc = 0;
                    long when = 0; // in units of "ticks"

                    // scan through the compound packet, looking for key pieces of meta-data
                    // first, look for the app packet that specifies the venue
                    // also, obtain the ssrc and the time stamp
                    foreach (RtcpPacket packet in compoundPacket)
                        if (packet.PacketType == (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.APP)
                            AppPacket appPacket = new AppPacket(packet);
                            if (appPacket.Name.Equals(Rtcp.APP_PACKET_NAME) &&
                                appPacket.Subtype == Rtcp.VENUE_APP_PACKET_SUBTYPE)

                                BufferChunk chunk = new BufferChunk(appPacket.Data);
                                when = chunk.NextInt64();
                                venueName = chunk.NextUtf8String(chunk.Length);
                                int padIndex = venueName.IndexOf((char)0);
                                if (padIndex > 0)
                                    venueName = venueName.Substring(0, padIndex);

                    if (venueName == null)
                        continue; // can't do anything if we don't know the venue for this packet
                    if (when == 0)
                        continue; // need a timestamp
                    VenueState venueState = null;
                    // compound operations must always be locked...
                    lock (venueStateMap)
                        if (!venueStateMap.ContainsKey(venueName))
                            venueState = new VenueState(venueName);
                        else venueState = venueStateMap[venueName];

                    // scan again, this time processing the RTCP packets
                    foreach (RtcpPacket packet in yetToBeProcessed)

                        switch (packet.PacketType)
                            case (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.SR:
                                    SrPacket sr = new SrPacket(packet);
                                    SenderData senderData = venueState.GetSenderState(sr.SSRC);
                                    senderData.Source = ipEndpoint;

                                    senderData.updateSenderState(sr.SenderReport, when);

                                    // this "refreshes" the host state (so that it won't expire)
                                    venueState.SenderData[sr.SSRC] = senderData;

                            case (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.RR:
                                    RrPacket rr = new RrPacket(packet);
                                    ReceiverData receiverData = venueState.GetReceiverData (ipEndpoint);

                                    // currently, we replace all receiver summaries with the data
                                    // from a single RR packet
                                    receiverData.updateReceiverState(rr.ReceiverReports, when, venueState);

                                    // this "refreshes" the host state (so that it won't expire)
                                    venueState.ReceiverData[ipEndpoint] = receiverData;

                            case (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.SDES:
                                    SdesPacket sdp = new SdesPacket(packet);                                   

                                    foreach(SdesReport report in sdp.Reports())
                                        SenderData senderData = venueState.GetSenderState(report.SSRC);
                                        senderData.CName = report.SdesData.CName;
                                        senderData.Source = ipEndpoint;

                                        // this "refreshes" the host state (so that it won't expire)
                                        venueState.SenderData[report.SSRC] = senderData;

                                        ReceiverData receiverData = 

                                        if (receiverData != null)
                                            receiverData.CName = report.SdesData.CName;

                            case (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.BYE:
                                    //BYE packets occur when capabilities stop.  Clean out sender data only for the
                                    //ssrc's affected.  We leave receiver reports alone for now.
                                    ByePacket byePacket = new ByePacket(packet);
                                    foreach (uint ssrc in byePacket.SSRCs) {
                                    //Set a flag to cause the matrix for this venue to be rebuilt on the next request.
                                    venueState.ParticipantChange = true;

                            case (byte)Rtcp.PacketType.APP:
                                    // ignored

                     }  // foreach packet...

                    // refresh the venue state
                     venueStateMap[venueName] = venueState;
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception : " + e.ToString());

                    writeEventLog("Exception in receive thread: " + e.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Warning);
            } // loop forever...