コード例 #1
        //partial void RunCustomLogicAfterInsert(ref entCM.BlobFile newDBItem, ref IRepositoryActionResult<entCM.BlobFile> result) {}

        //partial void RunCustomLogicAfterUpdatePatch(ref entCM.BlobFile updatedDBItem, ref IRepositoryActionResult<entCM.BlobFile> result) {}

        partial void RunCustomLogicAfterUpdatePut(ref entCM.BlobFile updatedDBItem, ref IRepositoryActionResult <entCM.BlobFile> result)
            if (result.Status == Enums.RepositoryActionStatus.NotFound)
            {                   // An update/PUT was attempted when it should have been a create/POST.
                var localDBItem  = updatedDBItem;
                var insertResult = Utils.AsyncHelper.RunSync <IRepositoryActionResult <entCM.BlobFile> >(() => Repo.InsertAsync(localDBItem));
                if (insertResult.Status == Enums.RepositoryActionStatus.Created)
                {                   // Insert worked
                    result = new RepositoryActionResult <entCM.BlobFile>(insertResult.Entity, Enums.RepositoryActionStatus.Updated);
コード例 #2
        public async Task <IUserProfilePhoto> GetUserProfilePhotoAsync(int userProfileId, cmEnums.BlobFileType blobFileType)
            IUserProfilePhoto retVal = null;

                var userProfile = await Repo.Get_UserProfileAsync(userProfileId, 1);

                if (userProfile == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find user profile in {nameof(GetUserProfilePhotoAsync)}() using userProfileId: {userProfileId}");

                if (!userProfile.PhotoBlobFileId.HasValue)

                var blobFiles = Repo.GetQueryable_BlobFile().Where(x => x.BlobFileId == userProfile.PhotoBlobFileId.Value || x.ParentBlobFileId == userProfile.PhotoBlobFileId.Value)
                                .ToList().OrderBy(x => x.SizeInBytes);

                if (blobFiles.Count() > 0)
                    entCM.BlobFile bestmatchBlobFile = blobFiles.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (blobFileType == cmEnums.BlobFileType.Thumbnail_Image)
                        bestmatchBlobFile = blobFiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BlobFileTypeId == (int)cmEnums.BlobFileType.Thumbnail_Image);
                        bestmatchBlobFile = blobFiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.BlobFileTypeId == (int)cmEnums.BlobFileType.Original_Image);

                    if (bestmatchBlobFile != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bestmatchBlobFile.BlobUri))
                        retVal = new UserProfilePhoto()
                            BlobFile = bestmatchBlobFile

                        retVal.Data = await AzureStorageManager.GetBlobBytesByPrimaryUriAsync(new Uri(bestmatchBlobFile.BlobUri));
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex.Message, LogMessageType.Instance.Exception_WebApi, ex, userName: userProfileId.ToString());

コード例 #3
        private async Task <bool> DeleteExistingUserPhotoDataAsync(string createdByOrModifiedByUser, List <Task> runningTasks, DateTime currentUtcDateTime, entCM.BlobFile blobFile)
            if (blobFile != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(blobFile.BlobUri))
            {               // Recursively cascade the delete to children of this BlobFile.
                var childBlobFiles = Repo.GetQueryable_BlobFile().Where(x => x.ParentBlobFileId == blobFile.BlobFileId).ToList();
                foreach (var childBlobFile in childBlobFiles)
                    await DeleteExistingUserPhotoDataAsync(createdByOrModifiedByUser, runningTasks, currentUtcDateTime, childBlobFile);

                // Handle the original file that got loaded here.
                var blobUri = new Uri(blobFile.BlobUri);

                // Update the DB record associated with userProfile.BlobFile as deleted.
                blobFile.IsDeleted       = true;
                blobFile.ModifiedBy      = createdByOrModifiedByUser;
                blobFile.ModifiedUtcDate = currentUtcDateTime;
                await Repo.UpdateAsync(blobFile);                 // Note, EF only allows one execution per context at a time so we must await here instead of using runningTasks.Add();

            return(await Task.FromResult(true));
コード例 #4
        public async Task <bool> SetUserProfilePhotoAsync(int userProfileId, string fileName, long?sizeInBytes, string createdByOrModifiedByUser, Stream msFullsizeImage)
            bool retVal = false;

                var userProfile = await Repo.Get_UserProfileAsync(userProfileId, 1);

                var runningTasks = new List <Task>();

                if (userProfile == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find user profile in {nameof(SetUserProfilePhotoAsync)}() using userProfileId: {userProfileId}");

                var currentUtcDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                // See if user has an existing photo blob that should be deleted.
                await DeleteExistingUserPhotoDataAsync(createdByOrModifiedByUser, runningTasks, currentUtcDateTime, userProfile.BlobFile);

                Guid newBlobFileId    = Guid.NewGuid();       // Add full-size user profile image to Azure.
                var  userProfileImage = Image.FromStream(msFullsizeImage);
                msFullsizeImage.Position = 0;                 // Reset stream position - ahead of the upload to avoid an AzureStorageException - "The requested number of bytes exceeds the length of the stream remaining from the specified position."

                Task <string> fullsizeImageUploadTask = AzureStorageManager.UploadFileToStorageAsync(fileStream: msFullsizeImage,
                                                                                                     blobName: newBlobFileId.ToString(), blobFileType: cmEnums.BlobFileType.Original_Image);

                // Add thumbnail user profile image to Azure.
                var thumbNailImage = ImageHelper.ResizeImage(userProfileImage, 150, 150);
                var msThumbNail    = new MemoryStream();
                thumbNailImage.Save(msThumbNail, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                msThumbNail.Position = 0;                 // Reset stream position.
                Task <string> thumbnailImageUploadTask = AzureStorageManager.UploadFileToStorageAsync(fileStream: msThumbNail, blobName: newBlobFileId.ToString(),
                                                                                                      blobFileType: cmEnums.BlobFileType.Thumbnail_Image);

                var            fullsizeImagePrimaryUri  = await fullsizeImageUploadTask;     // Create a new BlobFile DB record for the full-size image.
                entCM.BlobFile userProfilePhotoBlobFile = new entCM.BlobFile()
                    BlobFileId       = newBlobFileId,
                    BlobFileTypeId   = (int)cmEnums.BlobFileType.Original_Image,
                    BlobUri          = fullsizeImagePrimaryUri,
                    CreatedBy        = createdByOrModifiedByUser,
                    CreatedUtcDate   = currentUtcDateTime,
                    DiscreteMimeType = GetDiscreteMimeType(fileName),
                    ModifiedBy       = createdByOrModifiedByUser,
                    ModifiedUtcDate  = currentUtcDateTime,
                    Name             = fileName,
                    RequiresResize   = true,
                    ResizeComplete   = true,
                    SizeInBytes      = msFullsizeImage.Length,
                await Repo.InsertAsync(userProfilePhotoBlobFile);                 // Note, EF only allows one execution per context at a time so we must await here instead of using runningTasks.Add();

                FileInfo       fileInfo                 = new FileInfo(fileName);
                string         thumbnailFileName        = fileInfo.Name.Replace(fileInfo.Extension, ".png");
                var            thumbnailImagePrimaryUri = await thumbnailImageUploadTask;      // Create a new BlobFile DB record for the thumbnail image.
                entCM.BlobFile thumbnailBlobFile        = new entCM.BlobFile()
                    BlobFileId       = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    BlobFileTypeId   = (int)cmEnums.BlobFileType.Thumbnail_Image,
                    BlobUri          = thumbnailImagePrimaryUri,
                    CreatedBy        = createdByOrModifiedByUser,
                    CreatedUtcDate   = currentUtcDateTime,
                    DiscreteMimeType = GetDiscreteMimeType(".Png"),
                    ModifiedBy       = createdByOrModifiedByUser,
                    ModifiedUtcDate  = currentUtcDateTime,
                    Name             = thumbnailFileName,
                    ParentBlobFileId = userProfilePhotoBlobFile.BlobFileId,
                    RequiresResize   = false,
                    ResizeComplete   = false,
                    SizeInBytes      = msThumbNail.Length,
                await Repo.InsertAsync(thumbnailBlobFile);                 // Note, EF only allows one execution per context at a time so we must await here instead of using runningTasks.Add();

                // Update our userProfile
                userProfile.PhotoBlobFileId = userProfilePhotoBlobFile.BlobFileId;
                userProfile.ModifiedBy      = createdByOrModifiedByUser;
                userProfile.ModifiedUtcDate = currentUtcDateTime;
                await Repo.UpdateAsync(userProfile);                 // Note, EF only allows one execution per context at a time so we must await here instead of using runningTasks.Add();

                await Task.WhenAll(runningTasks);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error(ex.Message, LogMessageType.Instance.Exception_WebApi, ex, userName: userProfileId.ToString());
                retVal = false;

コード例 #5
 partial void RunCustomLogicOnGetEntityByPK(ref entCM.BlobFile dbItem, System.Guid blobFileId, int numChildLevels);
コード例 #6
 partial void RunCustomLogicBeforeUpdatePut(ref entCM.BlobFile updatedDBItem, System.Guid blobFileId);
コード例 #7
 partial void RunCustomLogicAfterUpdatePut(ref entCM.BlobFile updatedDBItem, ref IRepositoryActionResult <entCM.BlobFile> result);
コード例 #8
 partial void RunCustomLogicAfterInsert(ref entCM.BlobFile newDBItem, ref IRepositoryActionResult <entCM.BlobFile> result);