コード例 #1
        private static Uri ParsePartUriAttribute(String attrValue, out ContentType contentType)
            // extract the query portion - do not ask the Uri class for it because it will escape
            // characters and we want to do a simple text comparison later
            contentType = ContentType.Empty;             // out argument must always be set
            int index = attrValue.IndexOf('?');
            Uri uri   = null;

            if (index > 0)
                    // ensure it starts with the correct query prefix
                    String query = attrValue.Substring(index);
                    if ((query.Length > _contentTypeQueryStringPrefix.Length) && (query.StartsWith(_contentTypeQueryStringPrefix, StringComparison.Ordinal)))
                        // truncate the prefix and validate
                        contentType = new ContentType(query.Substring(_contentTypeQueryStringPrefix.Length));

                    // now construct the uri without the query
                    uri = PackUriHelper.ValidatePartUri(new Uri(attrValue.Substring(0, index), UriKind.Relative));
                catch (ArgumentException ae)
                    // Content type or part uri is malformed so we have a bad signature.
                    // Rethrow as XmlException so outer validation loop can catch it and return validation result.
                    throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.PartReferenceUriMalformed), ae);

            // throw if we failed
            if (contentType.ToString().Length <= 0)
                throw new XmlException(SR.Get(SRID.PartReferenceUriMalformed));

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a Reference tag that contains a Relationship transform
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="manager">manager</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipPartName">name of the relationship part</param>
        /// <param name="xDoc">current xml document</param>
        /// <param name="hashAlgorithm">hash algorithm = digest method</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipSelectors">relationshipSelectors that represent the relationships to sign </param>
        /// <remarks>ContentType is known and part name can be derived from the relationship collection</remarks>
        private static XmlNode GenerateRelationshipSigningReference(
            PackageDigitalSignatureManager manager,
            XmlDocument xDoc,
            HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm,
            Uri relationshipPartName,
            IEnumerable <PackageRelationshipSelector> relationshipSelectors)
            string relPartContentType = PackagingUtilities.RelationshipPartContentType.ToString();

            // <Reference>
            XmlElement reference = xDoc.CreateElement(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.ReferenceTagName), SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);

            // add Uri
            // persist the Uri of the associated Relationship part
            String relationshipPartString;

            if (PackUriHelper.ComparePartUri(relationshipPartName, PackageRelationship.ContainerRelationshipPartName) == 0)
                relationshipPartString = PackageRelationship.ContainerRelationshipPartName.ToString();
                relationshipPartString = PackUriHelper.GetStringForPartUri(relationshipPartName);

            XmlAttribute uriAttr = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.UriAttrName));

            uriAttr.Value = relationshipPartString + _contentTypeQueryStringPrefix + relPartContentType;

            // add transforms tag (always necessary)

            // <Transforms>
            XmlElement transforms = xDoc.CreateElement(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.TransformsTagName), SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);

            // add Relationship transform
            String opcNamespace       = XTable.Get(XTable.ID.OpcSignatureNamespace);
            String opcNamespacePrefix = XTable.Get(XTable.ID.OpcSignatureNamespacePrefix);

            XmlElement   transform     = xDoc.CreateElement(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.TransformTagName), SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
            XmlAttribute algorithmAttr = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.AlgorithmAttrName));

            algorithmAttr.Value = XTable.Get(XTable.ID.RelationshipsTransformName);

            // <RelationshipReference SourceId="abc" /> or
            // <RelationshipGroupReference SourceType="xyz" />
            foreach (PackageRelationshipSelector relationshipSelector in relationshipSelectors)
                switch (relationshipSelector.SelectorType)
                case PackageRelationshipSelectorType.Id:
                    XmlNode      relationshipNode = xDoc.CreateElement(opcNamespacePrefix, XTable.Get(XTable.ID.RelationshipReferenceTagName), opcNamespace);
                    XmlAttribute idAttr           = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.SourceIdAttrName));
                    idAttr.Value = relationshipSelector.SelectionCriteria;

                case PackageRelationshipSelectorType.Type:
                    XmlNode      relationshipNode = xDoc.CreateElement(opcNamespacePrefix, XTable.Get(XTable.ID.RelationshipsGroupReferenceTagName), opcNamespace);
                    XmlAttribute typeAttr         = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.SourceTypeAttrName));
                    typeAttr.Value = relationshipSelector.SelectionCriteria;

                    Invariant.Assert(false, "This option should never be executed");


            // add non-Relationship transform (if any)
            String transformName = null;

            if (manager.TransformMapping.ContainsKey(relPartContentType))
                transformName = manager.TransformMapping[relPartContentType];       // let them override

                //Currently we only support two transforms and so we validate whether its
                //one of those
                if (transformName == null ||
                    transformName.Length == 0 ||
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(SR.Get(SRID.UnsupportedTransformAlgorithm));

                // <Transform>
                transform           = xDoc.CreateElement(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.TransformTagName), SignedXml.XmlDsigNamespaceUrl);
                algorithmAttr       = xDoc.CreateAttribute(XTable.Get(XTable.ID.AlgorithmAttrName));
                algorithmAttr.Value = transformName;


            // <DigestMethod>
            reference.AppendChild(GenerateDigestMethod(manager, xDoc));

            // <DigestValue> - digest the virtual node list made from these Relationship tags
            using (Stream s = XmlDigitalSignatureProcessor.GenerateRelationshipNodeStream(GetRelationships(manager, relationshipSelectors)))    // serialized node list
                reference.AppendChild(GenerateDigestValueNode(xDoc, hashAlgorithm, s, transformName));

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Add new relationship to the Collection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetUri">target</param>
        /// <param name="targetMode">Enumeration indicating the base uri for the target uri</param>
        /// <param name="relationshipType">relationship type that uniquely defines the role of the relationship</param>
        /// <param name="id">String that conforms to the xsd:ID datatype. Unique across the source's relationships.
        /// Null OK (ID will be generated).</param>
        /// <param name="parsing">Indicates whether the add call is made while parsing existing relationships
        /// from a relationship part, or we are adding a new relationship</param>
        private PackageRelationship Add(Uri targetUri, TargetMode targetMode, string relationshipType, string id, bool parsing)
            if (targetUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("targetUri");

            if (relationshipType == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("relationshipType");


            //Verify if the Enum value is valid
            if (targetMode < TargetMode.Internal || targetMode > TargetMode.External)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("targetMode");

            // don't accept absolute Uri's if targetMode is Internal.
            if (targetMode == TargetMode.Internal && targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri)
                throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipTargetMustBeRelative), "targetUri");

            // don't allow relationships to relationships
            //  This check should be made for following cases
            //      1. Uri is absolute and it is pack Uri
            //      2. Uri is NOT absolute and its target mode is internal (or NOT external)
            //      Note: if the target is absolute uri and its not a pack scheme then we cannot determine if it is a rels part
            //      Note: if the target is relative uri and target mode is external, we cannot determine if it is a rels part
            if ((!targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetMode != TargetMode.External) ||
                (targetUri.IsAbsoluteUri && targetUri.Scheme == PackUriHelper.UriSchemePack))
                Uri resolvedUri = GetResolvedTargetUri(targetUri, targetMode);
                //GetResolvedTargetUri returns a null if the target mode is external and the
                //target Uri is a packUri with no "part" component, so in that case we know that
                //its not a relationship part.
                if (resolvedUri != null)
                    if (PackUriHelper.IsRelationshipPartUri(resolvedUri))
                        throw new ArgumentException(SR.Get(SRID.RelationshipToRelationshipIllegal), "targetUri");

            // Generate an ID if id is null. Throw exception if neither null nor a valid unique xsd:ID.
            if (id == null)
                id = GenerateUniqueRelationshipId();

            //Ensure the relationship part

            // create and add
            PackageRelationship relationship = new PackageRelationship(_package, _sourcePart, targetUri, targetMode, relationshipType, id);


            //If we are adding relationships as a part of Parsing the underlying relationship part, we should not set
            //the dirty flag to false.
            _dirty = !parsing;

コード例 #4
 //  Constructors
 /// <summary>
 /// Build a System.IO.Stream on a part that possibly consists of multiple files
 /// An InterleavedZipPartStream gets created by ZipPackagePart.GetStreamCore when the part
 /// is interleaved. It wraps one or more Zip streams (one per piece).
 /// (pieces).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mode">Mode (create, etc.) in which piece streams should be opened</param>
 /// <param name="access">Access (read, write, etc.) with which piece streams should be opened</param>
 /// <param name="owningPart">
 /// The part to build a stream on. It contains all ZipFileInfo descriptors for the part's pieces
 /// (see ZipPackage.GetPartsCore).
 /// </param>
 internal InterleavedZipPartStream(ZipPackagePart owningPart, FileMode mode, FileAccess access)
     : this(PackUriHelper.GetStringForPartUri(owningPart.Uri),
            mode, access)
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// rootElement == null: Load elements, validation of root element will occur in caller by checking object type or casting
        /// rootElement != null: Only perform validation, and expect rootElement at root of markup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="stream"></param>
        /// <param name="parentUri"></param>
        /// <param name="pc"></param>
        /// <param name="mimeType"></param>
        /// <param name="rootElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private object Load(Stream stream, Uri parentUri, ParserContext pc, ContentType mimeType, string rootElement)
            object obj = null;

            if (!DocumentMode)
            {                       // Loose XAML, just check against schema, don't check content type
                if (rootElement == null)
                    obj = XamlReader.Load(stream, pc);
            {                       // inside an XPS Document. Perform maximum validation
                XpsSchema schema = XpsSchema.GetSchema(mimeType);
                Uri       uri    = pc.BaseUri;

                // Using PackUriHelper.ValidateAndGetPackUriComponents internal method
                // to get Package and Part Uri in one step
                Uri packageUri;
                Uri partUri;
                InternalPackUriHelper.ValidateAndGetPackUriComponents(uri, out packageUri, out partUri);

                Package package = PreloadedPackages.GetPackage(packageUri);

                Uri parentPackageUri = null;

                if (parentUri != null)
                    parentPackageUri = PackUriHelper.GetPackageUri(parentUri);
                    if (!parentPackageUri.Equals(packageUri))
                        throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.XpsValidatingLoaderUriNotInSamePackage));

                schema.ValidateRelationships(new SecurityCriticalData <Package>(package), packageUri, partUri, mimeType);

                if (schema.AllowsMultipleReferencesToSameUri(mimeType))
                    _uniqueUriRef = null;
                    _uniqueUriRef = new Hashtable(11);

                Hashtable validResources = (_validResources.Count > 0 ? _validResources.Peek() : null);
                if (schema.HasRequiredResources(mimeType))
                    validResources = new Hashtable(11);

                    PackagePart part = package.GetPart(partUri);
                    PackageRelationshipCollection requiredResources = part.GetRelationshipsByType(_requiredResourceRel);

                    foreach (PackageRelationship relationShip in requiredResources)
                        Uri targetUri    = PackUriHelper.ResolvePartUri(partUri, relationShip.TargetUri);
                        Uri absTargetUri = PackUriHelper.Create(packageUri, targetUri);

                        PackagePart targetPart = package.GetPart(targetUri);

                        if (schema.IsValidRequiredResourceMimeType(targetPart.ValidatedContentType()))
                            if (!validResources.ContainsKey(absTargetUri))
                                validResources.Add(absTargetUri, true);
                            if (!validResources.ContainsKey(absTargetUri))
                                validResources.Add(absTargetUri, false);

                XpsSchemaValidator xpsSchemaValidator = new XpsSchemaValidator(this, schema, mimeType,
                                                                               stream, packageUri, partUri);
                if (rootElement != null)

                    if (!rootElement.Equals(xpsSchemaValidator.XmlReader.Name))
                        throw new FileFormatException(SR.Get(SRID.XpsValidatingLoaderUnsupportedMimeType));

                    while (xpsSchemaValidator.XmlReader.Read())
                    obj = XamlReader.Load(xpsSchemaValidator.XmlReader,
