コード例 #1
        // Token: 0x060067EA RID: 26602 RVA: 0x001D2E80 File Offset: 0x001D1080
        internal override void CreateParaclient(out IntPtr paraClientHandle)
            FigureParaClient figureParaClient = new FigureParaClient(this);

            paraClientHandle = figureParaClient.Handle;
            if (this._mainTextSegment == null)
                this._mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(base.Element, base.StructuralCache);
コード例 #2
 internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons(
     FigureParaClient paraClient,        // IN:
     uint fswdir,                        // IN:  current direction
     int ncVertices,                     // IN:  size of array of vertex counts (= number of polygons)
     int nfspt,                          // IN:  size of the array of all vertices
     int *rgcVertices,                   // OUT: array of vertex counts (array containing number of vertices for each polygon)
     out int ccVertices,                 // OUT: actual number of vertex counts
     PTS.FSPOINT *rgfspt,                // OUT: array of all vertices
     out int cfspt,                      // OUT: actual total number of vertices in all polygons
     out int fWrapThrough)               // OUT: fill text in empty areas within obstacles?
     Debug.Assert(false, "Tight wrap is not currently supported.");
     ccVertices = cfspt = fWrapThrough = 0;
コード例 #3
        // Token: 0x060067ED RID: 26605 RVA: 0x001D3304 File Offset: 0x001D1504
        internal void CalcFigurePosition(FigureParaClient paraClient, uint fswdir, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack, ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary, int fMustPosition, int fInTextLine, out int fPushToNextTrack, out PTS.FSRECT fsrcFlow, out PTS.FSRECT fsrcOverlap, out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox, out PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch)
            Figure figure = (Figure)base.Element;
            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor = figure.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor   verticalAnchor   = figure.VerticalAnchor;

            fsrcSearch = this.CalculateSearchArea(horizontalAnchor, verticalAnchor, ref fsrcPage, ref fsrcMargin, ref fsrcTrack, ref fsrcFigurePreliminary);
            if (verticalAnchor == FigureVerticalAnchor.ParagraphTop && fsrcFigurePreliminary.v != fsrcMargin.v && fsrcFigurePreliminary.v + fsrcFigurePreliminary.dv > fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv && !PTS.ToBoolean(fMustPosition))
                fPushToNextTrack = 1;
                fPushToNextTrack = 0;
            fsrcFlow = fsrcFigurePreliminary;
            if (FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizontalAnchor))
                fsrcFlow.u += this.CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(horizontalAnchor, fsrcFigurePreliminary);
            fsrcFlow.u += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(figure.HorizontalOffset);
            fsrcFlow.v += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(figure.VerticalOffset);
            fsrcOverlap = fsrcFlow;
            if (!FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizontalAnchor) && horizontalAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnCenter && horizontalAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentCenter)
                int    num;
                double d;
                double d2;
                double num2;
                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(base.StructuralCache, out num, out d, out d2, out num2);
                int num3 = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(d);
                int num4 = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(d2);
                int num5 = num3 + num4;
                int num6 = fsrcOverlap.du / num5;
                int du   = (num6 + 1) * num5 - num4;
                fsrcOverlap.du = du;
                if (horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentRight || horizontalAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight)
                    fsrcOverlap.u = fsrcFlow.u + fsrcFlow.du + num4 - fsrcOverlap.du;
                fsrcSearch.u  = fsrcOverlap.u;
                fsrcSearch.du = fsrcOverlap.du;
            fsbbox          = default(PTS.FSBBOX);
            fsbbox.fDefined = 1;
            fsbbox.fsrc     = fsrcFlow;
コード例 #4
        // GetParaProperties
        internal override void CreateParaclient(
            out IntPtr paraClientHandle)        // OUT: opaque to PTS paragraph client
#pragma warning disable 6518
            // Disable PRESharp warning 6518. FigureParaClient is an UnmamangedHandle, that adds itself
            // to HandleMapper that holds a reference to it. PTS manages lifetime of this object, and
            // calls DestroyParaclient to get rid of it. DestroyParaclient will call Dispose() on the object
            // and remove it from HandleMapper.
            FigureParaClient paraClient = new FigureParaClient(this);
            paraClientHandle = paraClient.Handle;
#pragma warning restore 6518

            // Create the main text segment
            if (_mainTextSegment == null)
                _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(Element, StructuralCache);
コード例 #5
        // GetParaProperties
        internal override void CreateParaclient(
            out IntPtr paraClientHandle)        // OUT: opaque to PTS paragraph client
#pragma warning disable 6518
            // Disable PRESharp warning 6518. FigureParaClient is an UnmamangedHandle, that adds itself
            // to HandleMapper that holds a reference to it. PTS manages lifetime of this object, and 
            // calls DestroyParaclient to get rid of it. DestroyParaclient will call Dispose() on the object
            // and remove it from HandleMapper.
            FigureParaClient paraClient =  new FigureParaClient(this);
            paraClientHandle = paraClient.Handle;
#pragma warning restore 6518

            // Create the main text segment
            if (_mainTextSegment == null)
                _mainTextSegment = new ContainerParagraph(Element, StructuralCache);
コード例 #6
        // CalcFigurePosition
        internal void CalcFigurePosition(
            FigureParaClient paraClient,        // IN:
            uint fswdir,                        // IN:  current direction
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage,            // IN:  page rectangle
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin,          // IN:  rectangle within page margins
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack,           // IN:  track rectangle
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary,// IN:  prelim figure rect calculated from figure props
            int fMustPosition,                  // IN:  must find position in this track?
            int fInTextLine,                    // IN:  it is attached to text line
            out int fPushToNextTrack,           // OUT: push to next track?
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcFlow,            // OUT: FlowAround rectangle
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcOverlap,         // OUT: Overlap rectangle
            out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox,              // OUT: bbox
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch)          // OUT: search area for overlap
            Figure element = (Figure)Element;

            // If overlapping happens, let PTS find another position withing
            // the track rectangle.

            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor;

            fsrcSearch = CalculateSearchArea(horizAnchor, vertAnchor, ref fsrcPage, ref fsrcMargin, ref fsrcTrack, ref fsrcFigurePreliminary);

            if(vertAnchor == FigureVerticalAnchor.ParagraphTop && 
               fsrcFigurePreliminary.v != fsrcMargin.v && // If we're not at the top of the column
               ( (fsrcFigurePreliminary.v + fsrcFigurePreliminary.dv) > (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv) ) && // And we exceed column height
               !PTS.ToBoolean(fMustPosition)) // Can delay placement is handled by figure properties.
                fPushToNextTrack = PTS.True;
                fPushToNextTrack = PTS.False;

            // Use rectangle proposed by PTS and make sure that figure fits completely in the page.

            fsrcFlow = fsrcFigurePreliminary;

                fsrcFlow.u += CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(horizAnchor, fsrcFigurePreliminary);
            // Apply horizontal and vertical offsets. Offsets are limited by page height and width
            fsrcFlow.u += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.HorizontalOffset);
            fsrcFlow.v += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.VerticalOffset);

            // Overlap rectangle is the same as flow around rect
            fsrcOverlap = fsrcFlow;

            /* If we're anchored to column/content left or right, inflate our overlap width to prevent from aligning two figures right next to one another
            by incorporating column gap information */
            if(!FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor) && 
               horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnCenter &&
               horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentCenter)
                double columnWidth, gap, rule;
                int cColumns;

                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);

                int duColumnWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth);
                int duGapWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(gap);
                int duColumnWidthWithGap = duColumnWidth + duGapWidth;
                int fullColumns = (fsrcOverlap.du / duColumnWidthWithGap);
                int duRoundedToNearestColumn = ((fullColumns + 1) * duColumnWidthWithGap) - duGapWidth;

                fsrcOverlap.du = duRoundedToNearestColumn; // Round overlap rect to nearest column

                if(horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentRight || 
                   horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight)
                    fsrcOverlap.u = (fsrcFlow.u + fsrcFlow.du + duGapWidth) - fsrcOverlap.du;

                // Force search rect to only work vertically within overlap space.
                fsrcSearch.u = fsrcOverlap.u;
                fsrcSearch.du = fsrcOverlap.du;

            // Bounding box is equal to actual size of the figure.
            fsbbox = new PTS.FSBBOX();
            fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
            fsbbox.fsrc = fsrcFlow;
コード例 #7
 internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons(
     FigureParaClient paraClient,        // IN:
     uint fswdir,                        // IN:  current direction
     int ncVertices,                     // IN:  size of array of vertex counts (= number of polygons)
     int nfspt,                          // IN:  size of the array of all vertices
     int* rgcVertices,                   // OUT: array of vertex counts (array containing number of vertices for each polygon)
     out int ccVertices,                 // OUT: actual number of vertex counts
     PTS.FSPOINT* rgfspt,                // OUT: array of all vertices
     out int cfspt,                      // OUT: actual total number of vertices in all polygons
     out int fWrapThrough)               // OUT: fill text in empty areas within obstacles?
     Debug.Assert(false, "Tight wrap is not currently supported.");
     ccVertices = cfspt = fWrapThrough = 0;
コード例 #8
        internal void GetFigureProperties(
            FigureParaClient paraClient,        // IN:
            int fInTextLine,                    // IN:  it is attached to text line
            uint fswdir,                        // IN:  current direction
            int fBottomUndefined,               // IN:  bottom of page is not defined
            out int dur,                        // OUT: width of figure
            out int dvr,                        // OUT: height of figure
            out PTS.FSFIGUREPROPS fsfigprops,   // OUT: figure attributes
            out int cPolygons,                  // OUT: number of polygons
            out int cVertices,                  // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons
            out int durDistTextLeft,            // OUT: distance to text from MinU side
            out int durDistTextRight,           // OUT: distance to text from MaxU side
            out int dvrDistTextTop,             // OUT: distance to text from MinV side
            out int dvrDistTextBottom)          // OUT: distance to text from MaxV side

            uint fswdirPara = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(((FlowDirection)Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty)));

            IntPtr pfsFigureContent;
            PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox;
            int cColumns;
            int dvrTopSpace;
            PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection;
            IntPtr pmcsclientOut;
            MbpInfo mbp;

            Figure element = (Figure)Element;

            // Initialize the subpage size. PTS subpage margin is always set to 0 for Figures.
            // If width on figure is specified, use the specified value.
            // Border and padding of the figure is extracted from available subpage width.
            // We use StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext's page dimensions as limiting values for figure MBP
            mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element);            
            // We do not mirror margin as it's used to dist text left and right, and is unnecessary.

            durDistTextLeft = durDistTextRight = dvrDistTextTop = dvrDistTextBottom = 0;
            // Calculate specified width. IsAuto flag is needed because Auto is formatted the same way as column and will
            // not return Double.NaN.
            bool isWidthAuto;
            double specifiedWidth = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache, element, 
                                                                      out isWidthAuto);

            double anchorLimitedWidth = LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(specifiedWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight));
            int subpageWidth = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedWidth) - (mbp.BPLeft + mbp.BPRight));

            // Calculate figure height, IsAuto flag is used as specifiedHeight will never be NaN.
            bool isHeightAuto;
            double specifiedHeight = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache, element, 
                                                                        out isHeightAuto);

            double anchorLimitedHeight = LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(specifiedHeight, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom));
            int subpageHeight = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) - (mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom));

            // Initialize column info. Figure always has just 1 column.
            cColumns = 1;
            columnInfoCollection = new PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[cColumns];
            columnInfoCollection[0].durBefore = 0;
            columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth;

            // Create subpage
                PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
                IntPtr brParaOut;
                PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight);

                CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, 
                    fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect,
                    cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, 
                    out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, 
                    out dvrTopSpace);

                if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                    PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut));

            // PTS subpage does not support autosizing, but Figure needs to autosize to its
            // content. To workaround this problem, second format of subpage is performed, if 
            // necessary. It means that if the width of bounding box is smaller than subpage's
            // width, second formatting is performed.

                if (fsbbox.fsrc.du < subpageWidth && isWidthAuto)
                    // There is a need to reformat PTS subpage, so destroy any resourcces allocated by PTS
                    // during previous formatting.
                    if (pfsFigureContent != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpage(PtsContext.Context, pfsFigureContent), PtsContext);
                    if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                        MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState;
                        pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero;
                    // Create subpage with new width.
                    subpageWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du + 1; // add 1/300px to avoid rounding errors
                    columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth;

                    // Create subpage
                    PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
                    IntPtr brParaOut;
                    PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight);

                    CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True, 
                        fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect,
                        cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False, 
                        out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut, 
                        out dvrTopSpace);

                    if(brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut));
                subpageWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth);

            // Get the size of the figure. For height PTS already reports calculated value.
            // But width is the same as subpage width. Include margins in dur since we are not using
            // distance to text anymore.
            dur = subpageWidth + mbp.MBPLeft + mbp.MBPRight;

            // Destroy objects created by PTS, but not used here.
            if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState;
                pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero;

            dvr += mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom;
                // Replace height with explicit height if specified, adding margins in addition to height 
                // Border and padding are included in specified height but margins are external
                dvr = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) + mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom;

            FigureHorizontalAnchor horzAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor;

            fsfigprops.fskrefU = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)horzAnchor) / 3);
            fsfigprops.fskrefV = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)vertAnchor) / 3);
            fsfigprops.fskalfU = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)horzAnchor) % 3);
            fsfigprops.fskalfV = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)vertAnchor) % 3);

            // PTS does not allow to anchor delayed figures to 'Character'
            if (!PTS.ToBoolean(fInTextLine))
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefU == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefU = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfU = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefV == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefV = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfV = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;

            // Always wrap text on both sides of the floater.
            fsfigprops.fskwrap       = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(element.WrapDirection);
            fsfigprops.fNonTextPlane = PTS.False;
            fsfigprops.fAllowOverlap = PTS.False;
            fsfigprops.fDelayable = PTS.FromBoolean(element.CanDelayPlacement);

            // Tight wrap is disabled for now.
            cPolygons = cVertices = 0;

            // Update handle to PTS subpage.
            ((FigureParaClient)paraClient).SubpageHandle = pfsFigureContent;
コード例 #9
        internal void GetFigureProperties(FigureParaClient paraClient, int fInTextLine, uint fswdir, int fBottomUndefined, out int dur, out int dvr, out PTS.FSFIGUREPROPS fsfigprops, out int cPolygons, out int cVertices, out int durDistTextLeft, out int durDistTextRight, out int dvrDistTextTop, out int dvrDistTextBottom)
            uint    num     = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir((FlowDirection)base.Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty));
            Figure  figure  = (Figure)base.Element;
            MbpInfo mbpInfo = MbpInfo.FromElement(base.Element, base.StructuralCache.TextFormatterHost.PixelsPerDip);

            durDistTextLeft = (durDistTextRight = (dvrDistTextTop = (dvrDistTextBottom = 0)));
            bool   flag;
            double width = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureWidth(base.StructuralCache, figure, figure.Width, out flag);
            double d     = this.LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(width, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbpInfo.MarginLeft + mbpInfo.MarginRight));
            int    num2  = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(d) - (mbpInfo.BPLeft + mbpInfo.BPRight));
            bool   flag2;
            double height = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureHeight(base.StructuralCache, figure, figure.Height, out flag2);
            double d2     = this.LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(height, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbpInfo.MarginTop + mbpInfo.MarginBottom));
            int    num3   = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(d2) - (mbpInfo.BPTop + mbpInfo.BPBottom));
            int    num4   = 1;

            PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] array = new PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[num4];
            array[0].durBefore = 0;
            array[0].durWidth  = num2;
            PTS.FSRECT fsrect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, num2, num3);
            PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
            IntPtr     intPtr;
            IntPtr     intPtr2;

            PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox;
            IntPtr     zero;
            int        num5;

            this.CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(base.PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, 0, this._mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 1, fswdir, num2, num3, ref fsrect, num4, array, 0, out fsfmtr, out intPtr, out intPtr2, out dvr, out fsbbox, out zero, out num5);
            if (intPtr2 != IntPtr.Zero)
                PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(base.PtsContext.Context, intPtr2));
            if (PTS.ToBoolean(fsbbox.fDefined))
                if (fsbbox.fsrc.du < num2 && flag)
                    if (intPtr != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpage(base.PtsContext.Context, intPtr), base.PtsContext);
                    if (zero != IntPtr.Zero)
                        MarginCollapsingState marginCollapsingState = base.PtsContext.HandleToObject(zero) as MarginCollapsingState;
                        zero = IntPtr.Zero;
                    num2 = fsbbox.fsrc.du + 1;
                    array[0].durWidth = num2;
                    PTS.FSRECT fsrect2 = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, num2, num3);
                    PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr2;
                    IntPtr     intPtr3;
                    this.CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(base.PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, 0, this._mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 1, fswdir, num2, num3, ref fsrect2, num4, array, 0, out fsfmtr2, out intPtr, out intPtr3, out dvr, out fsbbox, out zero, out num5);
                    if (intPtr3 != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(base.PtsContext.Context, intPtr3));
                num2 = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth);
            dur = num2 + mbpInfo.MBPLeft + mbpInfo.MBPRight;
            if (zero != IntPtr.Zero)
                MarginCollapsingState marginCollapsingState2 = base.PtsContext.HandleToObject(zero) as MarginCollapsingState;
                zero = IntPtr.Zero;
            dvr += mbpInfo.MBPTop + mbpInfo.MBPBottom;
            if (!flag2)
                dvr = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(d2) + mbpInfo.MarginTop + mbpInfo.MarginBottom;
            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizontalAnchor = figure.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor   verticalAnchor   = figure.VerticalAnchor;

            fsfigprops.fskrefU = (PTS.FSKREF)(horizontalAnchor / FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentLeft);
            fsfigprops.fskrefV = (PTS.FSKREF)(verticalAnchor / FigureVerticalAnchor.ContentTop);
            fsfigprops.fskalfU = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(horizontalAnchor % FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentLeft);
            fsfigprops.fskalfV = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(verticalAnchor % FigureVerticalAnchor.ContentTop);
            if (!PTS.ToBoolean(fInTextLine))
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefU == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefU = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfU = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefV == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefV = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfV = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;
            fsfigprops.fskwrap       = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(figure.WrapDirection);
            fsfigprops.fNonTextPlane = 0;
            fsfigprops.fAllowOverlap = 0;
            fsfigprops.fDelayable    = PTS.FromBoolean(figure.CanDelayPlacement);
            cPolygons = (cVertices = 0);
            paraClient.SubpageHandle = intPtr;
コード例 #10
 internal unsafe void GetFigurePolygons(FigureParaClient paraClient, uint fswdir, int ncVertices, int nfspt, int *rgcVertices, out int ccVertices, PTS.FSPOINT *rgfspt, out int cfspt, out int fWrapThrough)
     ccVertices = (cfspt = (fWrapThrough = 0));
コード例 #11
        // CalcFigurePosition
        internal void CalcFigurePosition(
            FigureParaClient paraClient,          // IN:
            uint fswdir,                          // IN:  current direction
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcPage,              // IN:  page rectangle
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcMargin,            // IN:  rectangle within page margins
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcTrack,             // IN:  track rectangle
            ref PTS.FSRECT fsrcFigurePreliminary, // IN:  prelim figure rect calculated from figure props
            int fMustPosition,                    // IN:  must find position in this track?
            int fInTextLine,                      // IN:  it is attached to text line
            out int fPushToNextTrack,             // OUT: push to next track?
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcFlow,              // OUT: FlowAround rectangle
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcOverlap,           // OUT: Overlap rectangle
            out PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox,                // OUT: bbox
            out PTS.FSRECT fsrcSearch)            // OUT: search area for overlap
            Figure element = (Figure)Element;

            // If overlapping happens, let PTS find another position withing
            // the track rectangle.

            FigureHorizontalAnchor horizAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor   vertAnchor  = element.VerticalAnchor;

            fsrcSearch = CalculateSearchArea(horizAnchor, vertAnchor, ref fsrcPage, ref fsrcMargin, ref fsrcTrack, ref fsrcFigurePreliminary);

            if (vertAnchor == FigureVerticalAnchor.ParagraphTop &&
                fsrcFigurePreliminary.v != fsrcMargin.v &&                                               // If we're not at the top of the column
                ((fsrcFigurePreliminary.v + fsrcFigurePreliminary.dv) > (fsrcTrack.v + fsrcTrack.dv)) && // And we exceed column height
                !PTS.ToBoolean(fMustPosition))                                                           // Can delay placement is handled by figure properties.
                fPushToNextTrack = PTS.True;
                fPushToNextTrack = PTS.False;

            // Use rectangle proposed by PTS and make sure that figure fits completely in the page.

            fsrcFlow = fsrcFigurePreliminary;

            if (FigureHelper.IsHorizontalColumnAnchor(horizAnchor))
                fsrcFlow.u += CalculateParagraphToColumnOffset(horizAnchor, fsrcFigurePreliminary);

            // Apply horizontal and vertical offsets. Offsets are limited by page height and width
            fsrcFlow.u += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.HorizontalOffset);
            fsrcFlow.v += TextDpi.ToTextDpi(element.VerticalOffset);

            // Overlap rectangle is the same as flow around rect
            fsrcOverlap = fsrcFlow;

            /* If we're anchored to column/content left or right, inflate our overlap width to prevent from aligning two figures right next to one another
             * by incorporating column gap information */
            if (!FigureHelper.IsHorizontalPageAnchor(horizAnchor) &&
                horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnCenter &&
                horizAnchor != FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentCenter)
                double columnWidth, gap, rule;
                int    cColumns;

                FigureHelper.GetColumnMetrics(StructuralCache, out cColumns, out columnWidth, out gap, out rule);

                int duColumnWidth            = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(columnWidth);
                int duGapWidth               = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(gap);
                int duColumnWidthWithGap     = duColumnWidth + duGapWidth;
                int fullColumns              = (fsrcOverlap.du / duColumnWidthWithGap);
                int duRoundedToNearestColumn = ((fullColumns + 1) * duColumnWidthWithGap) - duGapWidth;

                fsrcOverlap.du = duRoundedToNearestColumn; // Round overlap rect to nearest column

                if (horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ContentRight ||
                    horizAnchor == FigureHorizontalAnchor.ColumnRight)
                    fsrcOverlap.u = (fsrcFlow.u + fsrcFlow.du + duGapWidth) - fsrcOverlap.du;

                // Force search rect to only work vertically within overlap space.
                fsrcSearch.u  = fsrcOverlap.u;
                fsrcSearch.du = fsrcOverlap.du;

            // Bounding box is equal to actual size of the figure.
            fsbbox          = new PTS.FSBBOX();
            fsbbox.fDefined = PTS.True;
            fsbbox.fsrc     = fsrcFlow;
コード例 #12
        internal void GetFigureProperties(
            FigureParaClient paraClient,        // IN:
            int fInTextLine,                    // IN:  it is attached to text line
            uint fswdir,                        // IN:  current direction
            int fBottomUndefined,               // IN:  bottom of page is not defined
            out int dur,                        // OUT: width of figure
            out int dvr,                        // OUT: height of figure
            out PTS.FSFIGUREPROPS fsfigprops,   // OUT: figure attributes
            out int cPolygons,                  // OUT: number of polygons
            out int cVertices,                  // OUT: total number of vertices in all polygons
            out int durDistTextLeft,            // OUT: distance to text from MinU side
            out int durDistTextRight,           // OUT: distance to text from MaxU side
            out int dvrDistTextTop,             // OUT: distance to text from MinV side
            out int dvrDistTextBottom)          // OUT: distance to text from MaxV side

            uint fswdirPara = PTS.FlowDirectionToFswdir(((FlowDirection)Element.GetValue(FrameworkElement.FlowDirectionProperty)));

            IntPtr pfsFigureContent;

            PTS.FSBBOX fsbbox;
            int        cColumns;
            int        dvrTopSpace;

            PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[] columnInfoCollection;
            IntPtr             pmcsclientOut;
            MbpInfo            mbp;

            Figure element = (Figure)Element;

            // Initialize the subpage size. PTS subpage margin is always set to 0 for Figures.
            // If width on figure is specified, use the specified value.
            // Border and padding of the figure is extracted from available subpage width.
            // We use StructuralCache.CurrentFormatContext's page dimensions as limiting values for figure MBP
            mbp = MbpInfo.FromElement(Element);
            // We do not mirror margin as it's used to dist text left and right, and is unnecessary.

            durDistTextLeft = durDistTextRight = dvrDistTextTop = dvrDistTextBottom = 0;

            // Calculate specified width. IsAuto flag is needed because Auto is formatted the same way as column and will
            // not return Double.NaN.
            bool   isWidthAuto;
            double specifiedWidth = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureWidth(StructuralCache, element,
                                                                      out isWidthAuto);

            double anchorLimitedWidth = LimitTotalWidthFromAnchor(specifiedWidth, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginLeft + mbp.MarginRight));
            int    subpageWidth       = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedWidth) - (mbp.BPLeft + mbp.BPRight));

            // Calculate figure height, IsAuto flag is used as specifiedHeight will never be NaN.
            bool   isHeightAuto;
            double specifiedHeight = FigureHelper.CalculateFigureHeight(StructuralCache, element,
                                                                        out isHeightAuto);

            double anchorLimitedHeight = LimitTotalHeightFromAnchor(specifiedHeight, TextDpi.FromTextDpi(mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom));
            int    subpageHeight       = Math.Max(1, TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) - (mbp.BPTop + mbp.BPBottom));

            // Initialize column info. Figure always has just 1 column.
            cColumns             = 1;
            columnInfoCollection = new PTS.FSCOLUMNINFO[cColumns];
            columnInfoCollection[0].durBefore = 0;
            columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth  = subpageWidth;

            // Create subpage
                PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
                IntPtr     brParaOut;
                PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight);

                CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True,
                                          fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect,
                                          cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False,
                                          out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut,
                                          out dvrTopSpace);

                if (brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                    PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut));

            // PTS subpage does not support autosizing, but Figure needs to autosize to its
            // content. To workaround this problem, second format of subpage is performed, if
            // necessary. It means that if the width of bounding box is smaller than subpage's
            // width, second formatting is performed.

            if (PTS.ToBoolean(fsbbox.fDefined))
                if (fsbbox.fsrc.du < subpageWidth && isWidthAuto)
                    // There is a need to reformat PTS subpage, so destroy any resourcces allocated by PTS
                    // during previous formatting.
                    if (pfsFigureContent != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpage(PtsContext.Context, pfsFigureContent), PtsContext);
                    if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                        MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState;
                        pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero;
                    // Create subpage with new width.
                    subpageWidth = fsbbox.fsrc.du + 1; // add 1/300px to avoid rounding errors
                    columnInfoCollection[0].durWidth = subpageWidth;

                    // Create subpage
                    PTS.FSFMTR fsfmtr;
                    IntPtr     brParaOut;
                    PTS.FSRECT marginRect = new PTS.FSRECT(0, 0, subpageWidth, subpageHeight);

                    CreateSubpageFiniteHelper(PtsContext, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, _mainTextSegment.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, PTS.False, PTS.True,
                                              fswdir, subpageWidth, subpageHeight, ref marginRect,
                                              cColumns, columnInfoCollection, PTS.False,
                                              out fsfmtr, out pfsFigureContent, out brParaOut, out dvr, out fsbbox, out pmcsclientOut,
                                              out dvrTopSpace);

                    if (brParaOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                        PTS.Validate(PTS.FsDestroySubpageBreakRecord(PtsContext.Context, brParaOut));
                subpageWidth = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(TextDpi.MinWidth);

            // Get the size of the figure. For height PTS already reports calculated value.
            // But width is the same as subpage width. Include margins in dur since we are not using
            // distance to text anymore.
            dur = subpageWidth + mbp.MBPLeft + mbp.MBPRight;

            // Destroy objects created by PTS, but not used here.
            if (pmcsclientOut != IntPtr.Zero)
                MarginCollapsingState mcs = PtsContext.HandleToObject(pmcsclientOut) as MarginCollapsingState;
                pmcsclientOut = IntPtr.Zero;

            dvr += mbp.MBPTop + mbp.MBPBottom;
            if (!isHeightAuto)
                // Replace height with explicit height if specified, adding margins in addition to height
                // Border and padding are included in specified height but margins are external
                dvr = TextDpi.ToTextDpi(anchorLimitedHeight) + mbp.MarginTop + mbp.MarginBottom;

            FigureHorizontalAnchor horzAnchor = element.HorizontalAnchor;
            FigureVerticalAnchor   vertAnchor = element.VerticalAnchor;

            fsfigprops.fskrefU = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)horzAnchor) / 3);
            fsfigprops.fskrefV = (PTS.FSKREF)(((int)vertAnchor) / 3);
            fsfigprops.fskalfU = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)horzAnchor) % 3);
            fsfigprops.fskalfV = (PTS.FSKALIGNFIG)(((int)vertAnchor) % 3);

            // PTS does not allow to anchor delayed figures to 'Character'
            if (!PTS.ToBoolean(fInTextLine))
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefU == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefU = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfU = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;
                if (fsfigprops.fskrefV == PTS.FSKREF.fskrefChar)
                    fsfigprops.fskrefV = PTS.FSKREF.fskrefMargin;
                    fsfigprops.fskalfV = PTS.FSKALIGNFIG.fskalfMin;

            // Always wrap text on both sides of the floater.
            fsfigprops.fskwrap       = PTS.WrapDirectionToFskwrap(element.WrapDirection);
            fsfigprops.fNonTextPlane = PTS.False;
            fsfigprops.fAllowOverlap = PTS.False;
            fsfigprops.fDelayable    = PTS.FromBoolean(element.CanDelayPlacement);

            // Tight wrap is disabled for now.
            cPolygons = cVertices = 0;

            // Update handle to PTS subpage.
            ((FigureParaClient)paraClient).SubpageHandle = pfsFigureContent;